Problems compiling/using the FastInfoset.jar

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 11:05:45 +0100


If you are using the NetBeans project and/or the NetBeans build.xml then
you might inadvertently be using JDK 5.0 as this is likely to be the
default Java Platform used to compile the project. This will cause
issues if one then tries to use the resultant jar in a 1.4.2 environment.

If you get the Project Properties window for the FastInfoset project up
and select the General item on the top left you will see the Java
Platform that is used for the project. You can edit this and add a new
platform for 1.4.2.

Alternatively you can use the build-without-nb.xml when using 1.4.2. I
will be updating this week to include the ability to create a 1.4.2
distribution of Fast Infoset and add a zip file to the web page.


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    Paul Sandoz