--------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Re: Fwd: Glassfish query from WPTG - glassfish-3.1.2-d2 (197724,197730,197726,197728,197727,197729) Dec 29 == Urgent!! From: Joe Di Pol Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2012 11:12:26 -0800 To: georges.murr@oracle.com, cecilia.cheng@oracle.com CC: Sathyan Catari >>>> Q197724 >>>> systems/glassfish/JavaProperties/glassfish/cluster/ssh/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/cluster/ssh/connect/LocalStrings.properties >>>> String ID: remote.connect.ioexception >>>> US: Could on execute command {0} over SSH >>>> *Issue: *We think "Could on" is a typo of "Could not". Please confirm. Thanks! Correct. Typo. Should be "Could not" >>>> Q197730 >>>> systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/transaction/jts/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/jts/CosTransactions/LocalStrings.properties >>>> String ID: jts.log_open_extend_failed >>>> US: extent >>>> *Issue: *Please clarify the meaning of "extent" here. Does it refer to kind of data >>>> blocks as defined in several entries in TF Term for the term extent? It is referring to a transaction log extent. Transactions are written to a transaction log. The log is extended (grown) by adding log extents. These extents can be implemented as additional files that are opened/created. >>>> Q197726 >>>> systems/glassfish/JavaProperties/glassfish/common/container-common/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/container/common/impl/util/LocalStrings.properties >>>> >>>> String ID: injection-manager.method-not-found >>>> US: InjectionManager exception. Method: void {0} ({1}) not found in class: {2} >>>> >>>> >>>> systems/glassfish/JavaProperties/glassfish/verifier/verifier-impl/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/tools/verifier/ >>>> US: Error: An [ {0} ] method was found, but [ {1} ] method has illegal return value. [ >>>> {2} ] methods must return void type. >>>> >>>> *Issue:* Please confirm if "void" is translatable. Is it a type of methods? "void" is not translatable. It is referring to the return type of a method. >>>> Q197728 >>>> systems/glassfish/JavaProperties/glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties >>>> String ID: create.admin.object.raNotFound >>>> US: Applications: Config element connector-module {0} is not found. >>>> *Issue: *Is "connector-module" a configuration element or does it mean >>>> "connector-module of a configuration element"? Please provide more context. "connector-module" is a configuration element, {0} is its name. >>>> Q197727 >>>> systems/glassfish/JavaProperties/glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties >>>> String ID: admin.mbeans.rmb.invalid_ra_app_not_found >>>> US: Invalid raname. Application with name {0} not found. >>>> *Issue: *We assume "raname" refers to "resurce adapter name". Please confirm if we >>>> should keep "raname" as is since it seems to refer to option (please check here >>>> !) Correct. Do not translate "raname" since it refers to the option. >>>> Q197729 >>>> systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/persistence/cmp/support-ejb/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/ejbqlc/Bundle.properties >>>> String ID: ERR_InvalidPathExpr >>>> US: JDO75340: Invalid path expr >>>> Issue: Please confirm if "expr" should be replaced by "expression" and it is >>>> translatable. Thanks! Yes. That can be replaced by "expression" and translated. Joe --------------------------------------------------------------------- Message-ID: <4F04EA31.4080508@oracle.com> Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2012 16:09:21 -0800 From: Joe Di Pol User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101021 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.4 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Georges Murr CC: Cecilia Cheng , Zoe Straub-coutsou Subject: Re: questions from wptg References: <4F049AC9.9040809@oracle.com> In-Reply-To: <4F049AC9.9040809@oracle.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On 01/ 4/12 10:30 AM, Georges Murr wrote: > Hi Joe, > The translators have some more questions. Could you please help answer them. > > Q197896 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: create.connector.connection.pool.maxwait > US: The amount of time, in milliseconds, that a caller must wait before a connection is > created, if a connection is not available. If set to 0, the caller is blocked indefinitely > until a resource is available or until an error occurs. The default value is 60000. > Issue: Is "caller" a process, a service or something else? Please advise! It is whatever is using the resource adapter connection. I assume this would typically be a Java EE application running in the application server. > Q197905 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/connectors-inbound-runtime/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/connectors/inbound/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: