A revision to clarify the EJB 3.2 spec section 15.5 ("Deployment Descriptor and Annotation Processing") follows below: --- subsection 15.5.1 --- [This is intended to replace the paragraph at the beginning of section 15.5.1] The metadata-complete attribute defines whether this deployment descriptor and the related web service descriptor for this module, if any, are complete, or whether the class files available to this module and packaged with this application should be examined for annotations that specify deployment information. Deployment information, in this sense, refers to any information that could have been specified by the EJB and related web service deployment descriptors for this module. If the value of the metadata-complete attribute is specified as “trueâ€, the deployment tool must ignore any annotations that specify such deployment information in the class files packaged in the ejb-jar file. Such annotations must also be ignored in the class files that are available to the EJB module according to section EE.8.5.2 of the Java EE Platform specification ("Deploying a Java EE Application") except for those class files that are available to another module for which the metadata-complete attribute is not specified or whose value is set to "false". Note that a "true" value for the metadata-complete attribute does *not* preempt the processing of *all* annotations, only those listed below. The annotations to which the metadata-complete attribute applies consist of the following: [Include here the list appended further below.] If the metadata-complete attribute is not specified or its value is “falseâ€, the deployment tool must examine the class files of the application for such annotations. Table 16 summarizes the requirements for determining when to process annotations that specify deployment information on the classes in a standalone ejb-jar file or an ejb-jar file packaged within an .ear file. If the deployment descriptor is not included or is included but does not specify metadata-complete as "true", the deployment tool must process such annotations. [In Table 16, the second item under "process annotations?" should be modified as "No, except as indicated above" --- rewrite of subsection 15.5.2 --- Table 17 summarizes the requirements for determining when to process annotations that specify deployment information on the enterprise bean classes of a .war file. If the .war file contains an ejb-jar.xml file, the deployment tool must process such annotations unless the ejb-jar.xml specifies the value of the metadata-complete attribute as "true". If the .war file does not contain an ejb-jar.xml file, the deployment tool must process such annotations unless the web.xml specifies the value of the metadata-complete attibute as "true" or its version is prior to web-app_2_5. ---- Annotations covered by metadata-complete in ejb-jar.xml ------ The following are the annotations in javax.ejb. All of these have corresponding deployment descriptor metadata covered by the EJB xsd. javax.ejb.AccessTimeout javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty javax.ejb.AfterBegin javax.ejb.AfterCompletion javax.ejb.ApplicationException javax.ejb.Asynchronous javax.ejb.BeforeCompletion javax.ejb.ConcurrencyManagement javax.ejb.DependsOn javax.ejb.EJB javax.ejb.EJBs javax.ejb.Init javax.ejb.Lock javax.ejb.Local javax.ejb.LocalBean javax.ejb.LocalHome javax.ejb.MessageDriven javax.ejb.PostActivate javax.ejb.PrePassivate javax.ejb.Remote javax.ejb.RemoteHome javax.ejb.Remove javax.ejb.Schedule javax.ejb.Schedules javax.ejb.Singleton javax.ejb.Startup javax.ejb.Stateful javax.ejb.StatefulTimeout javax.ejb.Stateless javax.ejb.Timeout javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute javax.ejb.TransactionManagement The following annotations from related packages are also covered by the EJB descriptor. javax.annotation.PostConstruct javax.annotation.PreDestroy javax.annotation.Resource javax.annotation.Resources javax.annotation.security.DeclareRoles javax.annotation.security.DenyAll javax.annotation.security.PermitAll javax.annotation.security.RolesAllowed javax.annotation.security.RunAs javax.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition javax.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions javax.jms.JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition javax.jms.JMSConnectionFactoryDefinitions javax.jms.JMSDestinationDefinition javax.jms.JMSDestinationDefinitions javax.mail.MailSessionDefinition javax.mail.MailSessionDefinitions javax.interceptor.AroundConstruct javax.interceptor.AroundInvoke javax.interceptor.AroundTimeout javax.interceptor.ExcludeClassInterceptors javax.interceptor.ExcludeDefaultInterceptors javax.interceptor.Interceptors javax.jws.WebService javax.jws.WebMethod javax.persistence.PersistenceContext javax.persistence.PersistenceContexts javax.persistence.PersistenceUnit javax.persistence.PersistenceUnits javax.resource.AdministeredObjectDefinition javax.resource.AdministeredObjectDefinitions javax.resource.ConnectionFactoryDefinition javax.resource.ConnectionFactoryDefinitions javax.xml.ws.WebServiceRef javax.xml.ws.WebServiceRefs