Hi Tony,
Tony Seebregts wrote:
> Hi,
> Don't know if its relevant/important - the FastInfoset.jar file from the
> Java Web Service Developers Pack 1.6 throws the following exception on
> code that works perfectly with the stable release from fi.dev.java.net:
I presume you are using just the FI jar in JWSDP 1.6? and you have not
seen this error occur when using JAX-RPC?
> java.io.IOException: Full bytes not read
> at
> com.sun.xml.fastinfoset.Decoder.ensureOctetBufferSize(Decoder.java:1248)
> at
> com.sun.xml.fastinfoset.Decoder.decodeOctetsOnSeventhBitOfNonIdentifyingStringOnThirdBit(Decoder.java:723)
> at
> com.sun.xml.fastinfoset.stax.StAXDocumentParser.next(StAXDocumentParser.java:402)
Between 1.0 and 1.0.1 i did fix some code in ensureOctetBufferSize.
Previously the read would fail early if it could not get all the bytes
it required, and this was causing issues in certain streaming cases. I
updated this code to perform repeated reads if necessary and throw an
EOF exception instead.
When using JWSDP 1.6 i do not think this error can occur because the
whole the message is buffered as byte[] before being parsed (not very
efficient i know!). So ByteArrayInputStream.read() will always return
the correct number of bytes or if not it will be an error because the
messages is terminated incorrectly.
Thanks for the update, this is very useful to know.
| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz