Re: got a MessagingException -> parse error: invalid message sequence number

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2014 12:19:29 -0800

If you delete and expunge a message, you can't access any of the message
content, including especially any attachments. If you want a copy of the
message before expunging it, use the MimeMessage copy constructor; that will
"detach" the message from the server. And after expunging the original message,
you should no longer access the original Message object.

Note that, even though your client might be doing all of this correctly, it's
possible that another instance of your client, or another client altogether,
might be deleting and expunging messages that you're still using. You probably
need to account for that case in your application so that you handle the error
gracefully. wrote on 01/08/14 00:40:
> Hmmm... in our application there's not necessarily a 1:1 mapping between the
> user session and the IMAP session (the IMAP client is only a part of our
> application); this could be a problem, if I understand you correctly.
> I should double check it, but I 'm fairly sure that when a message is
> 'deleted' through the related application command, the embedded IMAP client
> marks and expunges it right away. And this can't be (easily at least) changed
> as per application architecture.
> But I don't understand why this should be wrong: when I say that 'I edit the
> draft' I mean that the whole draft data (subject, body, attachments, ...) is
> loaded in application memory / structures, so that no information regarding
> the original message should remain linked to the new message and in fact
> anything about it will be anymore needed.
> Or, otherwise stated, is there a way to completely 'detach' an IMAPMessage
> from its server-related message, so that any connection or reference doesn't
> exist anymore?
> Thank you
> M. R.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Da:* Bill Shannon <>
> *A:*
> *Cc:* "" <>
> *Inviato:* Marted́ 7 Gennaio 2014 20:08
> *Oggetto:* Re: got a MessagingException -> parse error: invalid message
> sequence number
> Marking the message as deleted should not cause this problem unless some
> application expunges the message. Assuming your application isn't
> expunging the message before it's done with it, you need to consider what
> you expect to happen if another client expunges the message while you're
> using it. You might not want to mark the message as deleted until after
> you've saved the updated draft of the message.
> <> wrote on 01/07/14 08:14:
>> Hello,
>> I'm getting a javax.mail.MessagingException: A258 BAD parse error:
>> invalid message sequence number: 24.
>> I found that one possible execution path in our code that leads to this
>> exception is when I edit a draft with attachments, delete the original
>> draft, and then save the edited draft (so that the original draft doesn't
>> exist anymore, but I have all the informations about it in our
>> application composition pane).
>> This only happens with drafts with attachments, it seems that a reference
>> to the original message number is cached by JavaMail, despite the fact
>> that the server supports UIDs - and IMHO the original message isn't
>> needed anymore).
>> I have no idea if this is a bug, but if I do the same steps with i.e.
>> Thunderbird, no error occurs and the edited draft is correctly saved.
>> As the application I'm working on is very big, I can't provide a small
>> example, nor I can ensure this is our own code fault.
>> I'm writing here in the hope that you'll be able to tell me whether this
>> is a bug or not, so I can narrow down the possible causes (there's
>> another source of that exception in our code that I'm not yet able to
>> replicate).
>> Thanks in advance.
>> M. R.