[jsr236-spec users] [jsr236-experts] Re: Public Review Draft candidate uploaded

From: Anthony Lai <>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2012 09:35:56 -0800

Agree that object is too generic, so I have renamed createContextObject
with createContextualProxy.

All changes have been posted to the browseable javadoc site
( and the javadoc jar file
has also been updated.


On 12/26/12 5:14 AM, Frederick W Rowe wrote:
> I like createContextualProxy or createContextualObject (but object is a
> very generic term).
> I agree with your rationale for USE_PARENT_TRANSACTION.
> While I don't agree with the parent class use of NPE, it doesn't make
> sense to change the signature in a similar method of a child class either,
> so I agree with leaving it as is.
> Propagating makes more sense.
> Thanks for making the other updates.
> Regards,
> Fred Rowe
> WebSphere Architect
> Senior Software Engineer
> IBM Software Group
> Anthony Lai <>
> 12/24/2012 01:44 PM
> Please respond to
> jsr236-experts
> To
> cc
> Subject
> [jsr236-experts] Re: Public Review Draft candidate uploaded
> Thanks for the detailed review of the javadoc!
> About the name for createContextObject methods:
> The specs refers to such proxy with contextual information as
> "contextual object" or "contextual object proxy" in various places in
> the spec and javadoc. While "createContextualizedProxy" is an accurate
> description of the object that the method returns, it is not consistent
> with how that object is referred to elsewhere. We could definitely
> change the method name and update the spec to use the term
> "contextualized proxy" if you think that it is the right thing to do. Or
> we could rename the methods to "createContextualObject" to be more
> consistent with the spec. What do you think?
> About the rationale for putting USE_PARENT_TRANSACTION in ContextService:
> I thought about this when we added execution properties to ManagedTask
> earlier. I decided to leave USE_PARENT_TRANSACTION in ContextService
> because this execution property does not make sense when a task is
> submitted to run asynchronously on a different thread than the thread
> that submitted it, which is what ManagedTask are. So I did not move it
> to ManagedTask.
> Should the schedule methods in ManagedScheduledExecutorService throws
> IllegalArgumentException instead of an NPE if the parameter is null?
> They were following the behavior of other schedule(...) methods in the
> parent class ScheduledExecutorService in java.util.concurrent, where NPE
> is thrown if the Callable or Runnable passed is null.
> 6. The description of the method:
> <T> T createContextObject(T instance, Class<T> intf)
> states:
> "The contextual object is useful when developing or using Java SE
> threading mechanisms spraying events to other component instances or
> communicating with component instances on different Java processes."
> I don't think it is clear what "spraying" means in this context.
> How about replacing "spraying" with "propagating"?
> Will make the other changes as suggested. Thanks again!
> Regards
> Anthony
> On 12/22/12 4:31 AM, Frederick W Rowe wrote:
>> One correction to my suggested correction for AbortedException, instead
>> of:
>> "Exception indicating that the result of a task cannot be retrieved
>> because the task failed to start for some reason other than being
>> cancelled."
>> I'd propose:
>> "Exception indicating that the result of a task cannot be retrieved
>> because the task failed to run for some reason other than being
>> cancelled."
>> Regards,
>> Fred Rowe
>> WebSphere Architect
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> IBM Software Group
>> Frederick W Rowe/Raleigh/IBM_at_IBMUS
>> 12/21/2012 10:25 PM
>> Please respond to
>> jsr236-experts
>> To
>> cc
>> Subject
>> [jsr236-experts] Re: Public Review Draft candidate uploaded
>> Since the javadocs are typically the first place a java developer looks
>> for guidance on using a new class or interface, getting the details of
>> them correct are important particularly for new technology. With that
> in
>> mind, here's some corrections/suggestions for the current javadocs, some
>> of which are very minor. One general question first, for EE javadocs,
> is
>> it common practice to use the @since annotation? If so, we should
>> consider including them.
>> Now, some specific comments...
>> AbortedException
>> The description text of this exception is not clear:
>> "Exception indicating that the result of a value-producing task cannot
> be
>> retrieved because the task run was aborted."
>> I'd propose:
>> "Exception indicating that the result of a task cannot be retrieved
>> because the task failed to start for some reason other than being
>> cancelled."
>> ContextService:
>> One general comment/question, is "createContextObject" a good method
> name?
>> The method doesn't create a context Object, it creates a contextualized
>> Proxy. Would createContextualizedProxy(...) be more accurate?
>> 1. The current description says:
>> "The ContextService provides methods for creating contextual dynamic
> proxy
>> objects"
>> with contextual dynamic proxy in italics. I think that term contextual
>> needs further explanation or definition. I'd propose:
>> "The ContextService provides methods for creating dynamic proxy objects
>> (as defined by java.lang.reflect.Proxy) with the the addition of context
>> typically associated with applications executing in a JEE environment.
