Binod wrote:
> CWeng wrote:
>> Binod wrote:
>>> Hi Chee-Weng,
>>>> Sivakumar Thyagarajan wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chee-Weng
>>>>> Yes it appears to be a copy-paste error. I shall raise a bug and
>>>>> fix it
>>>>> in Generic JMS RA. I hope in your JSP, you perform a getClientID()
>>>>> for
>>>>> debugging purposes only and are not attempting to set a client id.
>>>> 1. Yes i am not using setClientId, the testcode was used since as
>>>> you know
>>>> our MQ needs the clientid - so i was just checking if this is
>>>> set in the connection Factory
>>>> _Other feedback report_
>>>> 2. PS: It was a pain to get GJMSRA working on AS81UR2 built-15 in
>>>> the sense that
>>>> when i deploy the rar it will ask all the default properties
>>>> like Connection class etc etc
>>>> However some some reason even if i fill in all the value it
>>>> gets only 6 properties into the
>>>> RA propertry. --> You will notice we cannot edit it after
>>>> deploy and i had to go to domain.xml to correct this
>>> This will hopefully be addressed/fixed by Sun appserver bug 6363330.
>>> I have just increased the priority.
>>> By any chance, had you missed to put the security policy
>>> (LoggingPermission "control") in the server.policy?
>> Yes :-( but i was following the AS82 documentation .... (which did
>> not say i need to do it)
> Culprit probably is genericjmsra documentation. Since the Logging
> permission is required by
> genericra. Siva, will you please add the text in your current edit to
> the user guide?
>> Anyway i was using Sun MQ just to workaround those pesky default MQRA
>> bugs
>> (which should have permssion granted to it already)
> Could you get shared subscription working with genericra?
I have not tried it yet (eg: Setting the hidden imqSharedXXXX flag and see)
but will try next week. But for now it works fine ...
> thanks,
> - Binod.