Re: Outbound communications via genericra

From: Max Poon <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:04:13 +0800

Hi Binod

Any advice?


Max Poon wrote:

> Hi Binod
> 1) I'm trying to understand that configuration for outbound message
> flow to foreign JMS provider via genericra, and see in the default
> ra.xml of genericra -
> <outbound-resourceadapter>
> <connection-definition>
> <managedconnectionfactory-class>
> *
> com.sun.genericra.outbound.ManagedQueueConnectionFactory
> * </managedconnectionfactory-class>
> .....
> <connection-definition>
> <managedconnectionfactory-class>
> *
> com.sun.genericra.outbound.ManagedTopicConnectionFactory
> * </managedconnectionfactory-class>
> <config-property>
> <config-property-name>ConnectionFactoryJndiName</config-property-name>
> <config-property-type>java.lang.String</config-property-type>
> </config-property>
> .....
> <connection-impl-class>
> com.sun.genericra.outbound.ConnectionHandle
> </connection-impl-class>
> </connection-definition>
> <connection-definition>
> <managedconnectionfactory-class>
> *com.sun.genericra.outbound.ManagedJMSConnectionFactory*
> </managedconnectionfactory-class>
> <config-property>
> <config-property-name>ConnectionFactoryJndiName</config-property-name>
> <config-property-type>java.lang.String</config-property-type>
> </config-property>
> .....
> <connection-impl-class>
> com.sun.genericra.outbound.ConnectionHandle
> </connection-impl-class>
> </connection-definition>
> while in J2CA 1.5 Spec p.287 sample ra.xml -
> <outbound-resourceadapter>
> <connection-definition>
> <managedconnectionfactory-class>
> *com.wombat.connector.jms.QueueManagedConnectionFactoryImpl*
> </managedconnectionfactory-class>
> What actually should we specify in the
> "managedconnectionfactory-class" element ?
> 2) Also, I tried to use the Sun App Server 8.1 MDB simple-client
> example with the QCF and Q changed to those specifying the external
> JMS provider but then got (which I did not get before) -
> Jan 12, 2006 7:20:22 PM com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ActiveRAFactory
> createActiveResourceAdapter
> SEVERE: RAR6001 : Class Not found : com.sun.genericra.GenericJMSRA
> Jan 12, 2006 7:20:22 PM com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ActiveRAFactory
> createActiveResourceAdapter
> com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorRuntimeException: Error in
> creating active RAR
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ActiveRAFactory.createActiveResourceAdapter(
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ResourceAdapterAdminServiceImpl.createActiveResourceAdapter(
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorRuntime.createActiveResourceAdapter(
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.naming.factory.AdministeredObjectFactory.getObjectInstance(
> at
> javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getObjectInstance(
> Why does it happen? Why is com.sun.genericra.GenericJMSRA NOT FOUND
> this time but not before?
> Thanks