msg-bean-client.could-not-detect-ra-mid > US: message-listener type > Issue: Does "message-listener type" is a typo of "message-listener-type"? Please also > confirm the string should be left as is. Thanks! Correct. Leave as is. > Q197903 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: update.connector.work.security.map.noargs > US: update-connector-work-security-map should be executed with at least one optional > argument of either add(principals/usergroups) or remove(principals/usergroups) > Issue: Please adivse if "add(principals/usergroups) " and "remove(principals/usergroups)" > is translatable. Leave as is. Do not translate. > > Q197907 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/connectors-runtime/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/connectors/util/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: error.getting.application.DD > US: Error while getting Application DD from AppsManager for app {0} : > Issue: Please advise if the colon should be as is or to be put before the variable. > Furthermore, could you please explain what DD stands for. Does "DD" indicaties a date/date > format? Please advise more on the meaning. Thanks! Colon should be at the end (a specific error or exception may follow). DD stands for Deployment Descriptor. > Q197900 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: delete.connector.resource.resource-ref.exist > US: connector resource [ {0} ] is referenced in an instance/cluster target, Use > delete-resource-ref on appropriate target. > Issue: We think that the comma here should be replaced with a period. Several occurrences. I agree. > Q13556873 > systems|glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties > > String ID: create.connector.connection.pool.fail > String Text: Connector connection pool {0} creation failed. {1} > Issue: We cannot provide meaningful, correct translations in the target languages, if do > not know what exactly substitues the tokens (variables) at runtime. {0} is the name of the connection pool. {1} is the reason why the creation failed. > > Q13557167 > systems|glassfish/ejb/ejb-container/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/ejb/containers/Local > Strings.properties > String ID: ejb.bean_class_method_not_found > String Text: Bean class for ejb [{0}] does not define a method corresponding to [{1}] > interface method [{2}] > Issue: We cannot provide meaningful, correct translations in the target languages, if do > not know what exactly substitues the tokens (variables) at runtime. Here, we suppose [{0}] > will be replaced with ejb name but as for the other 2 tokens, we do not know. Can you > please explain? {0} is the EJB name {1} is the EJB interface type ("Remote", "Local", "Home", "LocalHome") {2} is the EJB method name --------------------------------------------------------------------- Message-ID: <4F078993.4030804@oracle.com> Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2012 15:53:55 -0800 From: Joe Di Pol User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101021 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.4 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Georges Murr CC: Cecilia Cheng , "CATARI,SATHYAN" Subject: Re: Fwd: Query from WPTG - glassfish-glassfish-3.1.2-d2 (197899, 197906, 197951, 197959, 197960, 197902, 197895, 197908) = Queries for Jan 5th&6th References: <4F0707D0.6090309@oracle.com> In-Reply-To: <4F0707D0.6090309@oracle.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On 01/ 6/12 06:40 AM, Georges Murr wrote: > Hi Joe, > Translators have more queries. > Is it possible to add the answers as comments to the property files for future reference? Yes, that would be good. I will probably create an issue with all the information to do this. I have my hands pretty full at the moment, and I'd like to batch this all up and do it at once. That means it may not make 3.1.2. We'll see. Here are replies for the latest round of questions: > Q197899 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: admin.mbeans.rmb.ao_intf_impl_check_failed > US: Could not determine admin object resource information of Resource Adapter [ {0} ] for > resType [ {1} ] and classname [ {2} ] > Issue: Please advise if "classname" is translatable here. In this case it looks like "classname" is referring to the command line option. So do not translate. > Q197906 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/connectors-runtime/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/connectors/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: con_mgr.resource_not_shareable > US: Cannot use resource in unshareable scope > Issue: Could you clarify the meaning of "scope" in this string? Thanks! It means context or breadth of visibility. It looks like this string is not currently used, so I don't know exactly what this message means. > > Q197951 > systems/glassfish/JavaProperties/glassfish/admin/config-api/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/config/support/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: GenericCrudCommand.invocation_failure > US: Failure {0} while getting List values from component; > Issue: Please provide more context for this. Is "List" to be translated? {0} is an error message pulled from a Java exception "List" should not be translated. > > Q197959 > systems|glassfish|glassfish/verifier/verifier-impl/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/tools/verifier/LocalStrings.properties|JavaProperties:split|split1 > String ID: > com.sun.enterprise.tools.verifier.tests.ejb.entity.EntityBeanInterface.specMappingInfo_2.1 > US: EJB 2.1 Specification Section #4.2.2 4 > Issue: The section number "4.2.2 4" does not seem to be correct. Should it be "" > (period before "4") or "4.2.2" (ending "4" to be deleted)? It looks like 4.2.2 is the valid section. Maybe the 4 was a typo. Feel free to delete it. > Q197960 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/admin/cli-optional/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/admin/cli/optional/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: current.mp > US: Enter the current master password> > Issue: Several strings in this file contain the ">" sign at the end. How should we > consider it? Does it replace some kind of button or will it appear as such to the user? > Should we remove it or keep it as is? Or should we keep it but add a space before? This string is used in a command line prompt. Do not add a space before the ">" Keep the space after the ">" > Q197902 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: list.connector.work.security.maps.eisPrincipalAndMappedPrincipal > US: {0}: EIS principal={1}, mapped principal={2} > Issue: Please confirm if "EIS principal" and "mapped principal" are translatable. I would not translate these. > Q197895 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: nothingToList > US: Nothing to list. > Issue: Can you tell us what is not being listed, data, applications, resource adapters or > anything else? It seems to be used in a pretty generic fashion. It can be referring to resource adapters, host names, JMS Destinations, probably others. > Q197908 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/connectors-runtime/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/resource/pool/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: poolmgr.no.available.resource > US: In-use connections equal max-pool-size and expired max-wait-time. Cannot allocate more > connections. > Issue: The meaning for the string is not clear. Is it to be understood as "... and > max-wait-time is expired" or something else? Please give us more explanation on it. Thanks! OK, so we have some poor messages! Yes, it means "and the max-wait-time has expired". > Q13565366 > glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties > > String ID: ping.create.connector.connection.pool.fail > US: Attempting to ping during Connector Connection Pool Creation : {0} - Failed. > Problem: We cannot provide meaningful, correct translations in the target languages, if do > not know what exactly substitues the token (variable) at runtime. {0} is the connection pool name --------------------------------------------------------------------- Message-ID: <4F0B1902.8070301@oracle.com> Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2012 08:42:42 -0800 From: Joe Di Pol User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101021 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.4 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Georges Murr CC: Cecilia Cheng , "CATARI,SATHYAN" Subject: Re: Fwd: Query from WPTG - glassfish-glassfish-3.1.2-d2 (198055, 198057, 198064,198054) References: <4F0B0DB4.4020504@oracle.com> In-Reply-To: <4F0B0DB4.4020504@oracle.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On 01/ 9/12 07:54 AM, Georges Murr wrote: > Hi Joe, > We have some more queries from translators. Could you please help clarify. > > > > Thanks, > Georges > > > -------- Original Message -------- > Subject: Query from WPTG - glassfish-glassfish-3.1.2-d2 (198055, 198057, 198064,198054) > Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2012 18:37:55 +0800 > From: CECILIA CHENG > Organization: Oracle Corporation > To: Georges Murr > > > > Hi Georges, > > Could you help us get the clarification from development? Thanks! > > Q198055 > systems|glassfish|glassfish/verifier/verifier-impl/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/tools/verifier/LocalStrings.properties|JavaProperties:split|split4 > String ID: com.sun.enterprise.tools.verifier.tests.ejb.runtimeASEntBeanPmDescriptors.failed2 > US: FAILED [AS-EJB pm-descritor] : pm-identifier cannot be an empty string. > Issue: Translator doubt if "Refereneceable" in the end is a typo of "Referenceable"? Yes it appears to be a typo and should be "Referenceable" (I assume you are referring to the message below, not the one above). > > Q198057 > systems|glassfish|glassfish/verifier/verifier-impl/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/tools/verifier/LocalStrings.properties|JavaProperties:split|split3 > String ID: > com.sun.enterprise.tools.verifier.tests.connector.managed.CheckConnectionFactoryImplReferenceable.assertion > US: For each connection-definition, the specified connectionfactory-impl-class implements > javax.resource.Refereneceable. > > String ID: com.sun.enterprise.tools.verifier.tests.ejb.runtimeASEntBeanPmDescriptors.failed3 > US: FAILED [AS-EJB pm-descritor] : pm-version cannot be an empty string. > > String ID: com.sun.enterprise.tools.verifier.tests.ejb.runtimeASEntBeanPmDescriptors.failed4 > US: FAILED [AS-EJB pm-descritor] : pm-config cannot be an empty string. > > String ID: com.sun.enterprise.tools.verifier.tests.ejb.runtimeASEntBeanPmDescriptors.failed13 > US: FAILED [AS-EJB pm-descriptor] : pm-class-generator cannot be empty. > > String ID: com.sun.enterprise.tools.verifier.tests.ejb.runtimeASEntBeanPmDescriptors.failed6 > US: FAILED [AS-EJB pm-descritor] : pm-pm-mapping-factory cannot be an empty string. > > Issue: Please confirm if "descritor" is a typo of "descriptor". Thanks! Yes, it is a typo. It should be "descriptor" > > Q198064 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/security/core/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/security/provider/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: > US: "commit failed for policy context [{0}] caught {1}. > Issue: > 1. Could you please confirm if the quote at the beginning of the string is redundant or > the close quote is missing? > 2. Please advise what the placeholders will be replaced. Thanks! The leading quote appears to be redundant and can be removed. {0} is the policy context name {1} is an exception/error message > Q198054 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/das-recovery/cli/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/glassfish/dasrecovery/LogStrings.properties > String ID: warning.backup.validation > US: BKUP0040: (BackupScheduler) Backup configuration validation error for {0}. Missing > schedule" > Issue: Please confirm if Open quote is missing or the quote in the end is redundant. It appears to be redundant and can be removed. > Q198129 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/admin/server-mgmt/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/admin/servermgmt/LocalStrings.properties > Systems|Glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/admin/server-mgmt/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/admin/servermgmt/services/localstrings.properties > String ID: adminUserComment > US: # Domain User and Password - Do Not Delete Entry Above > Issue: Please confirm if these two strings are writer's comments and should be removed. No. This is a comment string that is added to a file. They are not the writer's comments. > Q197901 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties > String ID: create.connector.work.security.raname > US: Resource adapter requesting mapping of* identities *from EIS domain to application > server domain. > Issue: Are these identities general ones or particular ones? I can't find where this string is used so I don't have much context. I think this is saying: mapping all identities from a specific EIS domain to a specific application server domain. Identities is plural. Hope that helps. Joe > > > > Best regards, > Cecilia > > > -- > > > Cecilia Cheng | Sr. Language Specialist | +886.2.2312.7339 > Oracle Worldwide Product Translation Group > 35F, No 66, Section 1, Chung Hsiao West Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. > > --> --------------------------------------------------------------------- Message-ID: <4F0F79A6.7060506@oracle.com> Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 16:24:06 -0800 From: Joe Di Pol User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101021 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.4 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Georges Murr , CECILIA CHENG CC: Carter Hu Subject: Re: Urgent!! Query from WPTG - queries in glassfish-final-drop1, glassfish-3.1.2-d2 and GF_3.1.2_Man_DarbBook_Drop1 References: <4F0EB0F6.3070504@oracle.com> <4F0EF6AC.1050900@oracle.com> In-Reply-To: <4F0EF6AC.1050900@oracle.