Extensible fetch command

From: Zsombor <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012 20:17:11 +0200


 Have you ever considered making the IMAP fetch command handling a bit more
extensible ? I mean, you probably aware, that gmail imap supports a couple
flags, which can be queried with a regular fetch command. Unfortunately
this doesn't work:

FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
folder.fetch(messages, fp);

where GMFetchProfileItem.MESSAGE_ID is a custom FetchProfile.Item.
It seems a common issue, because there is a javamail fork ( ) to address this shortcomings.
However, it's a google specific code, I can understand, that you don't want
to implement inside the core IMAP code. But I think, it is possible to
implement the necessary framework, so any user can write his own plugin, so
no forking will be needed for any custom flags. Will you accept this kind
of patches into javamail? Is it worth working on ?
