Re: _octetBufferStart

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 09:49:17 +0100

Alan Hudson wrote:
> Seems I'm running off the end of the octetBuffer after some number of
> encoding algo runs.
> I don't see any place that decrements _octetBufferStart. It also seems
> like the ensureCapacity may not be called in enough places.
> I'm pretty tired now so it will likely be Monday before I can dig into
> why this one breaks.

Not enough info to tell if this is a encoding or decoding issue.

_octetBufferStart should never be decremented. It defines the starting
index the octets of encoding algorithm data in the _octetBuffer.

_octetBufferLength defines the length of the octets of encoding
algorithm data in the _octetBuffer.

> I'm pretty close to having Xj3D work with FI again.

Great. Sorry for not making it easier for you :-(


| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz