[ejb-spec users] Re: Must _at_EJB's name() attribute value always be relative to "java:comp/env/"?

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 21:02:03 -0700

Hi Laird,

EJB 3.2 section "Injection of EJB References" has been fixed and now
describes @EJB annotation elements in more details. In particular it says

"The name element refers to the name by which the resource is to be
looked up in the environment."

Which matches the FAQ entry that you refer to.


On 8/1/13 1:32 PM, Laird Nelson wrote:
> The EJB 3.1 specification in section 16 does not really say what the
> contents of name() should be.
> Can it be a portable JNDI URI, like "java:app/ejb/Fred", as this
> (
> indicates? I did not find a similar sentiment present in the
> specification.
> Since it is just the name of a reference, this should behave in terms
> of automatic container linking just as though it were named something
> "normal" like "ejb/Fred", right? That is, if there is one EJB in the
> deployment unit that can satisfy the reference it will be
> automatically bound...?
> Background: for historical reasons I have dozens if not hundreds of
> @ManagedBeans that have @EJB references in them.
> I want to name these references according to some convention so that I
> can target them all in one shot when their enclosing @ManagedBeans are
> deployed as part of an .ear file, and when that particular ear file
> contains several implementations of the bean that any given
> @ManagedBean's @EJB-annotated field is expecting to reference.
> If these @ManagedBean resource classes should find themselves part of
> some other kind of application where there is only one implementation
> of the EJB in question, I don't want anyone to have to configure anything.
> @ManagedBeans have no component environment, so simply saying
> @EJB(name = "ejb/Fred") doesn't really do me any good. If there's
> only one Fred implementation, everything works fine.
> I want to make sure that it is expected and legal to have this:
> @ManagedBean("FooResource")
> @Path(...)
> public class FooResource {
> @EJB(name = "java:app/ejb/Fred") // define a non-relative ejb-ref-name
> private Fred fred;
> }
> that later on in an application.xml I can do this:
> <ejb-local-ref>
> <ejb-ref-name>java:app/ejb/Fred</ejb-ref-name>
> <local>foo.Fred</local>
> <ejb-link>some-bean.jar#FredBean</ejb-link>
> </ejb-local-ref>
> ...and all of those references will get FredBean implementations
> injected into them.
> Best,
> Laird
> --