[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: 1099-ViewsInDedicatedFolder

From: arjan tijms <>
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2015 17:36:40 +0100


On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 4:22 PM, Frank Caputo <> wrote:
> /contracts can have any resource, thus it can have top level views. From a technical perspective a view is just a facelet. Currently a view can be replaced in a contract.

Okay, so I was mistaken there then. Thanks for the correction.

But isn't this a problem then? All examples and actually the spec
itself refers to it as a "resource library", and saying that it
contains files that would otherwise reside within the resources
directory (which default to /resources).

The spec specifically says in 2.7:

"A resource library contract is a resource library, as specified in
the preceding section,
except that *instead of residing in the resources directory* of the
web-app root, or in the META-INF/resources
JAR entry name in a JAR file, it resides in the contracts directory of
the web-app root, or in the META-
INF/contracts JAR entry name in a JAR file." (emphasis mine)

If I now have the following structure:

          test.xhtml (with output "contract file")
   test.xhtml (with output "root file")
      faces-config.xml (empty)

and request say localhost:8080/test.jsf then it outputs "contract file".

However, if I have the following structure:

       test.xhtml (with output "resource file")
   test.xhtml (with output "root file")
      faces-config.xml (empty)

and request localhost:8080/test.jsf again then it outputs "root file".

So I would say that the spec text is perhaps not entirely correct, as
contracts do not just serve files that would otherwise reside within

The same holds for templates of course, which can't normally be served
from /resources either, but that is, more or less, explained in

"A configurable set of Facelet VDL views in the application will be
able to declare themselves to be template-clients of any template in a
resource library contract."

The same section also says:

"When useContract.war is deployed, the runtime will discover that
siteLayout.jar is a resource library contract
and make its contents available for template clients."

So here it explicitly says that the content is made available to
*template clients*. It doesn't speak about those files becoming
available as top-level views.

To sum up, I looks like 2.7 is potentially not entirely consistent
with 10.1.3, and both do not mention anywhere that views in contract
may be top-level views as well (but I could of course have missed

What do you think?

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

> Ciao Frank