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versionImage.description=GlassFish Server Administration Console
copyright.shortMessage=Copyright \u00a9 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Rights - Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Oracle standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements. Use is subject to license terms. This distribution may include materials developed by third parties. Portions may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from U. of CA. Oracle, Java and GlassFish are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Copyright © 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.
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U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are \"commercial computer software\" or \"commercial technical data\" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle America, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.
This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.
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shutdown.pageTitle=Shutting down DAS
shutdown.RestartContinue=Click here to return to the login page after the server has started.
shutdown.RestartHeading=Initiated shutdown process of this application server domain.
shutdown.RestartInstructions1=The domain can be restarted using the asadmin start-domain command. In order to restart the domain:
shutdown.RestartStep1=login to the machine where domain is installed.
shutdown.RestartStep2=run <appserver-installation-directory>/bin/asadmin list-domains to ensure that the domain shutdown process is complete
shutdown.RestartStep3=run <appserver-installation-directory>/bin/asadmin start-domain command with appropriate parameters.
restart.RestartHeading=Initiated restart process of this application server domain.
restart.RestartContinue=Click here to return to the login page after the server has been started. This may take a few seconds.
restart.pageTitle=Restarting DAS
# Tree Node Name
tree.commonTasks=Common Tasks
tree.appServer=GlassFish Server
tree.enterpriseApps=Enterprise Applications
tree.lifecycle=Lifecycle Modules
tree.jdbcResources=JDBC Resources
tree.jdbcResources.toolTip=JDBC Resources
tree.connectionPools=Connection Pools
tree.connectionPools.tooltip=Connection Pools
tree.jmsResources=JMS Resources
tree.jmsResources.tooltip=JMS Resources
tree.connectionFactories=Connection Factories
tree.connectionFactories.tooltip=Connection Factories
tree.destinationResources=Destination Resources
tree.destinationResources.tooltip=Destination Resources
tree.javaMailSessions=JavaMail Sessions
tree.javaMailSessions.tooltip=JavaMail Sessions
tree.customResources=Custom Resources
tree.customResources.tooltip=Custom Resources
tree.externalResources=External Resources
tree.externalResources.tooltip=External Resources
tree.connectorResources=Connector Resources
tree.connectorResources.tooltip=Connector Resources
tree.connectorConnectionPools=Connector Connection Pools
tree.connectorConnectionPools.tooltip=Connector Connection Pools
tree.adminObjectResources=Admin Object Resources
tree.adminObjectResources.tooltip=Admin Object Resources
tree.resourceAdapterConfigs.tooltip=Resource Adapter Configs
tree.resourceAdapterConfigs=Resource Adapter Configs
tree.workSecurityMaps=Work Security Maps
tree.workSecurityMaps.tooltip=Work Security Maps
tree.jvmSettings=JVM Settings
tree.jvmSettings.tooltip=JVM Settings
tree.loggerSettings=Logger Settings
tree.loggerSettings.tooltip=Logger Settings
tree.ejbContainer=EJB Container
tree.ejbContainer.tooltip=EJB Container
tree.javaMessageService=Java Message Service
tree.javaMessageService.tooltip=Java Message Service
tree.jmsHosts=JMS Hosts
tree.jmsHosts.tooltip=JMS Hosts
tree.physicalDestinations=Physical Destinations
tree.availabilityService=Availability Service
tree.availabilityService.tooltip=Availability Service
tree.jaccProviders=JACC Providers
tree.auditModules=Audit Modules
tree.msgSecurityConfigs=Message Security
tree.iiopListeners=IIOP Listeners
tree.adminService=Admin Service
tree.adminService.tooltip=Admin Service
tree.connectorService=Connector Service
tree.connectorService.tooltip=Connector Service
tree.systemProps=System Properties
tree.systemProps.tooltip=System Properties
tree.accessLog=Access Log
tree.standaloneInstances=Stand-Alone Instances
display.Navigation=Display Navigation Tree
display.contentArea=Content Area
skipto.content=Skip to Content Area
loginButtonTooltip=Log In to GlassFish Administration Console
logoutTooltip=Logout from GlassFish Administration Console
helpWindowTitle=Help Window
helpWindowTOC=Table of Contents
homeLinkTooltip=Return to Application Home Page
versionTooltip=Display Product Version. (Opens a new window)
helpWindowTooltip=Online help in a new window
mastHeadDescription=GlassFish v3 Administration Console
masthead.restartRequired=Restart Required
masthead.restartStatusMsg=Go to page for stopping and starting the server
error.checkServerLog=Check server Log for more information
msg.longRunningProcess=A long-running process has been detected. Please wait...
msg.JS.confirmStartInstance=Start the GlassFish Server Instance ?
msg.JS.confirmStopInstance=Stop the GlassFish Server Instance ?
msg.JS.confirmRestartInstance=Restart the GlassFish Server Instance ?
msg.JS.confirmStopInstances=Stop the selected GlassFish Server Instance(s)?
msg.JS.confirmStartInstances=Start the selected GlassFish Server Instance(s)?
msg.JS.confirmStartCluster=Start the Cluster ?
msg.JS.confirmStartClusters=Start the selected Cluster(s) ?
msg.JS.confirmStopCluster=Stop the Cluster?
msg.JS.confirmStopClusters=Stop the selected Cluster(s)?
msg.JS.confirmLogout=Log Out of GlassFish Administration Console
msg.JS.selectValue=Select a value for
msg.JS.enterValue=Enter a value for
msg.JS.enterNumericValue=Enter a numeric value for
msg.JS.enterIntegerValue=Enter a positive integer value for
msg.JS.enterPortValue=Enter a valid port number for
msg.JS.manageUser.passwordNotMatch=The password values do not match. Re-enter passwords.
msg.JS.manageUser.setEmptyAdminPassword=Set empty password for the current admin user. Continue ?
msg.JS.manageUser.setEmptyPassword=Set empty password for specified user. Continue ?
msg.JS.realm.needClassName=Enter the classname of the realm or select one of the predefined name from the dropdown list.
msg.JS.confirmDeleteResources=Selected Resource(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeletePools=Resources dependent on the selected connection pool(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteJmsHosts=Selected JMS Host(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteCallFlowData=Delete the selected Request(s)?
msg.JS.confirmClearCallFlowData=Clear all Call Flow Data?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteThreadPools=Selected Thread Pool(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteHttpListener=Selected HTTP Listener(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeletePhysicalDestinations=Selected Destination(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmUndeploy=Selected Application(s) will be undeployed. Continue ?
msg.JS.deploy.confirmNoTarget=No Target is selected for deployment. Continue ?
msg.JS.deploy.selectType=Select a Type for Deployment.
msg.JS.confirmDeleteMgmtRules=Selected Management Rules(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteInstance=Selected Instance(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteCluster=Delete the selected cluster(s) and their instances?
msg.JS.confirmRemoveTarget=Selected applications(s) will be removed from this target. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteNodeAgent=Delete the selected node agent(s)?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteSecurityMaps=Delete the selected Security Map(s)?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteLoadBalancers=Delete the selected Load Balancer(s)?
msg.JS.deploy.confirmType=Selected file does not match Application type. Continue deployment?
msg.JS.redeploy.typeUnmatch=Selected file does not match Application type. Select again.
msg.JS.redeploy.fileReqd=Please select a file to (re)deploy.
msg.JS.confirmStop=Stop the GlassFish Server Instance?
msg.JS.clearDataConfirm=Resets all statistics for selected server?
msg.JS.improperEmail=Email Address is improperly formatted
msg.EmptyOverrideValue=Override value cannot be empty. Please enter a valid number.
msg.EmptyWeight=Weight cannot be empty. Please enter a valid number.
msg.saveSuccessful=New values successfully saved.
msg.PingSucceed=Ping Succeeded
msg.PingError=Ping returned error without known reason.
msg.FlushSucceed=Flush Succeeded
msg.FlushError=Flush returned error without known reason.
msg.JmsPingSucceed=Ping succeeded: JMS service is running
msg.Error=An error has occurred
msg.updatesAvailable={0} new updates are available.
msg.updateAvailable=1 new update is available.
msg.newModulesAvailable={0} new software are available.
msg.newModuleAvailable=1 new software is available.
msg.updatesAndNewModulesAvailable={0} new updates and {1} new software are available.
msg.updateAndNewModulesAvailable=1 new update and {0} new software are available.
Please run the Update Center Client ({0}) for download and installation.
msg.enableSuccessful=Selected application(s) has been enabled on all targets.
msg.disableSuccessful=Selected application(s) has been disabled on all targets.
msg.enableResourceSuccessful=Selected resource(s) has been enabled.
msg.disableResourceSuccessful=Selected resource(s) has been disabled.
msg.enableSuccessfulPE=Selected application(s) has been enabled.
msg.disableSuccessfulPE=Selected application(s) has been disabled.
msg.enableSuccessfulLifecycle=Selected Lifecycle Module(s) has been enabled.
msg.disableSuccessfulLifecycle=Selected Lifecycle Module(s) has been disabled.
msg.enableResourceSuccessfulPE=Selected resource(s) has been enabled.
msg.disableResourceSuccessfulPE=Selected resource(s) has been disabled.
msg.NoSuchLifecycle=Cannot find Lifecycle with the specified name. Resource may have been deleted.
msg.NoSuchCluster=Cannot find specified Cluster Resource. Resource may have been deleted.
msg.NoSuchJDBCResource=Cannot find JDBC Resource with the specified name. Resource may have been deleted.
msg.noSuchJDBCConnectionPool=Cannot find JDBC Connection Pool with the specified name. Resource may have been deleted.
msg.NoSuchAppclient=Cannot find this AppClient. This AppClient may have been undeployed.
msg.NoSuchAdminObjectResource=Cannot find specified Admin Object Resource. Resource may have been deleted.
msg.NoSuchConnectorResource=Cannot find specified Connector Resource. Resource may have been deleted.
