
[jsr345-experts] [Fwd: [javaee-spec users] [jsr342-experts] Re: Due date for Java EE 7]

From: Marina Vatkina <marina.vatkina_at_oracle.com>
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 16:26:13 -0800

An update on the Java EE 7 dates. EJB 3.2 uses the same schedule as the


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [javaee-spec users] [jsr342-experts] Re: Due date for Java EE 7
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 16:20:55 -0800
From: Bill Shannon <bill.shannon_at_oracle.com>
Reply-To: jsr342-experts_at_javaee-spec.java.net
To: jsr342-experts_at_javaee-spec.java.net

Antonio, your question is very timely. We've recently completed
a planning exercise for all of our upcoming work on GlassFish,
including the Java EE 7 RI and TCK work. Based on the resources
we have available, our prioritization of the work to be done,
and the current state of the various Java EE specifications, it's
clear that the original dates are no longer achievable.

We believe that an end date of late Q1 or early Q2, 2013, is more
realistic. We plan to have a mostly complete preview release of the
implementation available in time for JavaOne. We'd like to see all
Java EE 7 specifications at the Public Review stage by this time,
and the implementations in sync with those specifications. This should
give us time to get some real developer feedback and react to it before
the final release.

We'll provide a more detailed schedule with milestones for the
GlassFish 4.0 reference implementation release soon at this URL:

Antonio Goncalves wrote on 03/02/12 00:17:
> Hi all,
> I've been asked several times when will Java EE 7 officially be out. Are we
> still targeting Q4 2012 ? Begenning or end ? Or will we speed up things because
> of JavaOne (end of Sep) which will be end of Q3 / beginning of Q4.
> Just wondering
> --
> Antonio Goncalves
> Software architect and Java Champion
> Web site <http://www.antoniogoncalves.org> | Twitter
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