Re: Strange behaviour of javaMail in Windows XP and Norton Antivirus

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2010 23:42:56 -0700

(Resend from correct email address for

Wow. No, I've never had anyone report that problem before.

I'm not surprised that Norton is scanning outgoing emails, but it
doesn't sound like it's doing it properly. Can you send me the
trace that shows what happens when you send 30 emails with Norton

JavaMail doesn't know anything about Norton, and doesn't really have
a way to control things at that level. And you can imagine that if
it did, it would defeat the whole purpose of Norton, and lots of
viruses would take advantage of that.

I guess I'd like to see the trace, but most likely this is a problem
you'll have to take up with Symantec.

Artur Silveira da Cunha wrote on 11/02/2010 06:00 PM:
> Hi,
> I'm working in project where in some cases I have to send some tenths or
> hundreds emails that can have mono or multipart content.
> To avoid to saturate the email servers with simultaneous connections , I begin
> to use your FAQ purposed solution where messages are sent within an unique
> Transport connection, in place of the static sendMessage where we got one
> Transport connection for each sent email.
> The problem it is that I have two behaviors depending the activation or
> disabling of my "2010 Norton Internet Security" installed in my client Windows XP.
> If the "2010 Norton Internet Security" is disabled, I could verify with
> WireShark and spying the message flow between my Window XP and the smtp server
> that the entire contents of each email message are sent before that the
> execution program passes to the following email. For some lengthen email of more
> 10MB the execution stay synchronously inside t.sendMessage(...) for more 2~3
> minutes.
> But when I activate the "2010 Norton Internet Security" the behaviour changes,
> where with the same lengthen or small emails, the t.sendMessage() is no more
> synchronous and it returns in a fast way. My test flow of about 30 messages is
> very fast executed. During this loop, the Wireshark spy show that only the email
> headers for 30 emails are sent to the smtp server. It is only when I "close" the
> transport connection that all the "30 body email contents" are flushed from the
> XP to the smtp server. I could check later in my receiver thunderbird that I
> could found all emails.
> Have you been informed about this behaviour?. For me it is a big problem because
> I want to avoid simultaneous connections from my XP and the smtp server. Is
> there a way inside the javamail code to get a real synchronous sendMessage,
> without interference from an external product like the Norton product or another
> antivirus/Internet protection package. Later this will be part of a package,
> where customers will use it and I would like to avoid some huge support problems.
> If do you want more informations, I can create a test program and produce
> capture file showing the results.
> Regards
> Artur Silveira da Cunha