
[jsr345-experts] Re: Keeping on track

From: Reza Rahman <reza_rahman_at_lycos.com>
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2011 17:53:08 -0400


Responses below:

* Yes :-(. Any suggestions?
- The basic problem is that the text is too dense. I would add some
specific examples and perhaps diagrams.
* I agree. Should I just remove both XXX comments?
- I think so.
* A Java SE client won't find classes if they are part of a .war file...
- I see...
* The problem is with the rules about the should/must/are/etc. words in
the spec. Only "must" is a requirement. If this bootstrapping process is
not a must, what will be a portable way to do so?
- OK - in that case we could add "must" to the text there.
* Let's start a separate discussion on that.
- OK


On 8/1/2011 8:53 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Sending my replies as an attachment in the hope to bypass my mail
> client weird truncations... If this doesn't work, will send them
> one-by-one...
> -marina