1. Download the HPIA64_Grid_Control_agent_download_10_1_0_5_0.zip file from OTN. After downloading the software, verify that the size of the downloaded software matches with the size (bytes) displayed along with the download link.Follow the instructions oultined in section "Verifying the Downloaded Software" in the below URL to verify the size of the downloaded software: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B16240_01/doc/install.102/e10953/things_to_know.htm#sthref174 2. Copy the downloaded file to /sysman/agent_download directory. 3. cd /sysman/agent_download 4. unzip HPIA64_Grid_Control_agent_download_10_1_0_5_0.zip 5. If agent_download.rsp already exists in /sysman/agent_download directory, then rename agent_download.rsp ex: mv agent_download.rsp agent_download.rsp.old 6. i) mv agent_download.rsp.bak agent_download.rsp ii) edit agent_download.rsp and modify s_OMSHost="%s_OMSHost%" and s_OMSPort="%s_OMSPort%" with the correct OMSHost and OMSPort values.(However, even if you are specifying a secure Management Service, you must still enter the non-secure port number here) For eg. s_OMSHost="xyz.abc.com" s_OMSPort="4889" 7. If agentDownload.hpi already exists in /sysman/agent_download directory, then rename agentDownload.hpi ex: mv agentDownload.hpi agentDownload.hpi.old 8. i) mv agentDownload.hpi.bak agentDownload.hpi ii) edit agentDownload.hpi and modify OMShost=%s_OMSHost% and httpPort=%s_OMSPort% with the correct OMSHost and OMSPort.(However, even if you are specifying a secure Management Service, you must still enter the non-secure port number here) For eg. OMShost =xyz.abc.com httpPort=4889 9. follow the agentDownload instructions from Oracle Enterprise Manager Installation and Basic Configuration Guide.