Oracle® Java Mission Control Supported

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The Supported Plug-ins for Java Mission Control is a set of plug-ins for the Eclipse IDE designed to either extend Java Mission Control in various ways or assist in developing such extensions.

These plug-ins are supported by Oracle. Please let us know if you find them useful!

Key Features

  • Weblogic Server plug-ins for Flight Recorder.
  • JConsole plug-in support for the Management Console.
  • Thread dump analyzer plug-in for the Management Console.
  • Coherence plug-in for the Management Console.
  • Flight Recorder plug-in for visualizing JavaFX pulse phases and input events.
  • Metadata plug-in for Flight Recorder.


  • Requires Mission Control 6.0.0.
  • Requires Eclipse 4.5 or later.
  • Requires Eclipse running on JDK 8 or above.


Download and Install
Use Update Site

Eclipse IDE
Java Mission Control

These plug-ins are supported, so you can contact Oracle support, but you can also try asking your question in the forum.
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