Below is an outline of the vocabulary API (see below).
I have tried to keep the concept of vocabulary very simple while
allowing for implementations to optimize the internal details. Thus a
vocabulary implementation will be closely associated with the parser and
serializer implementation.
Before a parse or serialize it should be possible to set external,
initial and dynamic vocabularies
After a parse or serialize it should be possible to obtain the dynamic
and final vocabulary.
Such functionality would allow:
- for the reuse of external and initial vocabularies.
- reuse of a dynamic vocabulary over multiple serializations and parses
for specially optimized networked applications then only use a common
vocabulary but do not want to use an external vocabulary.
- simple tools to produce an external vocabulary from an XML document or
a fast infoset document e.g an document on the network.
Alan, for binary X3D documents it might be possible to use a well-formed
XML document that when converted to a fast infoset document produces a
final vocabulary that is used as the external vocabulary detailed in the
X3D specification. After all it is just a matter of putting the
namespaces, EIIs and AIIs in the correct order.
vocabulary factory
create vocabulary
set/get table
referenced vocabulary
set/get URI
set/get vocabulary
generic serializer
// before serialize
set external vocabulary
set initial vocabulary
set dynamic vocabulary
// after serialize
get dynamic vocabulary
get final vocabulary
generic parser
// before parse
set hash of external vocabularies
set dynamic vocabulary
// after parse
get external vocabulary
get initial vocabulary
get dynamic vocabulary
get final vocabulary
| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz