
[jsr345-experts] Re: Non-reentrant instances and getBusinessObject

From: Reza Rahman <reza_rahman_at_lycos.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 20:53:03 -0400


Yes, Singletons were defined as re-entrant by default.


On 10/10/2011 8:47 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Hi Linda,
> I tried to note that the restriction for the SFSB is only when the
> reference is used in the bean instance itself. If it is passed to
> another component, then the method call can be executed on the same
> instance if it is not serving any other requests.
> Re singletons - the spec has this note:
> "Singleton session beans support reentrant calls, i.e., where an
> outbound call from a singleton session bean method results in a
> loopback call to the singleton session bean on the same thread.
> Reentrant singleton session beans should be programmed and used with
> caution. Special locking semantics apply to loopback calls on
> singleton session beans with container-managed concurrency as
> described below."
> Experts that were part of the EJB 3.1 EG,
> Does it mean that singletons were defined as reentrant by default?
> thanks,
> -marina
> Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>> Hi Marina, all
>> Just to clarify....
>> What I would expect is that if a subsequent invocation were made on
>> the result of getBusinessObject, then:
>> 1) for a stateless session bean, the invocation would be delivered
>> to another stateless session bean instance.
>> 2) for a stateful session bean or singleton session bean, the invocation
>> would be delivered to the bean instance that returned the reference.
>> The existing rules regarding reentrancy would then apply.
>> Was there any discussion of this in EJB 3.1? The only email I can
>> uncover
>> seems to imply that for the stateful session bean case the invocation
>> might
>> be delivered to a new instance.
>> -Linda
>> On 10/10/2011 5:09 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>> Coming back to it ... We need to fix both :(.
>>> Our CTS people clarified that "These tests verify the equals
>>> semantics of client view, including checking equals among
>>> results from various sessioinContext.getBusinessObject(class) calls."
>>> I also checked with Linda and she confirmed that for the SLSB, any
>>> instance can be used to execute the call on the
>>> returned reference. But SFSB and singletons need to be addressed
>>> explicitly.
>>> Experts,
>>> Please let me know if you agree to add this statement to 4.3.3The
>>> SessionContext Interface (EJB 3.2 working draft) after
>>> the existing paragraph:
>>> "The getBusinessObject(Class businessInterface)method returns a
>>> business object reference to the session bean’s business
>>> interface or no-interface view. In the case of the no-interface
>>> view, the argument is of the type of the bean class.
>>> Only session beans with an EJB 3.x business interface or
>>> no-interface view are permitted to call this method."
>>> =========
>>> If a business method is called on such reference from the same
>>> session bean that called getBusinessObject method, unless
>>> the bean supports reentrant calls, a container will use a different
>>> stateless session bean instance either from the pool
>>> or will create a new instance to serve the request. For the stateful
>>> session beans and singleton session beans the
>>> returned reference will be for the same instance, and the bean must
>>> support reentrant calls to call a method on it.
>>> =========
>>> thanks,
>>> -marina
>>> Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>> An associated TCK test is com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.lite.view.equals.
>>>> Carlo
>>>> On 09/30/2011 10:55 PM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>>> I would certainly hope not that the javadoc is wrong. But I do
>>>>> agree that the spec only hints at the identity of the
>>>>> business object returned, the API docs are correct. That needs
>>>>> more amplification in the spec.
>>>>> EJB 3.2 Draft 2011-05-05 16.2.2:
>>>>> The enterprise bean must not attempt to pass this as an argument
>>>>> or method result. The
>>>>> enterprise bean must pass the result of
>>>>> SessionContext.getBusinessObject, Ses-
>>>>> sionContext.getEJBObject, SessionContext.getEJBLocalObject, Enti-
>>>>> tyContext.getEJBObject, or EntityContext.getEJBLocalObject instead.
>>>>> Carlo
>>>>> On 09/30/2011 09:59 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>> I think the javadoc (if you are looking at it) is misleading.
>>>>>> ctx.getBusinessObject returns you an instance, not
>>>>>> this instance.
>>>>>> You can even do this inside that bean
>>>>>> @EJB MyLocalView meLocal;
>>>>>> @EJB MyRemoteView meRemote;
>>>>>> -marina
>>>>>> Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>>>>> In light of EJB 3.2 Draft 2011-05-05 4.10.13 Non-reentrant is
>>>>>>> the following allowed in a session bean:
>>>>>>> 1. public String aMethod() { return
>>>>>>> ctx.getBusinessObject(MyLocalView.class).doSomething(); } ?
>>>>>>> 2. public String bMethod() { return
>>>>>>> ctx.getBusinessObject(MyRemoteView.class).doSomething(); } ?
>>>>>>> Carlo
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