Build Requirements ------------------ 1. JDK 1.5.0_09 or higher 2. Ant 1.7.1 or higher Building Message Queue with Ant ------------------------------- 1. Unzip the Message Queue source-code zip bundle. unzip .zip 2. In the mq directory, create a new directory called extlib cd $TOP/mq mkdir extlib 3. Download Java EE 5 API (javaee-api-5.jar) from Maven Repository 4. Copy javaee-api-5.jar to $TOP/mq/extlib directory 5. set JAVA_HOME to a JDK 1.5.0_09 or higher. set ANT_HOME to Ant 1.7.1 or higher. Add 'ant' to your PATH 6. Build everything from the top: cd $TOP/mq ant Note: If executing ant returns "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap spare", you should set ANT_OPTS to -Xmx512m to limit the amount of heap per java process. Message Queue Build Output -------------------------- 1. After the build, a build image of Message Queue is at: $TOP/mq/dist/mq 2. A zip bundle of that image is at: $TOP/mq/dist/bundles/mq*.zip . A tar bundle of that image is at: $TOP/mq/dist/bundles/mq*.tar Note: File permissions were not restored in this resulting mq*.zip bundles so after unzipping the file, chmod the binaries to be executable, if on unix. chmod 755 mq/bin/imq* Runing Message Queue -------------------- 1. From this point, IMQ_HOME is considered to be $TOP/mq/dist/mq 2. To run the Message Queue broker: cd IMQ_HOME/bin ./imqbrokerd -tty [-javahome ""] (unix) .\imqbrokerd -tty [-javahome ""] (windows) 3. To run a Message Queue client: (In the mq/examples directory, run the HelloWorldMessage sample program to verify the build was successful.) cd IMQ_HOME/mq/examples/helloworld/helloworldmessage set CLASSPATH to include $IMQ_HOME/lib/jms.jar $IMQ_HOME/lib/imq.jar $IMQ_HOME/examples/helloworld/helloworldmessage java HelloWorldMessage Sending Message: Hello World Read Message: Hello World