Oracle® Java Mission Control Experimental

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The Experimental Plug-ins for Java Mission Control is a set of plug-ins for the Eclipse IDE designed to either extend Java Mission Control in various ways or assist in developing such extensions.

These plug-ins are currently unsupported and are provided as is for evaluation purposes. They are in no way part of the Java Mission Control product. Please let us know if you find them useful!

Some plug-ins have been moved to the Supported updatesite. To install the supported plug-ins, use that updatesite instead.

Key Features

  • Heap memory usage analysis plug-ins.
  • Flight Recorder plug-in for visualizing G1 garbage collections.
  • PDE Wizards and Templates for creating plug-ins to Mission Control.
  • Flight Recorder configuration support when launching applications from the IDE.


  • Requires Mission Control 6.0.0.
  • Requires Eclipse 4.5 or above.
  • Requires Eclipse running on JDK 8 or above.


Download and Install
Use Update Site

Bullet Download for Offline Installation
Eclipse IDE
Java Mission Control

Note that these plug-ins are Tech Previews and therefore unsupported. The best way to get help is to ask in the forums.
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