Re: FI needs more documentation

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 14:46:39 +0100

Hi Kohsuke,

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> I noticed that FI lacks documentation.
> For example, if I'm an ordinary Java developer trying to use FI, I'd
> need a document that tells me:
> - what it means to "use FI"
> - how I can replace my SAX/StAX/DOM parser with FI
> It would be also nice if there's a downloadable zip file with license,
> jar, javadoc, and those documentations. You know, the usual stuff you
> get from other projects.
> If some of us can write them and put together an ant task to make a zip
> file, I can tweak Hudson to post it to documents&files section for each
> build.

I have added a task to the FastInfoset/build-without-nb.xml called
'package', which will create a zip file in the packages directory
(versioned and dated) that contains the jar, a simple readme, and javadoc.

The samples directory still requires a bit of work. Once this is done we
can then create a separate package for this in a similar manner.


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    Paul Sandoz