On 01/11/2013 10:52 AM, Nigel Deakin wrote:
> On 11/01/2013 14:09, Jesper Pedersen wrote:
>> Can you expand on your use-case for the getInstanceName() method ?
> This is appended to the value returned to getEndpointUniqueName() for
> the case where the durable subscription name needs to be different for
> each instance in a application server cluster
> (there is a JMS activation property subscriptionScope which determines
> whether the generated name should be the same for a given MDB for every
> app server instances in a cluster, or whether it should be different)
Given there is access to java:comp/UniqueMDBName during
endpointActivation() would that cover your use-cases ?
Or would still need a value from BootstrapContext that is unique across
a cluster ?
Side note, this ties into setups supporting DistributedWorkManager, but
I can send a separate email on that subject.
Best regards,