Re: JAXB Speed

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 21:10:41 -0800 (PST)

--- Alan Hudson <> wrote:

> Your post on VTD speed brings up an issue for me.
> We've just started
> rolling into the JAXB 2.0 codebase and looking at
> its FI integration.
> In general were working on XML message passing
> schemes. Trying for
> 1000hz sending rate of small messages. Not sure its
> really possible
> using JAXB, but we are trying.

For what it's worth, it's rather easy to get to 1000+
xml message pass-through rates without data binding
(at work
I'm working on a simple web service delivering 4000+
rate with 3k request/reply pairs -- and that includes
simple data binding, although one with less overhead
than a general purpose one would), since
plain text (non-FI) parsing speeds are already in
10 - 40 MBps range, and writing speed about twice
that (for fastest implementations). Due to progressive
speedup of parsers (textual, binary), I suspect that
data binding is becoming more of a bottleneck than it
has traditionally been.

So I would think that JAXB should be able to both
send and receive at 1k rates, especially when using
top of the line parser components.
Personally I would obviously be interested in
throughput for Woodstox, maybe it'd now be good time
for me to test JAXB 2.0 with it. ;-)

> Good news though, it just worked, no problems. I
> haven't figured out
> how to use my own pre-defined vocabulary to make the
> messages even
> smaller, but it saved about 30-40% bandwidth already
> on small messages.

You might also want to check out Binary Nux (found
from, which is binary encoding
developed as part of Nux development, if you want to
have a look at alternative binary xml codecs.
While it has no special schema-based handling, it is
efficient as general purpose binary xml codec. I hope
author will soon release Stax API implementation that
he has
been working on, as that would enable easy integration
with JAXB.

-+ Tatu +-

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