[jsr236-spec users] [jsr236-experts] Re: Public Review Draft candidate uploaded

From: Frederick W Rowe <>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2012 07:31:04 -0500

One correction to my suggested correction for AbortedException, instead
"Exception indicating that the result of a task cannot be retrieved
because the task failed to start for some reason other than being
I'd propose:
"Exception indicating that the result of a task cannot be retrieved
because the task failed to run for some reason other than being


Fred Rowe

WebSphere Architect
Senior Software Engineer
IBM Software Group

Frederick W Rowe/Raleigh/IBM_at_IBMUS
12/21/2012 10:25 PM
Please respond to


[jsr236-experts] Re: Public Review Draft candidate uploaded

Since the javadocs are typically the first place a java developer looks
for guidance on using a new class or interface, getting the details of
them correct are important particularly for new technology. With that in
mind, here's some corrections/suggestions for the current javadocs, some
of which are very minor. One general question first, for EE javadocs, is
it common practice to use the @since annotation? If so, we should
consider including them.
Now, some specific comments...

The description text of this exception is not clear:
"Exception indicating that the result of a value-producing task cannot be
retrieved because the task run was aborted."
I'd propose:
"Exception indicating that the result of a task cannot be retrieved
because the task failed to start for some reason other than being

One general comment/question, is "createContextObject" a good method name?

The method doesn't create a context Object, it creates a contextualized
Proxy. Would createContextualizedProxy(...) be more accurate?

1. The current description says:
"The ContextService provides methods for creating contextual dynamic proxy

with contextual dynamic proxy in italics. I think that term contextual
needs further explanation or definition. I'd propose:
"The ContextService provides methods for creating dynamic proxy objects
(as defined by java.lang.reflect.Proxy) with the the addition of context
typically associated with applications executing in a JEE environment.
Examples of such context are classloading, namespace, security, etc."

2. References to other java classes and interfaces (like
java.lang.reflect.Proxy, and java.lang.Object) in the

description are not appearing as hyperlinks in the javadoc, but should be.

3. Change bullet
"The proxy instance will retain the context of the application container's

thread (creator's context). "
"The proxy instance will retain the context of the creator's thread."

4. Correct typo in bullet:
"The object to have a proxy instance created for should not be a component

managed by the Java EE Produce Provider, such as web component or an EJB."
"The object to have a proxy instance created for should not be a component

managed by the Java EE Product Provider, such as web component or an EJB."

5. Change description of field USE_PARENT_TRANSACTION from:
static String USE_PARENT_TRANSACTION An execution object property that
disables the normal transaction suspension and UserTransaction access from

the proxied methods.
static String USE_PARENT_TRANSACTION An execution property that disables
the normal transaction suspension and UserTransaction access from the
proxied methods.

What was our rationale for putting this property on ContextService instead

of ManagedTask like the other execution properties?

6. The description of the method:
<T> T createContextObject(T instance, Class<T> intf)
"The contextual object is useful when developing or using Java SE
threading mechanisms spraying events to other component instances or
communicating with component instances on different Java processes."
I don't think it is clear what "spraying" means in this context.

7. Consider these changes to the example of the method <T> T
createContextObject(T instance, Class<T> intf).
"For example, to call a normal Runnable with the correct context using a
Java™ ExecutorService: "
"For example, to execute a Runnable which is contextualized with the
creator's context using a Java™ SE ExecutorService: "
"System.out.println(" with J2EE Context available.");"
"System.out.println(" with JEE Context available.");"

8. Correct throws statement from:
"IllegalArgumentException - - if the instance does not implement the
interface or there is not an accessible default constructor."
"IllegalArgumentException - - if the instance does not implement the
specified interface or there is not an accessible default constructor."

There are a number of method descriptions which read similar to:
"The time in which the last task was scheduled to run"
I believe we mean to say:
"The last time that the task was scheduled to run"
The problem is that last is used to modify "task" when it should be used
to modify "time" or "date/time" in some of the descriptions.

The isShutdown method javadoc reads:

boolean isShutdown()
This method is used by the application component provider to check whether

a thread created by the newThread method of ManagedThreadFactory has been
shut down. If the value is true, the application component provider should

finish any work on this thread as soon as possible.
true if the ManagedThreadFactory instance that created this thread has
been shut down.

The method description and the Returns description do not agree. The
former says the return val is determined by the state of the thread
instance, the latter says the return val is determined by the state of the

MaangedThreadFactory instance.


1. The description of the method managedTask states:
"Returns a Runnable object that also implements ManagedTask interface so
it can receive notification of lifecycle events with the provided the
should be corrected to read:
"Returns a Runnable object that also implements ManagedTask interface so
it can receive notification of lifecycle events with the provided

2. Should the managedTask methods throw IllegalArgumentException instead
of an NPE if the task is null?

3. The taskListener parameter of the managedTask methods is marked
optional in some method descriptions, I believe it is optional in all
cases? The javadoc states "If task already implements ManagedTask, its
associated ManagedTaskListener will be ignored." Is that true if
taskListener is null? I think the intent is " If task implements
ManagedTask, and taskListener is not null, the ManagedTaskListener
interface of the task will not be called."

4. The executionProperties parameter of the managedTask methods states:
"executionProperties - (optional) execution properties to provide
additional hints to ManagedExecutorService or
ManagedScheduledExecutorService when the task is submitted. If task
already implements ManagedTask with non-empty execution properties, the
Runnable returned will contain execution properties in both the task and
in the executionProperties argument, with the latter taking precedence if
the same property key is specified in both."
it should be clarified:
"executionProperties - (optional) execution properties to provide
additional hints to ManagedExecutorService or
ManagedScheduledExecutorService when the task is submitted. If task
implements ManagedTask with non-empty execution properties, the Runnable
returned will contain the union of the execution properties specified in
the task and the executionProperties argument, with the latter taking
precedence if the same property key is specified in both."


1. Consider replacing the first paragraphs of the interface description:
"A manageable version of a ExecutorService.
A ManagedExecutorService provides methods for submitting tasks for
execution in a managed environment."
"A ManagedExecutorService extends the Java SE ExecutorService to provide
methods for submitting tasks for execution in a Java EE environment."


1. See comment above regarding first paragraphs of description,
additionally correct the following typo in the description:
"For example, if a task is repeat, the lifecycle of the task would be:"
should be:
"For example, if a task is repeating, the lifecycle of the task would be:"

2. Should the schedule methods throw IllegalArgumentException instead of
an NPE if the parameter is null?


1. Some of the constants are described as "hints", but only one
("LONGRUNNING_HINT") has hint in the name, should we be more consistent?

2. Correct description of DISTRIBUTABLE hint:
"Execution property to be returned in getExecutionProperties() or
ContextService.createContextObject() to provide hint about where the task
can be run in a different process that the one where the task is
submitted. Valid values are "true" or "false". "
to say:
"Execution property to be returned in getExecutionProperties() or
ContextService.createContextObject() to provide a hint as to whether the
task can be run in a different process that the one where the task is
submitted. Valid values are "true" or "false". "

3. Correct description of CONTEXTUAL_CALLBACK hint:
"Execution property to be returned in getExecutionProperties() or
ContextService.createContextObject() to provide hint about whether the
ManagedTaskListener provided to receive notification of lifecycle events
on this task needs to be called under the same context as the task."
to say:
"Execution property to be returned in getExecutionProperties() or
ContextService.createContextObject() to provide a hint about whether the
ManagedTaskListener associated with this task needs to be called under the

same context as the task. Valid values are "true" or "false"."

4. Correct description of IDENTITY_NAME hint:
"Implementations should not depend upon any thread execution context and
should typically return only readily-available instance data. to identify
the task."
to say:
"Implementations should not depend upon any thread execution context and
should typically return only readily-available instance data to identify
the task."

1. Correct the following typo:
"The following state transition figure and tables describe the possible
task lifecycle events that can occur when a ManagedTaskListener is
associated with a task. Each method is invoked when the state of the
future moves from one state to another."
to state:
"The following state transition figure and tables describe the possible
task lifecycle events that can occur when a ManagedTaskListener is
associated with a task. Each method is invoked when the state of the
Future moves from one state to another."

1. See comments for ManagedScheduledExecutorService and
ManagedExecutorService regarding first paragraphs.

1. I believe the description incorrectly states:
"A task can be skipped if the
Trigger.skipRun(javax.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution, java.util.Date)

method returns false..."
I believe it should state:
"A task may be skipped if the
Trigger.skipRun(javax.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution, java.util.Date)

method returns true..."


Fred Rowe

WebSphere Architect
Senior Software Engineer
IBM Software Group

Anthony Lai <>
12/20/2012 06:36 PM
Please respond to


[jsr236-experts] Public Review Draft candidate uploaded

Dear experts,

I have incorporated the feedback we have collected since the Early Draft
and have posted a candidate for Public Review Draft to the project

The document can be found at:

A version with changebars showing changes from the previous revision can
be found at:

Updated javadoc archive can be found at:

Regarding Javadoc changes, I have made the following changes in addition
to what we have discussed recently in the experts mailing list:
- Renamed getProperties() to getExecutionProperties() in ContextService
- Added a new requirement for proxy object in ContextService: The object
to have a proxy instance created for should not be a component managed by
the Java EE Produce Provider, such as web component or an EJB.

Browseable javadoc at are
also updated with the same changes.

Please send any feedback to the mailing list. Readers not on
the expert group can send feedback to
mailing list. We are hoping to submit Public Review Draft to the JCP on
Dec 27 to start the Public Review process in time to meet the Java EE 7
release schedule.
