
[jsr345-experts] Re: [ejb-spec users] Re: How to handle ambiguity on @EJB injection?

From: Linda DeMichiel <linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 16:18:38 -0800

On 11/27/2012 4:09 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Experts,
> Do you think it's worth adding a specific exception for this case?

No. The requirement is that the Deployer *must* resolve the reference.

> thanks,
> -marina
> Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>> EJB 3.1 FR "The target of the reference must be resolved by the Deployer,
>> unless there is only one session bean component within the same application that exposes a client view
>> type which matches the EJB reference."
>> Ah yes, I see it now. Yes, I would have expected it of the Application Assembler. I think we can safely introduce an
>> AmbiguousResolutionException now without affecting backwards compatibility then. That should be part of "Container
>> Provider's Responsibility", not?
>> Carlo
>> On 10/30/2012 07:18 PM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>> This is covered in section (Injection of EJB references). Are you suggesting that this
>>> be updated to specify Application Assembler rather than Deployer?
>>> On 10/30/2012 1:52 AM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>> I would like to enter a feature request similar to CDIs handling of ambiguous dependencies [1].
>>>> With a statement of:
>>>> @EJB BeanInterface bean;
>>>> multiple EJBs might be eligible for injection.
>>>> As long as the environment onto which the application is deployed does not change, the actual injection will likely
>>>> stay
>>>> the same every time it is performed. However should, for example, a JDK version be updated or another JDK
>>>> implementation
>>>> be used. The actual injection might change.
>>>> So I would rather see that EJB 3.2 EDR 16.5.2 be updated that an Application Assembler must ensure each EJB reference
>>>> resolves to a single EJB. If not, it would be construed as a deployment error (in the likes of
>>>> AmbiguousResolutionException).
>>>> This should be entered as a feature request as it would break backwards compatibility. Alternatively we could just
>>>> demand a warning be logged.
>>>> Anybody opposed to having an 'AmbiguousResolutionException'?
>>>> Carlo
>>>> [1] CDI 1.0 FR 5.2.1 Unsatisfied and ambiguous dependencies