--- Jimmy Zhang <crackeur_at_comcast.net> wrote:
> Have you heard of the latest XML processing models
> called
> VTD-XML (http://vtd-xml.sf.net) that significantly
> outpreforms
> StAX?
Jimmy, although the concept is interesting, what would
really be useful would be actual real application
code, which would prove the claims; better yet,
something that developers could run themselves. I
mean, extra-ordinary claims need extra-ordinary proof.
What frustrates me a bit is that it's not enough to
present new technologies as interesting and
potentially more efficient (and this is not just about
VTD but many other new approaches), but making big
claims without backing data. I'm sure there are cases
where approaches like VTD can improve performance, but
unfortunately there are also many restrictions. For
(a) Dealing with namespace bindings is tricky; and in
general it is not possible to just replace sub-trees
in-place (not so much a problem for read-only)
(b) I thought VTD did not deal with entities (or just
with char entities?); this may or may not be a big
deal. I hope it at least allows using char entities
for quoting '<'s and '&'s?
(c) Most application code pretty much requires use of
Strings as values and names -- it's all fine that the
object model exposes these as char arrays, but most
applications will invariably need to use String
equivalents; and as such, gains are not realized (or
worse yet, application code has to create temporary
strings whereas parsers would be able to share
intern()ed ones).
Now, it is possible that random-access works nice on
read-only access. But will it really work with mutable
documents too? Plus, since the memory usage is
(granted, only) 1.5x of the input document size, this
still means that streaming parsers have to be used for
sizable documents: difference between 3x (XOM) and
1.5x (VTD) is not an order of magnitude difference.
So what I am really wondering is this: since indexing
is most beneficial for big documents (being able to
skip to the middle of the document, theoretically),
but VTD still needs the whole document serialization
in-memory, isn't there bit of conflict here? VTD has
to try to position itself between full convenient
tree-model based methods (JDOM, DOM4J, XOM), and
streaming processors (SAX, StAX), as a better
trade-off... but is there enough of niche? "Half the
memory usage of DOM, speed almost as good as StAX?".
Of course, StAX kind of tries to do the same too
("more convenient than sax, much faster than dom")
Anyhow, I would be very interested in some real world
application performance results!
-+ Tatu +-
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Swanson" <mark_at_ScheduleWorld.com>
> To: <users_at_fi.dev.java.net>
> Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:00 AM
> Subject: Non-FI performance problems
> > Hello,
> >
> > Before I tested the nice time/space FI compression
> I wanted to make sure
> > that normal non-FI clients would still perform
> well. In summary I found
> > that the FI stax implementation for non-FI clients
> was about 1.85x
> > slower than woodstox and about 1.4x slower than
> the RI.
> >
> > I tested the 3 implementations using XFire and
> XmlBeans using a
> > document/wrapped service with a small XmlBean
> argument.
> >
> > I loop through the remote method 50 times and
> print how long that took
> > 20 times. I did the test 3 times for each stax
> implementation to allow
> > hotspot some time to do its stuff (at least on the
> server side).
> >
> > The tiny SOAP envelope is:
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> > <soapenv:Envelope
> >
> > xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
> >
> > <soapenv:Body>
> > <test xmlns="http://DefaultNamespace">
> > <ns1:year
> >
> > </test>
> > </soapenv:Body>
> > </soapenv:Envelope>
> >
> > The response was even smaller as the XmlBean
> return object/document was
> > empty.
> >
> > 3. Using Sun's Fast Infoset:
> > (slowest of all when not using FI)
> >
> > testserver:
> > [testng] setUp() complete.
> > [testng] setUp() complete.
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:555
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:462
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:443
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:445
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:444
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:406
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:381
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:427
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:376
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:414
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:371
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:377
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:375
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:376
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:473
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:369
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:365
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:368
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:375
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:370
> >
> > 1. Using woodstox:
> >
> > testserver:
> > [testng] setUp() complete.
> > [testng] setUp() complete.
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:370
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:317
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:279
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:242
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:244
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:229
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:215
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:254
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:203
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:239
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:201
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:201
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:199
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:203
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:309
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:198
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:192
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:195
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:196
> > [testng] loops:50, in ms:193
> >
> > Notice the system stabilizes around 370ms for FI
> and 200ms for woodstox?
> >
> > I'm using FastInfosetPackage_dist_1.0.1.
> >
> > I'm curious why the performance is so slow for FI
> and if there are any
> > options I can use to speed it up.
> >
> > Thanks for any comments.
> >
> > Cheers.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Free replacement for Exchange and Outlook
> (Contacts and Calendar)
> > http://www.ScheduleWorld.com/
> > WAP:
> > WebDAV:
> http://www.ScheduleWorld.com/sw/webDAVDir/4000.ics
> http://www.ScheduleWorld.com/sw/freebusy/4000.ifb
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> users-unsubscribe_at_fi.dev.java.net
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> users-help_at_fi.dev.java.net
> >
> >
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> users-unsubscribe_at_fi.dev.java.net
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