Re: Back again and ready to contribute

From: Reza Rahman <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 05:34:53 +0800

My sense is that the JS should probably be consolidated if possible. We would probably just have one controller if we were doing this using Angular.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 31, 2014, at 5:17 AM, Paolo Escobar <> wrote:
> Ok I've looked at CARGOTRACKER-34.
> We can see the status changed to CLAIMED in the dashboard, but the cargo stays in the routed list and is not added in the claimed list.
> So we need to check the status in JavaScript to add the cargo in the right list.
> Do you think that I can move the listRouted.js to dashboard.xhtml and rename it dashboard.js as it will be used for two lists ?
> Or would it be better to add a new event and add listClaimed.js with a new WebSocket endpoint ?
> I prefer to ask because I begin in the project and want to follow the guidelines !
> paoesco
>> On 2014-07-27 23:36, Reza Rahman wrote:
>> Great to hear! CARGOTRACKER-34 would be absolutely perfect for now.
>> After that, I would love for you to look into CARGOTRACKER-15 if
>> possible (I would like to apply AngularJS to that part of the
>> application). If you are feeling very ambitious,
>> is one we have been
>> waiting on for a while and it would be awesome to get it done.
>> Frankly, anything you can contribute would be most welcome - we do
>> have some minor bug reports that could use follow-up besides
>>> On 7/27/2014 3:04 PM, Paolo Escobar wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm back again and ready to take some JIRA.
>>> Reza, do you have some priorities ?
>>> If not, I will look CARGOTRACKER-34, the major one.
>>> Regards