msg.NoSuchConnectorConnectionPool=Cannot find specified Connector Connection Pool. The pool may have been deleted.
msg.NoSuchMailResource=Cannot find specified JavaMail Resource. Resource may have been deleted.
msg.NoSuchCustomResource=Cannot find specified Custom Resource. Resource may have been deleted.
msg.NoSuchExternalResource=Cannot find specified External Resource. Resource may have been deleted.
msg.NoSuchResource=Cannot find specified Resource. Resource may have been deleted.
msg.NoAMXGmsSupport=No support in creating Group Management Service
msg.deploy.connectorModule=Connector Module is deployed.
msg.duplicatePropTableKey=Found more than one Property with same name: {0}
msg.error.checkLog=Check server log for more information.
msg.MaxTime=Max Time
msg.MinTime=Min Time
msg.TotalTime=Total Time
msg.AppName=App Name
msg.DepType=Deployment Type
msg.EndPointName=End Point Name
msg.ImplType=Impl Type
msg.ImplClass=Impl Class
msg.NameSpace=Name Space
msg.PortName=Port Name
msg.ServiceName=Service Name
msg.ClassName=Class Name
msg.HWaterMark=High Water Mark
msg.LWaterMark=Low Water Mark
msg.deploy.nullArchiveError=GUI internal error: Archive Path is NULL.
msg.deploy.UndeployError=Error occurs during undeployment of:
msg.loadBalancer.NoSuchLB=Load Balancer {0} does not exist
msg.loadBalancer.TestConnectionSuccess=Test Connection succeeded.
msg.loadBalancer.TestConnectionFailed=Test Connection failed.
msg.loadBalancer.ApplyLBSuccessful=Changes applied successfully.
msg.requiredMsgNodeAgent=A node agent must be specified for instance.
msg.cluster.creationError=Cluster name {0} is not unique. There is a configuration, node agent, cluster, or server instance with this name.
msg.dateFormat=Enter a Valid Date, Make sure date range is valid as per the entered month, year, and the pattern is
msg.compareDate=Enter a Valid Date to generate diagnostic report. The date can be current date, or earlier.
msg.upgradeSuccess=Successfully upgraded to cluster profile.
# begin Common Tasks keys
commonTasks.title=Common Tasks
commonTasks.welcome=Welcome to the GlassFish Application Server
commonTasks.group.tasks=Common Tasks
commonTasks.group.enterpriseTasks=Enterprise Tasks
commonTasks.group.Other=Other Tasks
commonTasks.group.UpdateCenter=Update Center
commonTasks.task.searchLog=Search Log Files
commonTasks.task.searchLog.infoText=Search the log files of your application server instances.
commonTasks.task.searchLog.infoTitle=Search Log Files
commonTasks.task.searchLog.infoLinkText=More on Searching Log Files
commonTasks.task.searchLog.toolTip=Search Log Files
commonTasks.task.listApp=List Deployed Applications
commonTasks.task.listApp.infoTitle=List Deployed Applications
commonTasks.task.listApp.infoLinkText=More on Deployed Applications
commonTasks.task.listApp.toolTip=List Deployed Applications
commonTasks.task.deployEAR=Deploy an Application
commonTasks.task.deployEAR.infoText=(TBD)An enterprise application is packaged in an EAR file, a type of archive file that contains any type of Java EE standalone modules, such as WAR and EJB JAR files. Refer to the online help for more information.
commonTasks.task.deployEAR.infoTitle=Deploy an Application
commonTasks.task.deployEAR.infoLinkText=More on Enterprise Application Deployment
commonTasks.task.deployEAR.toolTip=Deploy Enterprise Application
commonTasks.task.deployWAR=Deploy Web Application (.war)
commonTasks.task.deployWAR.infoText=A Web application is packaged in a WAR file, a type of archive file that contains components such as servlets and JSP pages.
commonTasks.task.deployWAR.infoTitle=Deploy Web Application (.war)
commonTasks.task.deployWAR.infoLinkText=More on Web Application (.war) Deployment
commonTasks.task.deployWAR.toolTip=Deploy Web Application (.war)
commonTasks.task.deployCustomMBean=Deploy Custom MBean
commonTasks.task.deployCustomMBean.infoText=A Custom MBean is packaged in a JAR file.
commonTasks.task.deployCustomMBean.infoTitle=Deploy Custom MBean (.jar)
commonTasks.task.deployCustomMBean.infoLinkText=More on Custom MBean (.jar) Deployment
commonTasks.task.deployCustomMBean.toolTip=Deploy Custom MBean (.war)
commonTasks.task.deployJbi=Deploy Java Business Integration (JBI) Service Assembly
commonTasks.task.deployJbi.infoText=A JBI Service Assembly is packaged in a Jar or Zip file.
commonTasks.task.deployJbi.infoTitle=Deploy Java Business Integration (JBI) Service Assembly
commonTasks.task.deployJbi.infoLinkText=More on JBI Service Assembly Deployment
commonTasks.task.deployJbi.toolTip=Deploy Java Business Integration (JBI) Service Assembly
commonTasks.task.connPool=Create New JDBC Connection Pool
commonTasks.task.connPool.infoText=A connection pool is used to provide database access to deployed applications.
