
[jsr345-experts] Re: EJB_SPEC-19 - Decoupling the @Startup/@DependsOn annotations from the EJB component model

From: Reza Rahman <reza_rahman_at_lycos.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 10:39:14 -0400


We did not want to mess with the actual current semantics of the
annotation, so for us it only works if you have @Named, managed beans or
EJBs. I think a generalized solution should allow for expressing
dependencies via names, classes and/or component-level annotations
(qualifiers, stereotypes, servlets, ejb types, etc). Basically a
declarative form of BeanManager.getBeans?

Incidentally, what's your thoughts on decoupling
We don't have those decoupled yet on Resin because they seem tougher to
justify outside the EJB world. Same for the extended persistence scope...


On 7/10/2011 2:22 PM, Pete Muir wrote:
> I think this is a really good idea, and would fix something people really want in CDI.
> One question with @DependsOn - it takes ejb names as attributes, which is something managed beans (especially CDI beans) don't have. Whilst this may be more of an issue for the CDI EG, any ideas on how to handle this?
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