[ejb-spec users] [jsr345-experts] Re: EJB_SPEC-45: Define standard way to configure where timers are persisted
Stefan Heldt wrote:
> Optional means the persistence mechanism might be this way or any other way, right? I would drop it then, because it would be nothing more than an example.
> Regards
> Stefan!
> [sent via iPhone]
> Am 27.07.2012 um 19:19 schrieb "Marina Vatkina" <marina.vatkina_at_oracle.com>:
>> There are 3 votes on the issue. We can make this feature optional (i.e.
>> "if supported, this is how you can do it"). Or we can drop it.
>> Experts, please voice your opinion.
>> -marina
>> Jeremy Bauer wrote:
>>> -1
>>> This item couples the timer service to a specific persistence
>>> mechanism (JDBC data sources) and further, assumes a single table will
>>> be used. Even though most vendors likely use JDBC+RDB for persistent
>>> timers, I don't think this should be required by the specification.
>>> -Jeremy
>>> From: Marina Vatkina <marina.vatkina_at_oracle.com>
>>> To: jsr345-experts_at_ejb-spec.java.net,
>>> Date: 07/24/2012 05:08 PM
>>> Subject: [jsr345-experts] EJB_SPEC-45: Define standard way to
>>> configure where timers are persisted
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Experts,
>>> Please take a look at http://java.net/jira/browse/EJB_SPEC-45.
>>> To add this functionality to the spec, it will mean the following:
>>> 1. Support for using EJB Timer Service with more than one resource or
>>> table name in the same application server instance for storing the
>>> timers is out of the scope and is not portable. If an application is
>>> requesting a resource or a table name that cannot be satisfied, it will
>>> be rejected by the container.
>>> 2. The following deployment descriptor configuration can be used to
>>> configure the resource and the table name for the EJB Timer Service:
>>> <timer-service>
>>> <data-source-lookup>java:global/jdbc/myDs</data-source-lookup>
>>> <table>EJB_TIMER_TABLE</table>
>>> </timer-service>
>>> The <data-source-lookup> value can be a java:global JNDI name or a
>>> container-specific JNDI name of the resource to be used to store
>>> persistence timers. If not specified, the container uses its own
>>> predefined resource.
>>> The <table> value is the table name to be used to store persistence
>>> timers. If not specified, the container chooses a table name to be used.
>>> 3. The TimerServiceConfig annotation can be used on a bean class with a
>>> timeout callback method as following (see #1 above for the limitations):
>>> @javax.ejb.TimerServiceConfig(dataSourceLookup="java:global/jdbc/myDs",
>>> table="EJB_TIMER_TABLE")
>>> The attributes of the annotation follow the same rules as that of the
>>> deployment descriptor.
>>> Let me know if you see a problem with the proposal.
>>> thanks,
>>> -marina