[ejb-spec users] Re: Question about spec 3.4.7 Session Object Identity

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:52:14 -0700

It's a bug in the CDI spec (and Weld because of that) that CDI rules are
not adjusted for the EJB references.

I filed to track this.


On 9/11/13 7:35 PM, Michael Remijan wrote:
> So I have a question about the spec section 3.4.7 Session Object
> Identity. If you run the examples in Glassfish 4 you get the expected
> results. So no problem there. What's interesting is if you replace
> @EJB with @Inject then the .equals() method no longer behaves as
> specified in 3.4.7. Now I know the spec is specifically for the @EJB
> annotation and @Inject is different but I still found this to be
> curious behavior. Was this expected? not expected?