My sense is that the JS should probably be consolidated if possible. We would probably just have one controller if we were doing this using Angular.
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> On Jul 31, 2014, at 5:17 AM, Paolo Escobar <> wrote:
> Ok I've looked at CARGOTRACKER-34.
> We can see the status changed to CLAIMED in the dashboard, but the cargo stays in the routed list and is not added in the claimed list.
> So we need to check the status in JavaScript to add the cargo in the right list.
> Do you think that I can move the listRouted.js to dashboard.xhtml and rename it dashboard.js as it will be used for two lists ?
> Or would it be better to add a new event and add listClaimed.js with a new WebSocket endpoint ?
> I prefer to ask because I begin in the project and want to follow the guidelines !
> paoesco
>> On 2014-07-27 23:36, Reza Rahman wrote:
>> Great to hear! CARGOTRACKER-34 would be absolutely perfect for now.
>> After that, I would love for you to look into CARGOTRACKER-15 if
>> possible (I would like to apply AngularJS to that part of the
>> application). If you are feeling very ambitious,
>> is one we have been
>> waiting on for a while and it would be awesome to get it done.
>> Frankly, anything you can contribute would be most welcome - we do
>> have some minor bug reports that could use follow-up besides
>>> On 7/27/2014 3:04 PM, Paolo Escobar wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm back again and ready to take some JIRA.
>>> Reza, do you have some priorities ?
>>> If not, I will look CARGOTRACKER-34, the major one.
>>> Regards