Re: Dynamic, Named Queue specification in ActivationSpec.

From: Binod <Binod.Pg_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 19:01:02 +0530

Hi Andrew,

>I've been experimenting using genericjmsra with Spring and Jenks JCA container
>with TIB EMS but have stumbled across a problem (I believe) unrelated to Spring.
>I'd like to use dynamic, named queues, without JNDI. Creating an
>equivalent of
> QueueSession.createQueue("");
>To do this I've created an ActivationSpec with properties:
> destinationType = javax.jms.Queue
> destinationProperties = ""
>But from reading the genericjmsra source and the TIB EMS doc - I'm not
>sure thats possible. The queue name property on TibjmsQueue implementation
>isn't settable and the only way this would be possible is if the
>constructor takes
>the Queue name as an argument.
AFAIK, you are right. The problem is what you described only. TIBCO's
jms libray does
not have setter methods as per javabean standards. Please open a case
using, so that this
gets addressed in genericra:-

However JNDI mode should work. Infact, JNDI mode is provided exactly for
provders who provide
these kind of jms libraries. Is there a reason, why that mode wont suit you?

>Are dynamic, named queues not supported (or for that matter temporary queues)?
Temperory queues will work. There is no reason, why it should not.

- Binod.

>Any help appreciated.
>javax.resource.ResourceException: Invalid destination
> at com.sun.genericra.util.ExceptionUtils.newResourceException(
> at com.sun.genericra.inbound.EndpointConsumer._start(
> at com.sun.genericra.inbound.EndpointConsumer.start(
> at com.sun.genericra.GenericJMSRA.endpointActivation(