commonTasks.task.connPool.infoTitle=Create New JDBC Connection Pool
commonTasks.task.connPool.infoLinkText=More on Creating New JDBC Connection Pool
commonTasks.task.connPool.toolTip=Create JDBC Connection Pool
commonTasks.task.monitor=View Monitoring Data
commonTasks.task.monitor.infoText= Monitor various aspects of the application server.
commonTasks.task.monitor.infoTitle=View Monitoring Data
commonTasks.task.monitor.infoLinkText=More on Monitoring Data
commonTasks.task.monitor.toolTip=View Monitoring Data
commonTasks.task.configMonitor=Configure Monitoring
commonTasks.task.configMonitor.infoText=Configure monitoring
commonTasks.task.configMonitor.infoTitle=Configure Montoring
commonTasks.task.configMonitor.infoLinkText=More on Configuring Monitoring
commonTasks.task.configMonitor.toolTip=Configure Monitoring
commonTasks.task.uc.getStart=Getting Started Guide
commonTasks.task.uc.getStart.toolTip=Getting Start Guide for Update Center
commonTasks.task.uc.toolTip=Check if any new updates or softwares available
commonTasks.task.regAndSupport=GlassFish News
commonTasks.task.glassfishNews=GlassFish News
commonTasks.task.support.toolTip=GlassFish Support
commonTasks.task.qstart=Quick Start Guide
commonTasks.task.qstart.toolTip=Quick Start Guide
commonTasks.task.qstart.infoText=Basic steps for starting the application server, and for packaging and deploying applications. It also provides information about the Administration Console and command-line tools.
commonTasks.task.qstart.infoTitle=Quick Start Guide
commonTasks.task.qstart.infoLinkText=More on Quick Start Guide
commonTasks.task.adminGuide=Administration Guide
commonTasks.task.adminGuide.toolTip=Administration Guide
commonTasks.task.adminGuide.infoText=How to configure, administer, and monitor GlassFish Server.
commonTasks.task.adminGuide.infoTitle=Administration Guide
commonTasks.task.adminGuide.infoLinkText=More on Administration Guide
commonTasks.task.devGuide=Application Development Guide
commonTasks.task.devGuide.toolTip=Application Development Guide
commonTasks.task.devGuide.infoText=How to create and run Java EE applications in the GlassFish Server environment. Topics include developer tools, security, debugging, and creating lifecycle modules.
commonTasks.task.devGuide.infoTitle=Developer's Guide
commonTasks.task.devGuide.infoLinkText=More on Application Development Guide
commonTasks.task.deployGuide=Application Deployment Guide
commonTasks.task.deployGuide.toolTip=Application Deployment Guide
commonTasks.task.deployGuide.infoText=How to deploy applications and application components to GlassFish Server. Includes information about deployment descriptors.
commonTasks.task.deployGuide.infoTitle=Application Deployment Guide
commonTasks.task.deployGuide.infoLinkText=More on Application Deployment Guide
commonTasks.task.adminPassword=Change Administrator Password
commonTasks.task.adminPassword.toolTip=Change Administrator Password
# change the doc link to the localized copy if there is any
# end Common Tasks keys
common.AdminConsole=Administration Console
common.LbEnabled=Load Balancer Enabled
common.ConfigurationName=Configuration Name:
common.WebContainer=Web Container
common.ThreadPool=Thread Pool
common.EjbContainer=EJB Container
common.AuditModules=Audit Modules
common.MdbContainer=MDB Container
common.TransactionService=Transaction Service
common.NodeAgent=Node Agent
common.GMS=Group Management Service
common.SelfManagement=Self Management
common.GeneralTab=General Tab
common.GeneralSettings=General Settings
common.jndiName=JNDI Name:
common.poolName=Pool Name:
common.NumBeans=Number of beans
common.resType=Resource Type:
common.resourceAdapter=Resource Adapter:
common.jndiNameHelp=A unique name of up to 255 characters; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
common.JavaWebStart=Java Web Start:
common.TimeStamp=Time Stamp
common.ResponseTime=Response Time (ms)
common.ClientHost=Client Host
common.AllItems=All Items
common.AdditionalProperties=Additional Properties
common.NtwkAddress=Network Address
common.listPort=Listener Port
common.defVirtualServer=Default Virtual Server
common.username=User Name:
common.instanceName=Instance Name:
common.newDropDown=-- New --
common.moreActionDropDown=-- More Actions --
common.showAll= -- Show All --
common.ResourceName=Resource Name
common.AdditonalProperties=Additional Properties
common.lbTableColumn=HTTP Load Balancer
common.LBActionDropDown=-- Load Balancer Actions --
common.property.select.title=Select/Deselect Property
common.JdbcConnectionPools=JDBC Connection Pools
# Buttons
button.SaveAs=Save As...