>> Examples of such context are classloading, namespace, security, etc."
>> 2. References to other java classes and interfaces (like
>> java.lang.reflect.Proxy, and java.lang.Object) in
> the
>> description are not appearing as hyperlinks in the javadoc, but should
> be.
>> 3. Change bullet
>> "The proxy instance will retain the context of the application
> container's
>> thread (creator's context). "
>> to:
>> "The proxy instance will retain the context of the creator's thread."
>> 4. Correct typo in bullet:
>> "The object to have a proxy instance created for should not be a
> component
>> managed by the Java EE Produce Provider, such as web component or an
> EJB."
>> to:
>> "The object to have a proxy instance created for should not be a
> component
>> managed by the Java EE Product Provider, such as web component or an
> EJB."
>> 5. Change description of field USE_PARENT_TRANSACTION from:
>> static String USE_PARENT_TRANSACTION An execution object property that
>> disables the normal transaction suspension and UserTransaction access
> from
>> the proxied methods.
>> to:
>> static String USE_PARENT_TRANSACTION An execution property that
> disables
>> the normal transaction suspension and UserTransaction access from the
>> proxied methods.
>> What was our rationale for putting this property on ContextService
> instead
>> of ManagedTask like the other execution properties?
>> 6. The description of the method:
>> <T> T createContextObject(T instance, Class<T> intf)
>> states:
>> "The contextual object is useful when developing or using Java SE
>> threading mechanisms spraying events to other component instances or
>> communicating with component instances on different Java processes."
>> I don't think it is clear what "spraying" means in this context.
>> 7. Consider these changes to the example of the method <T> T
>> createContextObject(T instance, Class<T> intf).
>> Change:
>> "For example, to call a normal Runnable with the correct context using a
>> Java™ ExecutorService: "
>> to:
>> "For example, to execute a Runnable which is contextualized with the
>> creator's context using a Java™ SE ExecutorService: "
>> Change:
>> "System.out.println(" with J2EE Context available.");"
>> to:
>> "System.out.println(" with JEE Context available.");"
>> 8. Correct throws statement from:
>> "IllegalArgumentException - - if the instance does not implement the
>> interface or there is not an accessible default constructor."
>> to:
>> "IllegalArgumentException - - if the instance does not implement the
>> specified interface or there is not an accessible default constructor."
>> LastExecution:
>> There are a number of method descriptions which read similar to:
>> "The time in which the last task was scheduled to run"
>> I believe we mean to say:
>> "The last time that the task was scheduled to run"
>> The problem is that last is used to modify "task" when it should be used
>> to modify "time" or "date/time" in some of the descriptions.
>> ManageableThread:
>> The isShutdown method javadoc reads:
>> boolean isShutdown()
>> This method is used by the application component provider to check
> whether
>> a thread created by the newThread method of ManagedThreadFactory has
> been
>> shut down. If the value is true, the application component provider
> should
>> finish any work on this thread as soon as possible.
>> Returns:
>> true if the ManagedThreadFactory instance that created this thread has
>> been shut down.
>> The method description and the Returns description do not agree. The
>> former says the return val is determined by the state of the thread
>> instance, the latter says the return val is determined by the state of
> the
>> MaangedThreadFactory instance.
>> ManagedExecutors:
>> 1. The description of the method managedTask states:
>> "Returns a Runnable object that also implements ManagedTask interface so
>> it can receive notification of lifecycle events with the provided the
>> ManagedTaskListener..."
>> should be corrected to read:
>> "Returns a Runnable object that also implements ManagedTask interface so
>> it can receive notification of lifecycle events with the provided
>> ManagedTaskListener..."
>> 2. Should the managedTask methods throw IllegalArgumentException instead
>> of an NPE if the task is null?
>> 3. The taskListener parameter of the managedTask methods is marked
>> optional in some method descriptions, I believe it is optional in all
>> cases? The javadoc states "If task already implements ManagedTask, its
>> associated ManagedTaskListener will be ignored." Is that true if
>> taskListener is null? I think the intent is " If task implements
>> ManagedTask, and taskListener is not null, the ManagedTaskListener
>> interface of the task will not be called."
>> 4. The executionProperties parameter of the managedTask methods states:
>> "executionProperties - (optional) execution properties to provide
>> additional hints to ManagedExecutorService or
>> ManagedScheduledExecutorService when the task is submitted. If task
>> already implements ManagedTask with non-empty execution properties, the
>> Runnable returned will contain execution properties in both the task and
>> in the executionProperties argument, with the latter taking precedence
> if
>> the same property key is specified in both."
>> it should be clarified:
>> "executionProperties - (optional) execution properties to provide
>> additional hints to ManagedExecutorService or
>> ManagedScheduledExecutorService when the task is submitted. If task
>> implements ManagedTask with non-empty execution properties, the Runnable
>> returned will contain the union of the execution properties specified in
>> the task and the executionProperties argument, with the latter taking
>> precedence if the same property key is specified in both."
