On 10/28/2011 5:24 PM, Jon Stevens wrote:
>> Collection Constructors
>> * I use "->" for maps, such as {"key" -> value}, because "=" would cause
>> ambiguity (because of the assigment operator "=").
> Why not use json notation?
> {"key":value} or {"key":"value"}
That's an idea. I'll think about it more. Less key stroke is good, I
> As for the LINQ stuff, wow, crazy addition to this, I would never use it myself.
LINQ stuff is a little crazy at the first sight, but seems OK after you
use it for a while. The operators are pretty complete and extensible.
I like the fact that they can be implemented with just method calls and
there is no new syntax. I can never understand the logic for the
syntaxes used for the projection operators in MVEL and JBoss. They seem
restrictive and specialized.
> jon