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > On 01/12/12 03:07 AM, CECILIA CHENG wrote: >> Hi Georges, >> >> It would be highly appreciated if we can have the feedback on the following queries as >> soon as possible. Thanks! >> >> *glassfish-glassfish-final-drop1* >> Q198337 >> systems|glassfish|CTMenu|glassfish/sth_lang.h >> ID: STH_LANG_To >> US: to >> ID: STH_LANG_For >> US: for >> Issue: Please advise how these 2 strings to be used in runtime. I can't locate this file in the workspace. >> >> *glassfish-glassfish-3.1.2-d2* >> Q198271 >> systems/glassfish/JavaProperties/glassfish/admingui/common/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/common/admingui/Strings.properties >> >> monitoring.Low=LOW >> monitoring.High=HIGH >> monitoring.Off=OFF >> >> >> Issue: >> The following comments are given to the strings above: >> >> #This is about setting monitoring level, in English, we want this to be all capitals, to >> match the spec. >> # but please translate this in other locale. >> >> >> However, the similar query was reported during legacy assessment and the answer from >> development seems totally different. We would like to make a double confirmation that >> the strings are *translatable in UI* but *untranslatable in MP*. Correct. >> >> Q198270 >> systems/glassfish/JavaProperties/glassfish/admingui/web/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/web/admingui/Strings.properties >> String ID: http.AuthPassThrough >> US: Auth Pass Through >> Issue: 'Auth' could stand for 'authentification' or 'authorization' here. We understood >> it as 'authorization'. Please confirm. authentication >> >> Q198269 >> systems/glassfish/JavaProperties/glassfish/admingui/jdbc/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/jdbc/admingui/Strings.properties >> String ID: jdbcPool.initSql >> US: Init SQL >> Issue: Because 'Init' could also be a verb here, please advise whether this a compound >> noun or a verb and a noun. Compound noun. It means "Initialization SQL", as in an initialization SQL string. >> Q198238 >> systems|glassfish|glassfish/verifier/verifier-impl/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/tools/verifier/LocalStrings.properties|JavaProperties >> String ID: com.sun.enterprise.tools.verifier.tests.dd.ParseDD.failedPairs >> US: >> FAILED [EJB] : Either one of the [ {0} ] : [ {1} ] tag pair is not present. >> FAILED [App Client] : res-sharing-scope cannot be {0}. It has to be either Shareable or >> Unshareable. >> FAILED [EJB] : res-sharing-scope cannot be {0}. It has to be either Shareable or >> Unshareable. >> PASSED [EJB] >> NOT APPLICABLE [AS-EJB cmp] >> WARNING [AS-EJB {0}] >> NOT RUN [AS-EJB cmp] >> Issue: >> Please confirm if "FAILED", "PASSED", "NOT APPLICABLE", "WARNING" and "NOT RUN" are >> translatable. BTW, in the T13y analysis for Metro, development confirmed they are >> translatable. Not sure if the answer apply for Glassfish as well. Yes, translatable. >> >> Q198338 >> systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/monitoring/scripting/server/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/monitor/script/cli/LocalStrings.properties >> String ID: loading >> US: Loading monitoring-scripting-client application on {0} >> Issue: we have assumed that "monitoring-scripting-client" refers to Monitoring Scripting >> Client, is this correct? >> Please check what is found at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19798-01/821-1765/gjzkc/index.html Correct. >> >> Q198280 >> systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/connectors/admin/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/connectors/admin/cli/LocalStrings.properties >> String ID: admin.mbeans.rmb.null_ao_intf >> US: Resource Adapter {0} does not contain any resource type for admin-object. Please >> specify another res-adapter. >> Issue: >> Can you please confirm that "administered object", "admin object" and "admin-object" are >> the same thing? >> And also "resource adapter" and "res-adapter"? Or are "admin-object" and "res-adapter" >> system object names to be left as such? When in doubt if there is an embedded hyphen and the word is not obvious english I would not translate. From the source it's a bit unclear to me if these (res-adapter, admin-object) are being used generically, or referring specifically to the configuration elements by those names. So I would not translate. I assume "admin object" is the same as "administered object". >> >> Q198275 >> systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/cluster/admin/src/main/resources_en/com/sun/enterprise/v3/admin/cluster/LocalStrings.properties, >> String ID: create.instance.usagetext >> US: create-instance --node \n\t[--config | --cluster ] >> \n\t[--lbenabled[=]] \n\t[--checkports[=]] >> [--portbase ] \n\t[--systemproperties ] >> \n\t[-?|--help[=]] instance_name >> Issue: Can you please confirm nothing is translatable in the above string? Or the >> strings quote in < > are translatable, such as , , , >> . This is a command line usage string. Probably best if you leave it all unstranslated. >> >> Q198157 >> systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/sdk-installer/installer/src/JavaEESDKWebProfile/java/org/openinstaller/resource/ResourceMsgs.properties >> String ID: CONFIGURING_UPDATETOOL >> US: Unconfiguring UpdateTool >> Start Update Tool >> >> *Original Issue:** * >> Update Tool appears in this file with different wordings: updatetool and Update Tool. >> Can you please confirm whether LINT response to the "updatetool/update tool" issue means >> that the correct spelling is "updatetool" and as such, be left untranslated in all