Announcing EXPERIMENTAL Gmail feature support in JavaMail

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:00:32 -0700

I've created a new "gimap" protocol provider for JavaMail 1.4.6 that
supports most of the Gmail-specific features. The package description
from the javadocs for the new com.sun.mail.gimap package is below.

You'll find the 1.4.6-SNAPSHOT release of JavaMail that supports
this new provider here:
The new gimap provider is available here:
Note that you'll need both the javax.mail.jar file and the gimap.jar file.

Source code is available in the Kenai repository.

If you try this new provider, please let me know!

        Bill Shannon


Package com.sun.mail.gimap Description

An EXPERIMENTAL IMAP protocol provider that supports the Gmail-specific
protocol extensions. This provider supports all the features of the
IMAP provider, plus additional Gmail-specific features. The
Gmail-specific IMAP protocol extensions are described here:
This provider can be used by including gimap.jar in your CLASSPATH
along with mail.jar, and by using the "gimap" protocol instead of the
"imap" protocol. Remember that this means that all properties should be
named "mail.gimap.*", but that otherwise this provider supports all the
same properties as the IMAP protocol provider. The Gmail IMAP provider
defaults to using SSL to connect to "".

In general, applications should not need to use the classes in this
package directly. Instead, they should use the APIs defined by the
javax.mail package (and subpackages). Applications should never
construct instances of GmailStore or GmailFolder directly. Instead,
they should use the Session method getStore to acquire an appropriate
Store object, and from that acquire Folder objects.

Message objects returned by this provider may be cast to GmailMessage
to access Gmail-specific data, e.g., using the methods
GmailMessage.getMsgId(), GmailMessage.getThrId(), and
GmailMessage.getLabels(). For example:

    GmailMessage gmsg = (GmailMessage)msg;
    System.out.println("Gmail message ID is " + gmsg.getMsgId());

Gmail-specific data may be prefetched using the
GmailFolder.FetchProfileItems MSGID, THRID, and LABELS. For example:

    FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();

You can search using Gmail-specific data using the GmailMsgIdTerm,
GmailThrIdTerm, and GmailRawSearchTerm search terms. For example:

    // find the message with this Gmail unique message ID
    long msgid = ...;
    Message[] msgs = GmailMsgIdTerm(msgid));

You can access the Gmail extended attributes (returned by XLIST) for a
folder using the IMAPFolder.getAttributes() method. For example:

    IMAPFolder ifolder = (IMAPFolder)folder;
    String[] attrs = ifolder.getAttributes();
    for (String s : attrs)
        System.out.println("Folder attribute: " + s);

WARNING: The APIs unique to this package should be considered
EXPERIMENTAL. They may be changed in the future in ways that are
incompatible with applications using the current APIs.