this is actually a really delayed response, but I'm been busy. First of
all, I got FIME working fine (great!), my problems very due to different
implentations of the same interfaces => _use_ the Eclipse refactoring guys
(or add a comment to the readme?).
Second, I've been composing a document which tries to address 'my' needs
in terms of (binary) XML and some imagined API. I've sendt the same
document to the mpeg workgroup on mpeg-21 Digital Item Streaming. Whatever
comments - I need input, so feel free to tell me how incompetent I am;) -
there are a lot of loose threads and I need to find a working solution (or
at least API).
I think that data navigation should be a natural part of any binary
format, and that it in the XML case should be exposed thourgh an API, have
you considered it (the database 'view' of XML)? It is not only that 'some
namespace cannot be understood', it is that 'the sets of understood
namespaces may differ in parts of my application (or potentially in some
3rd party software)'. It is not inventing the wheel, but it will be
I have not investigated BiM, the MPEG-7 XML compression, but I seen before
writing this mail that some of the features exist, but i'll have to check
it out more. If BiM definently is schema-based, there is no way I can use
it just out of the box, because I need to compress XML without prior
knowlegde of schemas. But:
http://www.chiariglione.org/mpeg/standards/mpeg-7/mpeg-7.htm#E11E20 .
Also, without knowing, I imagine that schema-based solutions either use
much memory and/or encode slow.
Anyways, having BiM in your onlince Parser performance / Compactness
charts would be sweet.
Have a nice weekend, cheers
On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 14:26:15 +0200, Changshin Lee <iasandcb_at_gmail.com>