Oracle RepositoryDesigner Installation Guide  
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Log Files

The lists below show the names of the log files from an installation, migration or upgrade that has run to completion, as well as the log file produced when version control is enabled.

These files reside in the log directory, the default location of which is oracle_home\REPADM61\LOGS. To check the current location, click the View Parameters button on the Repository Administration Utility window and look against LOG_DIRECTORY_RAU.

If any of these files is missing, the operation may have terminated abnormally. The cause may be apparent in the log files, or there may be insufficient disk space.

Installation log files

Log file (.log) Contains a log of...
CKDES2  importing SYSCASE and RM meta data 
CKPREREQ  importing Repository Administration Utility driving data 
Log file (.lis) Contains a log of...
CKCISYSF  checking in the System Folder for products when adding objects to a repository that uses the available version control features 
CKCOMREP  compiling invalid objects 
CKCOMVW  creating common views 
CKCONST  creating product specific constraints 
CKCRERLE  creating repository roles 
CKCRESYN  creating synonyms for user access 
CKDRPSYN  dropping synonyms 
CKGLBWRK  creating the Global Shared Workarea for the repository 
CKINDX  creating product specific indexes 
CKPACCOM  creating common packages 
CKPACK  creating product specific packages 
CKPRIOVW  creating the package resolved meta view on CK_INSTALLED_OBJECTS 
CKREPINI  initializing the repository owner's account and organizing access rights 
CKRMTAB  loading RM meta data 
CKROLGRT  granting object access to repository role 
CKSEQ  creating product specific sequences 
CKSYSFOL  creating product specific System Folders 
CKTABS  creating Oracle RepositoryDesigner 6i tables 
CKTRIG  creating Oracle RepositoryDesigner 6i triggers 
CKTYPE  creating product specific types 
CKVERS  updating the repository version number 
CKVIEW  creating product specific views 
JRCON  creating repository constraints 
JRFUN  creating repository functions 
JRIND  creating repository indexes 
JRLOB  creating LOBs 
JRODD409  creating product specific ODD migration tables 
JROPACK  creating registered packages 
JRPACK  creating repository packages 
JRSEQ  creating repository sequences 
JRSYN  creating repository synonyms 
JRTAB  creating instance data tables 
JRTRIG  creating repository triggers 
JRTYPE  creating repository types 
JRVIEW  creating repository views 


Migration log files

Log file (.log) Contains a log of...
CKMIGREQ  importing Repository Administration Utility driving data 
Log file (.lis) Contains a log of...
CKACCRTS  migrating access rights 
CKCOMPST  compute statistics when migrating a full repository (only if you connect to the target repository as the repository owner) 
CKCOMREP  compiling invalid objects (only if you connect to the target repository as the repository owner) 
CKFOLMEM  creating folder members 
CKMIGCOM  analyzing migration tables 
CKMIGDAT  migrating data 
CKMIGFUN  creating migration functions 
CKMIGIND  creating migration indexes 
CKMIGINI  initializing repository objects to migrate (dropping the migration ID mapping table, JR_ID_MAPS) 
CKMIGTYP  updating types in the migration table 
CKPOPALG  populating JR_ID_MAPS with application logic 
CKPOPELE  populating JR_ID_MAPS with repository elements 
CKPOPSDD  populating JR_ID_MAPS with DIAGRAM_SEGS, global names and dependencies 
CKPOPSTR  populating JR_ID_MAPS with repository associations 
CKPRECOM  analyzing tables in the source repository when migrating a full repository 
CKPREMIG  verifying and amending instance data before migrating a full repository 
CKPREREC  recompiling packages after running the Repository Analyzer when migrating a full repository 
CKPURGE  running the Repository Analyzer before migrating a full repository 
CKUPGALT  performing specific upgrade changes to tables 
CKUPGCOM  analyzing upgrade tables 
CKUPGDRP  dropping upgrade tables 
CKUPGEND  verifying and amending specific upgrades 
CKUPGIND  creating specific upgrade indexes 
CKUPGMCO  performing specific upgrades for reuseable module components 
CKUPGMOD  performing specific upgrades for modules 
CKUPGPAC  loading specific upgrade packages 
CKUPGSU  performing summary usages for PL/SQL modules 
CKUPGTAB  creating specific upgrade tables 
CKWKAREA  creating workareas 
CKWKCOMP  compiling workareas if the repository uses the available version control features 

Upgrade log files

If you are upgrading from Release 2, the CKMETMR1.LIS and CKUPDMR1.LIS files are not created.
Log file (.log) Contains a log of...
CKPREREQ  importing Repository Administration Utility driving data 
Log file (.lis) Contains a log of...
CKCOMPST  computing statistics 
CKCOMREP  compiling invalid objects 
CKCRESYN  creating synonyms for user access 
CKDRPMR  dropping API objects to be upgraded 
CKGRTROL  granting repository role to subordinate users 
CKINDX  reloading product specific indexes 
CKMETMR1  adding Release 2 meta data 
CKMETMR2  adding Release 3 meta data 
CKPACCOM  reloading common packages 
CKPACK  reloading product specific packages 
CKPRIOVW  reloading the package resolved meta view on CK_INSTALLED_OBJECTS 
CKREPINI  initializing the repository owner's account and organizing access rights 
CKROLGRT  granting object access to repository role 
CKTABS  reloading Oracle RepositoryDesigner 6i tables 
CKUPDMR1  flagging objects to be reloaded for upgrade to Release 2 
CKUPDMR2  flagging objects to be reloaded for upgrade to Release 3 
CKVERS  updating the repository version number 
JRPACK  reloading repository packages 
JRTRIG  reloading repository triggers 
JRVIEW  reloading repository views 

 Versioning log file

Log file (.lis) Contains a log of...
CKENBVER  enabling version control 

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