I don't think we want to support the use of contextual proxy object on
JVMs other than the application server.
Perhaps we could remove that part of the sentence to simply:
The contextual object is useful when developing or using Java^(TM) SE
threading mechanisms propagating events to other component instances.
On 3/19/13 5:46 PM, frowe_at_us.ibm.com wrote:
> It is an artifact from the primordial version used to restart the JSR.
> In researching this a bit, I noticed that the javadoc for all of the
> createContextualProxy(...) methods says that contextualized objects are
> useful when "communicating with component instances on different Java
> processes." That would seem to imply the ability to serialize context
> to jvms other than the application server, is that really what we
> wanted to say?
> Fred