[jsr345-experts] Re: Keeping on track
Reza Rahman wrote:
> Marina,
> Responses below:
> * Are interceptors supported on EJB 2.x beans?
> - No, but is there a reason o disallow @PostConstruct/_at_PreDestroy on
> interceptors of EJB 3 beans that implement SessionBean? I am fine either
> way -- it's an edge case...
> * We'll need to discuss the above 2 separately.
> - OK.
> * This will be a new feature. Currently it's not portable.
> - OK. Do I need to enter a JIRA?
Yes, please.
> * Will replacing "common state" with "instance variables" make it clearer?
> - My opinion is that this is clear enough already...
> Cheers,
> Reza
> On 7/29/2011 7:40 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
>> Sorry guys, had several firedrills in my other tasks :(.
>> Reza,
>> Reza Rahman wrote:
>>> Marina,
>>> My input:
>>> # XXX marked items:
>>> * getContextData is pretty clear to me -- anything that was put in by
>>> an interceptor pretty much (page 68 and 126).
>> done
>>> * If I understand it correctly, I don't think the SessionBean
>>> interface bean meta-data restrictions apply to Interceptor life-cycle
>>> call-backs (page 70).
>> Are interceptors supported on EJB 2.x beans?
>>> * I don't see a good reason session synchronization methods should be
>>> limited to one (page 70).
>>> * I think if there are multiple @Remove methods, their
>>> retainIfException values can be different. I don't think this needs
>>> further clarification (page 73).
>> We'll need to discuss the above 2 separately.
>>> * I think local and no-interface beans should be accessible
>>> cross-application vis their global JNDI name (pages 77 and 398).
>> This will be a new feature. Currently it's not portable.
>>> * I think we should support PostConstruct method callbacks as
>>> business methods (page 86).
>> I removed the XXX
>>> * wasCancelCalled should not be invoked if there is no asynch method
>>> (pages 87 and 94).
>> done
>>> * To me “common bean state” in the context of stateless session beans
>>> means any instance variable value that can be used across method
>>> invocations. I don't think this needs further clarification (page 89).
>> Will replacing "common state" with "instance variables" make it clearer?
>>> * We can pick either EJBException or NoSuchEJBException for bad
>>> singletons. I guess NoSuchEJBException would be more consistent with
>>> stateless and stateful (page 98).
>> It actually says javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException
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