button.SaveWithReload=Save and Reload
button.LoadDefaults=Load Defaults
button.ViewLogFiles=View Log Files
button.ClearData=Clear Data
button.AddProperty=Add Property
button.DeleteProperties=Delete Properties
button.ChooseFolder=Choose Folder
button.ChooseFile=Choose File
button.BrowseFolder=Browse Folders...
button.BrowseFile=Browse Files...
button.ManageUsers=Manage Users
button.ViewTree=View Tree
button.ManageTarget=Manage Targets...
button.TestConnection=Test Connection
button.LbExport=Export Now...
button.LbApply=Apply Changes Now
button.startLB=Enable Load Balancing
button.hideChart=Hide Chart
button.displayChart=Display Chart
button.backToCallFlow=Back to Call Flow
button.backToMessages=Back to Messages
button.changeLevel=Change Level
# Token Tab
appServer.tokenTab=System Properties Tab
appServer.tokenTitle=System Properties
appServer.tokenTitleHelp=A system property defines a common value for a setting at the server level. You can refer to a system property in a text field by enclosing it in a dollar sign and curly braces.
# Headings
headings.AppConfig=Applications Configuration
headings.AppConfigTab=Applications Configuration Tab
headings.DomainAttributes=Domain Attributes
headings.DomainAttributesTab=Domain Attributes Tab
headings.AdminPassword=Administrator Password
headings.AdminPasswordTab=Administrator Password Tab
# Server Instance General page
instance.GeneralTitle=General Information
button.stopInstance=Stop Instance
button.startInstance=Start Instance
button.logViewer=View Log Files
button.logViewerRaw=View Raw Log
button.collectLogFiles=Collect Logs
button.rotateLog=Rotate Log
button.jndiBrowsing=JNDI Browsing
button.recoverTrans=Recover Transaction...
button.upgradeProfile=Add Cluster Support...
button.secureAdmin=Secure Administration...
inst.httpPortsLabel=HTTP Port(s):
inst.iiopPortsLabel=IIOP Port(s):
inst.configDirLabel=Configuration Directory:
inst.installDirLabel=Installation Directory:
inst.versionLabel=Installed Version:
inst.upTimeLabel=Up Time:
inst.notEnabled=Not Enabled
inst.debugEnabled=Enabled on Port:
inst.ConfigPropsPageTitle=Instance Specific Configuration Properties
inst.ConfigPropsPageHelp=The default values are defined in the configuration bound to this instance. To revert the value back to the default value, remove the override value and click Save. If no override value is set, the default value is used.
inst.ConfigPropTab=Configuration Properties
inst.ConfigsPropsTableTitle=Configuration Properties: Default and Override Values
inst.InstPropTab=Instance Properties
inst.PropTableTitle=Configuration Properties: Default and Override Values
inst.ColDefaultValue=Default Value
inst.ColOverrideValue=Override Value
inst.tab.ConfigProperties=System Properties
inst.tab.InstanceProperties=Instance Properties
inst.PropsPageTitle=Instance Only Properties
inst.PropsPageTitleHelp=Add or change properties for this instance.
inst.PropsTableTitle=Instance Properties
restart.RestartHelpText=Restart indicator means one or more configuration values have been changed and the application server must be restarted for the new values to take effect.
restart.showRestartReasonList=View reasons for requiring a restart
restart.tooltip=Restart the server by stopping, then start again
### Applications
applications.enterpriseAppsToolTip=Enterprise Applications
applications.webAppsToolTip=Web Applications
applications.ejbModulesToolTip=EJB Modules
applications.connectorModulesToolTip=Connector Modules
applications.lifecycleModulesToolTip=Lifecycle Modules
applications.appclientModulesToolTip=Application Client Modules
ComponentTable.tableTitle=Modules and Components
ComponentTable.colModule=Module Name
ComponentTable.colName=Component Name
ComponentTable.colApp=Application Name
ComponentTable.downloadClientStub=Download Client Stubs
ComponentTable.viewEndPoint=View Endpoint
appScopedResourcesTable.colResourceName=Resource Name
TargetTable.colVirtualServer=Virtual Servers
TargetTable.virtualServerLink=Manage Virtual Servers
deploy.type.ear=Enterprise Application
deploy.type.appClient=Application Client
deploy.type.ejb=EJB Jar
deploy.type.war=Web Application
deploy.type.rar=Connector Module
enterpriseApplications.titleHelp=Applications can be enterprise or web applications, or various kinds of modules. Restart an application or module by clicking on the reload link, this action will apply only to the targets that the application or module is enabled on.
enterpriseApplications.editPageTitle=Edit Application
enterpriseApplications.editPageTitleHelp=Modify an existing application or module.
enterpriseApplications.directoryDeploy=Directory Deployed:
enterpriseApplications.deployPageTitle=Deploy Applications or Modules
enterpriseApplications.deployPageTitleHelp=Specify the location of the application or module to deploy. An application can be in a packaged file or specified as a directory.
enterpriseApplications.descriptorPageTitle=Module Descriptors
enterpriseApplications.descriptorPageTitleHelp=View module descriptors for the application.