its >> occurrences. Shall we disregard occurrences of "Update Tool" and interpret them as if >> they read "UpdateTool". >> Feedback => yes, you can consider all occurrences of "Update Tool" as UpdateTool >> Also, what is "UpdateTool", is it a functionality, a product name...? >> Feedback => UpdateTool is a utility that is bundled with glassfish. >> >> *Further Issue:* >> Sorry to insist, can you please check these 2 links: >> http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18930_01/html/821-2437/gaejc.html#gktcz >> http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18930_01/html/821-2416/ggjxp.html#SJSASEEAGghgai >> >> We assume that "Upgrade Tool" is fully translatable. We don't know why Update >> Tool/UpdateTool, must be understood always as "UpdateTool" and leave all occurrences >> untranslated. It seems normal text, normal tool. Furthermore, "UpdateTool" should be >> changed to "Update Tool". Please confirm! Update Tool is the name of a graphical utility that ships with GlassFish. So it is used as referenced in your documentation links above. Rather like a proper noun. Not sure if you translate those or not. UpdateTool and Updatetool should be the same as Update Tool. "updatetool" likely refers to a specific command and should not be translated. >> >> Q198135 >> systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/admin/config-api/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/config/support/LocalStrings.properties >> String ID: GenericCrudCommand.wrong_type >> US: The generic type {0} is not supported, only List is" >> Issue: >> Please confirm the quote (") should be removed and it is a concatenate string. If yes, >> we have to log a T13y bug. Redundant. Remove. >> *GF_3.1.2_Man_DarbBook_Drop1* >> Q198328 >> /Default >> workspace/Clients/Application-Integration-Svcs/Projects/17954_GF_3.1.2_Man_DarbBook_Drop1_3rd/Source-English/GSRFM/disable-secure-admin-principal.129.darbbook, >> 38 >> US: Disables trust of a DN for secure administration >> Issue: Please explain what 'trust' means in this context. Is it to be translated? It means GlassFish will no longer trust (from a security perspective) the DN specified by the command. Yes, it should be translated. >> >> Q198329 >> /Default >> workspace/Clients/Application-Integration-Svcs/Projects/17954_GF_3.1.2_Man_DarbBook_Drop1_3rd/Source-English/GSRFM/glassfish-kernel-connection-queue-onTaskQueuedEvent.386.darbbook, >> 7 >> US: on task queued event >> Issue: Please confirm if 'on task' is a typo and should read 'no task'. Please also >> confirm the sentence structure. e.g. whether this sentence means "no task exists for the >> event in the queue" or whether it has another meaning. No. It is "on task". As in: a probe is fired on task queued event. BTW, I'm not the right person to answer the documentation questions. So I won't be answering future documentation questions unless I happen to know the answer off the top of my head. Joe --------------------------------------------------------------------- Message-ID: <4F0F7BAF.7080000@oracle.com> Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 16:32:47 -0800 From: Joe Di Pol User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101021 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.4 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: CECILIA CHENG CC: Georges Murr Subject: Re: Urgent!! Query from WPTG - queries in glassfish-final-drop1, glassfish-3.1.2-d2 and GF_3.1.2_Man_DarbBook_Drop1 + 198351, 198390 References: <4F0EB0F6.3070504@oracle.com> <4F0EF6AC.1050900@oracle.com> <4F0F0BF5.9040109@oracle.com> <4F0F72EA.8090809@oracle.com> In-Reply-To: <4F0F72EA.8090809@oracle.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On 01/12/12 03:55 PM, CECILIA CHENG wrote: > Hi Joe, > > Sorry, translators logged two more queries. Could you have a look at them as well? Thanksss! > > *glassfish-3.1.2-d2* > Q198351 > systems|glassfish|JavaProperties|glassfish/admingui/web/src/main/resources_en/org/glassfish/web/admingui/Strings.properties > String ID: http.AuthPassThroughHelp > US: Indicate that the network listener receives traffic from an SSL-terminating proxy server > Issue: Can you please provide more info about "SSL-terminating proxy server"? Especially > in relation with "SSL-terminating"? Does "terminating" mean "interruption"? "SSL termination" is a fairly common technical term used with reverse proxies. It means the SSL (https) connection from the client terminates at the proxy server. The proxy then makes a normal (http) connection to the server. > > *3.1.2 D1 UA, GF_3.1.2_Man_DarbBook_Drop1* > Q198390 > /Default > workspace/Clients/Application-Integration-Svcs/Projects/17954_GF_3.1.2_Man_DarbBook_Drop1_3rd/Source-English/GSRFM/deploydir.121.darbbook > US: development directory > Issue: Is this a source error and should be "deployment directory"? Otherwise, the segment > makes no sense. Sorry, you'll have to check with the documentation team. > > Best regards, > Cecilia >