On 12/20/2012 12:47 PM, Sivakumar Thyagarajan wrote:
>> Furthermore placing the annotations in javax.resource would give an
>> indication that those could be used in a standalone environment for the
>> supported component model(s). So we need to call it out explicit that
>> supporting these annotations would be up to the vendor.
> Why does javax.resource indicate use for standalone environment. Today
> we define the javax.resource package
> (http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/resource/package-summary.html) as
> just a "top-level package" for the Connector specification.
Because the annotations would be defined in the JCA spec, if they are in
javax.resource. Hence we need to make support optional for standalone
(chapter 3.5).
> However for existing EE technologies such as JMS and connectors, the new
> resource definition annotations must be placed in their own existing
> packages (javax.jms and javax.resource respectively).
If javax.resource is going to be mandated, we need to at least put them
into their own package, javax.resource.deployment.
>> Another reason is that since they are optional for the standalone JCA
>> environment they would make more sense to place in the full profile EE
>> specification together with @DataSourceDefinition.
> I don't think we took a decision on supporting
> @ConnectorConnectionFactoryDefinition in standalone connector
> containers. AFAIK, support for the EoD annotations defined in Chapter 18
> are not exempt for a standalone connector container.
Those are different, those are for development. Those are a priority for
the spec, and must be supported.
But the standalone container doesn't mandate a component model, e.g.
servlet, EJB, ..., and therefore there is no place to put these
annotations for deployment. So they can't be verified in the standalone TCK.
Even though the standalone profile of IronJacamar includes a servlet
container I have no interest in supporting these annotations for
activation. Hence "Open to Community".
Other component models may even not support annotations.
Best regards,