- [ejb-spec issues] [JIRA] Commented: (EJB_SPEC-47) Discovering all timers within the container
- [ejb-spec users] PassivationTimeout (was: [JIRA] Commented: (EJB_SPEC-56) Preventing Passivation of SFSBs)
- [ejb-spec users] TimerService.getAllTimers() (EJB_SPEC-47)
- [Fwd: [ejb-spec issues] [JIRA] Commented: (EJB_SPEC-9) Introduction of @MaxConcurrency annotation]
- [jsr345-experts] [Fwd: [ejb-spec issues] [JIRA] Commented: (EJB_SPEC-9) Introduction of @MaxConcurrency annotation]
- [jsr345-experts] [Fwd: [javaee-spec users] [jsr342-experts] Java EE / EJB Interop support]
- [jsr345-experts] Current spec draft uploaded
- [jsr345-experts] Fwd: PassivationTimeout
- [jsr345-experts] PassivationTimeout (was: [JIRA] Commented: (EJB_SPEC-56) Preventing Passivation of SFSBs)
- [jsr345-experts] Persistent TimerService Clarifications
- [jsr345-experts] Thread interruption by container
- EntityManager and Serializable
- PassivationTimeout
- PassivationTimeout (was: [JIRA] Commented: (EJB_SPEC-56) Preventing Passivation of SFSBs)
- Persistent TimerService Clarifications
- Thread interruption by container