enterpriseApplications.appScopedResourcesPageTitle=Application Scoped Resources
enterpriseApplications.appScopedResourcesPageTitleHelp=View application scoped resources for the application.
deployTable.applications=Deployed Applications
deployTable.lifeCycle=Lifecycle Modules
deployTable.colContextRoot=Context Root
deployTable.colLoadOrder=Load Order
deployTable.colJavaWebStart=Java Web Start
deployTable.downloadStubs=[Download Client Stubs]
deploy.allEnabled=Enabled on All Targets
deploy.allDisabled=Disabled on All Targets
deploy.someEnabled=Enabled on {0} of {1} Target(s)
deploy.noTarget=No Associated Target
deploy.unknown=Status Unknown
deploy.forceRedeploy=Force Redeploy:
deploy.forceRedeployHelp=Forces redeployment even if this application has already been deployed or already exists.
deploy.osgiType=OSGi Type:
deploy.osgiTypeHelp=The component is packaged as an OSGi bundle.
application.EnableTargetHelp=Go to Target tab to control status for an individual target.
targetTable.colTargetName=Target Name
appclients.title=Application Client Modules
applicents.titleHelp=An application client module, also called a Java application client JAR, contains the server-side routines for the client.
appsPageTitleHelp=Define or manage applications deployed on GlassFish Server.
connectorModules.title=Connector Modules
connectorModules.titleHelp=A connector module is used to connect to an Enterprise Information System (EIS) and is packaged in a RAR (Resource Adapter Archive) file or directory.
ejbModules.title=EJB Modules
ejbModules.titleHelp=An EJB module consists of one or more Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) components contained in an EJB JAR (Java Archive) file or directory.
application.DD.title=Deployment Descriptor
application.DD.titleHelp=A deployment descriptor is an XML file that describes how a Java EE application or module should be deployed. Each deployment descriptor has a corresponding Document Type Definition (DTD) file or schema (XSD) file. GlassFish Server supports Java EE Standard Descriptors, GlassFish Server Descriptors, and WebLogic Descriptors.
application.appName=Application Name:
application.moduleName=Module Name:
application.modulePath=Descriptor File Name:
module.targetPageTitleHelp=Manage the targets (clusters and stand-alone server instances) on which the module is available.
webAplications.title=Web Applications
webAplications.titleHelp=A Web application module consists of a collection of Web resources such as JavaServer Faces pages, servlets, and HTML pages that are packaged in a WAR (Web Application Archive) file or directory.
webApplicationLinks.PageTitle=Web Application Links
webApplicationLinks.PageHelp=If the server or listener is not running, the link may not work. In this event, check the status of the server instance. After launching the web application, use the browser's Back button to return to this screen.
webApp.editPageTitle=Web Application
webApp.editPageTitleHelp=Modify an existing web application.
webApp.descriptorPageTitle=Module Descriptors
webApp.descriptorPageTitleHelp=View module descriptors for the Web application.
webApp.targetPageTitle=Web Applications Targets
webApp.targetPageTitleHelp=Manage the targets (clusters and stand-alone server instances) on which the web application is available.
webApp.ContextRoot=Context Root:
webApp.contextRootHelp=Path relative to server's base URL.
webApp.viewDDPageTitle=View Deployment Descriptor
resourcesPageTitleHelp=Define or manage resources available on GlassFish Server.
configuration.pageTitleHelp=Manage configurations, and view the target server instances or clusters using the configurations.
configurations.pageTitleHelp=Manage configurations, and view the target server instances or clusters using the configurations.
required.field.legend = Indicates required field
### Log Level display values
loglevel.SEVERE = SEVERE
loglevel.INFO = INFO
loglevel.FINE = FINE
loglevel.FINER = FINER
loglevel.FINEST = FINEST
loglevel.CONFIG = CONFIG
loglevel.OFF = OFF
# JBI page resources moved to publish/glassfish/jbi/lib/jbi-admin-gui.jar, built from open-esb source:
# cvs.dev.java.net:/cvs/open-esb/ri-clients/jbi-admin-gui/src/com/sun/jbi/jsf/resources/Bundle.properties
#Common keys
#Connector Service
headings.ConnService=Connector Service
connServ.ConnServiceInfo=The attributes specified apply to all resource adapters deployed in this cluster/server-instance.
connServ.shutdTimeoutLabel=Shutdown Timeout:
connServ.shutdTimeoutHelp=Resource Adapters that take longer are ignored and the shutdown procedure continues
## Java Mail Sessions
javaMailSessions.pageTitle=JavaMail Sessions
javaMailSessions.pageTitleHelp=A JavaMail session resource represents a mail session in the JavaMail API, which provides a platform-independent and protocol-independent framework to build mail and messaging applications.
javaMail.editPageTitle=Edit JavaMail Session
javaMail.editPageTitleHelp=A JavaMail session resource represents a mail session in the JavaMail API.
javaMail.newPageTitle=New JavaMail Session
javaMail.newPageTitleHelp=A JavaMail session resource represents a mail session in the JavaMail API.
