Alan Hudson wrote:
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> If you make changes i recommend that before you commit you run the
>> unit tests and the UNIX script:
>> FastInfoset/bin/saxroundtripdir
> I tried running this from the bin directory and I get alot of messages
> which say:
> NoClassDefFoundError:
> com/sun/xml/fastinfoset/tools/FI_SAX_Or_XML_SAX_SAXEvent
> but it says its PASSED.
Ah, i should check the return status of the java execution and return
The reason why the class could not be found could be because:
a) the FastInfoset.jar was not created (need to do an 'ant dist'); or
b) the FI_HOME directory was not set to point to the 'FastInfoset' path.
| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz