It would be great if you or someone else took ownership of Cargo
Tracker. While this project is important and I'll continue working on
it, I have to take on a few more things in my spare time (!) that are
even more important. Just coordinate with the Oracle folks copied on
this email - I believe they have a sincere interest in moving the
project forward.
More responses in-line (some important comments including on IP issues).
On 3/25/2016 8:04 AM, Harald Wellmann wrote:
> With all the recent discussions triggered by Reza's leaving Oracle, I
> wonder if this is a good moment to revive this project and make it
> more accessible.
> Some suggestions:
> - Move to GitHub (or simply fork, creating a new GitHub organization
> for this and other sample projects - maybe javaee-guardians...?).
Yes. I would do whatever works. This could certainly be one of the
Guardians projects but I don't think it matters. It could just be it's
own organization (I imagine Oracle folks would prefer this).
> - Make sure the project works out of the box, ideally on any Java EE 7
> server.
It's a lot of work, but yes. The basic mechanics for this are in there now.
> - Support Eclipse.
Yes. Tried but proved too clunky/buggy for normal Eclipse users.
> - Support WildFly.
> - Support TomEE 7.
Definitely. Someone did some work for this but I didn't like the way it
was done. This is an opportunity to really prove out Java EE
portability. Adding too many libraries in the war defeats that purpose.
But it was a first try. Similarly you'll see in the JIRA someone tried
WebSphere Liberty too but really didn't put that much effort into it.
> - Add more integration tests, both with Arquillian and Pax Exam.
Definitely. This was/is my top priority.
> - Add UI tests with Serenity BDD and Selenium.
> - Create a standalone fat JAR with WildFly Swarm.
Why not. Question the practical benefit of this but it's a good FUD buster.
> I'd be happy to help to make things work with Eclipse and WildFly -
> this is my daily work environment.
> Right now, I have Cargo Tracker running locally with WildFly 9.0.1 and
> Eclipse Mars.2/JBoss Tools after a couple of minor changes. In
> particular, I don't see any major issues with Cargo Tracker in Eclipse
> at all, contrary to what Reza reported, so it's probably just an issue
> of setting up Eclipse with an appropriate set of plugins.
> Best regards,
> Harald
Please feel free to create/modify JIRA as you see fit. I can give you
the right permissions if you want. Just to be on the safe-side, it's
best to sign an OCA before committing code to the existing project
(David can help you with it).