>> ManagedExecutorService
>> 1. Consider replacing the first paragraphs of the interface description:
>> "A manageable version of a ExecutorService.
>> A ManagedExecutorService provides methods for submitting tasks for
>> execution in a managed environment."
>> with:
>> "A ManagedExecutorService extends the Java SE ExecutorService to provide
>> methods for submitting tasks for execution in a Java EE environment."
>> ManagedScheduledExecutorService
>> 1. See comment above regarding first paragraphs of description,
>> additionally correct the following typo in the description:
>> "For example, if a task is repeat, the lifecycle of the task would be:"
>> should be:
>> "For example, if a task is repeating, the lifecycle of the task would
> be:"
>> 2. Should the schedule methods throw IllegalArgumentException instead of
>> an NPE if the parameter is null?
>> ManagedTask
>> 1. Some of the constants are described as "hints", but only one
>> ("LONGRUNNING_HINT") has hint in the name, should we be more consistent?
>> 2. Correct description of DISTRIBUTABLE hint:
>> "Execution property to be returned in getExecutionProperties() or
>> ContextService.createContextObject() to provide hint about where the
> task
>> can be run in a different process that the one where the task is
>> submitted. Valid values are "true" or "false". "
>> to say:
>> "Execution property to be returned in getExecutionProperties() or
>> ContextService.createContextObject() to provide a hint as to whether the
>> task can be run in a different process that the one where the task is
>> submitted. Valid values are "true" or "false". "
>> 3. Correct description of CONTEXTUAL_CALLBACK hint:
>> "Execution property to be returned in getExecutionProperties() or
>> ContextService.createContextObject() to provide hint about whether the
>> ManagedTaskListener provided to receive notification of lifecycle events
>> on this task needs to be called under the same context as the task."
>> to say:
>> "Execution property to be returned in getExecutionProperties() or
>> ContextService.createContextObject() to provide a hint about whether the
>> ManagedTaskListener associated with this task needs to be called under
> the
>> same context as the task. Valid values are "true" or "false"."
>> 4. Correct description of IDENTITY_NAME hint:
>> "Implementations should not depend upon any thread execution context and
>> should typically return only readily-available instance data. to
> identify
>> the task."
>> to say:
>> "Implementations should not depend upon any thread execution context and
>> should typically return only readily-available instance data to identify
>> the task."
>> ManagedTaskListener:
>> 1. Correct the following typo:
>> "The following state transition figure and tables describe the possible
>> task lifecycle events that can occur when a ManagedTaskListener is
>> associated with a task. Each method is invoked when the state of the
>> future moves from one state to another."
>> to state:
>> "The following state transition figure and tables describe the possible
>> task lifecycle events that can occur when a ManagedTaskListener is
>> associated with a task. Each method is invoked when the state of the
>> Future moves from one state to another."
>> ManagedThreadFactory:
>> 1. See comments for ManagedScheduledExecutorService and
>> ManagedExecutorService regarding first paragraphs.
>> SkippedException:
>> 1. I believe the description incorrectly states:
>> "A task can be skipped if the
>> Trigger.skipRun(javax.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution,
> java.util.Date)
>> method returns false..."
>> I believe it should state:
>> "A task may be skipped if the
>> Trigger.skipRun(javax.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution,
> java.util.Date)
>> method returns true..."
>> Regards,
>> Fred Rowe
>> WebSphere Architect
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> IBM Software Group
>> Anthony Lai <>
>> 12/20/2012 06:36 PM
>> Please respond to
>> jsr236-experts
>> To
>> cc
>> Subject
>> [jsr236-experts] Public Review Draft candidate uploaded
>> Dear experts,
>> I have incorporated the feedback we have collected since the Early Draft
>> and have posted a candidate for Public Review Draft to the project
>> website.
>> The document can be found at:
>> A version with changebars showing changes from the previous revision can
>> be found at:
>> Updated javadoc archive can be found at:
>> Regarding Javadoc changes, I have made the following changes in addition
>> to what we have discussed recently in the experts mailing list:
>> - Renamed getProperties() to getExecutionProperties() in ContextService
>> - Added a new requirement for proxy object in ContextService: The object
>> to have a proxy instance created for should not be a component managed
> by
>> the Java EE Produce Provider, such as web component or an EJB.
>> Browseable javadoc at are
>> also updated with the same changes.
>> Please send any feedback to the
>> mailing list. Readers not on
>> the expert group can send feedback to
>> mailing list. We are hoping to submit Public Review Draft to the JCP on
>> Dec 27 to start the Public Review process in time to meet the Java EE 7
>> release schedule.
>> Regards
>> Anthony