javaMail.targetPageTitle=JavaMail Session Targets
javaMail.jndiHelp=A unique identifier; contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
javaMail.mailHost=Mail Host:
javaMail.mailHostHelp=DNS name of the default mail server
javaMail.user=Default User:
javaMail.userHelp=User name to provide when connecting to a mail server; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
javaMail.returnAddr=Default Return Address:
javaMail.returnAddrHelp=E-mail address of the default user
javaMail.descHelp=Makes it easier to find this session later
javaMail.storeProtocol=Store Protocol:
javaMail.storeProtocolHelp=Either IMAP or POP3; default is IMAP
javaMail.storeClass=Store Protocol Class:
javaMail.storeClassHelp=Default is com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPStore
javaMail.transportProtocol=Transport Protocol:
javaMail.transportProtocolHelp=Default is SMTP
javaMail.transProtocolClass=Transport Protocol Class:
javaMail.transProtocolClassHelp=Default is com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport
javaMail.DebugHelp=Select the Debug checkbox to enable extra debugging output for this mail session, including a protocol trace. Set to FINE or finer to generate the debugging output and include it in the system log file.
# Transaction Service
# Monitoring
monitoringInfo.pageHelp=View and manage the monitoring information for GlassFish Server instances.
monitoring.Title=Monitoring Service
monitoring.PageHelp=Enable or disable monitoring for individual server components or services. To enable monitoring for a component or service, select either LOW or HIGH for that component or service. To view monitoring information, click GlassFish Server in the tree, then click the Monitor tab.
monitoring.Http=HTTP Service
monitoring.TransactionService=Transaction Service
monitoring.JmsConnector=JMS/Connector Service:
monitoring.Web=Web Container
monitoring.Ejb=EJB Container
monitoring.Jdbc=JDBC Connection Pool
monitoring.Connector=Connector Connection Pool
monitoring.ConnectorService=Connector Service
monitoring.JmsService=JMS Service
monitoring.WebServices=Web Services Container
monitoring.Jersey=RESTful Web Services
monitoring.ThreadPool=Thread Pool
## Connection Pool
cp.Title=Connection Pool
cp.PageHelp=Configure the connection pool for the connection queue.
cp.MaxPendingCount=Max Pending Count:
cp.MaxPendingCountHelp=Maximum number of pending connections on the listen socket
cp.QueueSize=Queue Size:
cp.QueueSizeHelp=Size in bytes of the connection queue
cp.ReceiveSize=Receive Buffer Size:
cp.ReceiveSizeHelp=Size of the receive buffer used by sockets
cp.SendSize=Send Buffer Size:
cp.SendSizeHelp=Size of the send buffer used by sockets
## Deployment Keys
deploy.pageTitle=Deploy Enterprise Applications/Modules
deploy.titleHelp=Specify the location of the application or module to deploy. An application can be in a packaged file or specified as a directory.
deploy.fileChoose=Choose a File to Upload
deploy.chooseJarLabel=Packaged File to Be Uploaded to the Server
deploy.subCompName=Subcomponent Name
deploy.ApplicationName=Application Name:
deploy.virtualServerLabel=Virtual Servers:
deploy.vsHelp=Associates an Internet domain name with a physical server.
deploy.statusHelp=Allows users to access the application.
deploy.run=Run Verifier:
deploy.runHelp=Verifies the syntax and semantics of the deployment descriptor. Verifier packages must be installed.
deploy.precompile=Precompile JSPs:
deploy.PrecompileHelp=Precompiles JSP pages during deployment.
deploy.JavaWebStart=Java Web Start:
deploy.JavaWebStartHelp=Specifies whether Java Web Start access is permitted for an application client module.
edit.JavaWebStartHelp=You must redeploy the application to change Java Web Start Support.
deploy.rmis=Generate RMIStubs:
deploy.rmistubHelp=Generates static RMI stubs and puts them in the client JAR file.
deploy.libraryHelp=A comma-separated list of library JAR files. Specify the library JAR files by their relative or absolute paths. Specify relative paths relative to instance-root/lib/applibs
. The libraries are made available to the application in the order specified.
deploy.fileOrdirectory=File Or Directory:
deploy.descriptorFileName=Descriptor File Name
deploy.descriptors=Deployment Descriptors
deploy.threadpoolid=Thread Pool Id:
deploy.availabilityHelp=Controls whether availability is enabled for web sessions and for stateful session bean (SFSB) checkpointing and potentially passivation.
deploy.compatibilityHelp=Supports the backward compatibility of JAR visibility in v2 instead of the stricter Java EE 6 requirements implemented in v3.
deploy.type=Application Type:
deploy.chooseLocal=Local Packaged File or Directory That Is Accessible from GlassFish Server
deploy.warning=Deployment succeeded with a warning, please look at the log file for details.
undeploy.warning=Undeployment succeeded with a warning, please look at the log file for details.
redeploy.warning=Redeployment succeeded with a warning, please look at the log file for details.
appAction.warning=Action succeeded with a warning, please look at the log file for details.
redeploy.pageTitle=Redeploy Applications or Modules
redeploy.pageTitleHelp=Specify the location of an application to redeploy.
redeploy.keepState=Keep State:
redeploy.keepStateHelp=Retains web sessions, SFSB instances, and persistently created EJB timers between redeployments.
redeploy.preserveAppScopedResources=Preserve Application Scoped Resources:
redeploy.preserveAppScopedResourcesHelp=Preserves application-scoped resources and restores them during redeployment.
# Manage Targets
manageTargets.PageTitle=Manage Targets
manageApplicationTargets.PageTitleHelp=Manage the targets (clusters and stand-alone server instances) on which the application is available.
manageLifecycleTargets.PageTitleHelp=Manage the targets (clusters and stand-alone server instances) on which the lifecycle module is available.
manageResourceTargets.PageTitle=Manage Resource Targets
manageResourceTargets.PageTitleHelp=Manage the targets (clusters and stand-alone server instances) on which the resource is available.
manageVS.PageTitle=Virtual Server Targets
manageVS.PageTitleHelp=Configure virtual server references for an application or resource.
manageTargets.AvailableTargets=Available Targets
manageTargets.SelectedTargets=Selected Targets
manageTargets.list=List Of Targets
applicationTargetListing.PageTitle=Application Targets
applicationTargetListing.PageTitleHelp=List application targets.
lifecycleTargetListing.PageTitle=Lifecycle Module Targets
lifecycleTargetListing.PageTitleHelp=List lifecycle module targets.
resourceTargetListing.PageTitle=Resource Targets
resourceTargetListing.PageTitleHelp=List resource targets.
targetListing.TargetNameCol=Target Name
targetListing.VsCol=Virtual Servers
targetListing.LBEnabled=LB Enabled
targetListing.table.lbEnable=Load Balancer Enable
targetListing.table.lbDisable=Load Balancer Disable
targetListing.manageTargetButton=Manage Targets...
resourceAdapter.propertyPageTitle=Edit Resource Adapter Properties
resourceAdapter.propertyPageTitleHelp=Specify properties for the Resource Adapter that is associated with a deployed Connector Module.
resourceAdapter.resName=Resource Adapter Name:
resourceAdapter.Properties=Resource Adapter Properties
##Admin Service
headings.AdminService=Admin Service
adService.jmxConnNameLabel=JMX Connector Name:
## Edit JMX Connector
edJmxConnector.jmxConnectorLabel=JMX Connector
edJmxConnector.jmxConnectorLabelTab=JMX Connector Tab
headings.EditJmxConnector=Edit JMX Connector
edJmxConnector.EditJmxConnectorInfo=Edits the configuration of the JSR 160-compliant JMX Connector. Standard JMX Clients (for example, JConsole) can connect to the JMXServiceURL listed below for domain management purposes.
edJmxConnector.generalSettingsLabel=General Settings
edJmxConnector.jmxProtocolLabel=JMX Protocol:
edJmxConnector.addressLabel= Address:
edJmxConnector.addressHelp=Specifies the IP address or host name; name must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
edJmxConnector.portLabel= Port:
edJmxConnector.portHelp=Specifies the port of the naming service (RMIRegistry) where the stub for JMX Connector Service is bound
edJmxConnector.realmNameLabel=Realm Name:
edJmxConnector.realmNameHelp=All authentication is handled by this realm; can be up to 255 characters, must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
edJmxConnector.clientHostLabel=Client Hostname:
edJmxConnector.sslSettingsLabelTab=SSL Tab
edJmxConnector.sslSettingsTitleHelp=Modify SSL settings for the JMX connector.
edJmxConnector.clientAuthLabel=Client Authentication:
edJmxConnector.clientAuthHelp=Requires the client to authenticate itself to the server
edJmxConnector.certNicknameLabel=Certificate NickName:
edJmxConnector.certNicknameHelp=Takes a single value, identifies the server's keypair and certificate
edJmxConnector.ciphersLabel=Cipher Suites:
edJmxConnector.ciphersHelp=If no cipher suite is added, it means ALL cipher suites will be chosen.
edJmxConnector.commonCiphersLabel=Common Cipher Suites:
edJmxConnector.eccCiphersLabel=ECC Cipher Suites:
edJmxConnector.ephCiphersLabel=Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Cipher Suites:
edJmxConnector.otherCiphersLabel=40 bit and 56 bit Cipher Suites:
edJmxConnector.sslPageHelp=Configure SSL settings.
fileChooser.pageTitle=Page Title for fileChooser
fileChooser.pageTitleHelp=Page Title Help For Filechooser
folderChooser.pageTitle=Page Title for folderChooser
folderChooser.pageTitleHelp=Page Title Help For FolderChooser
ejbTimer.pageTitle=Migrate EJB Timers
ejbTimer.pageTitleHelp=Migrate EJB timers associated with a server (that has stopped or failed abnormally) to another server.
ejbTimer.select=Select the source and destination server instance
ejbTimer.DestHelp=If empty, one alive server is picked randomly from the cluster
ejbTimer.NoMigration=All server instances is running, no EJB Timer needs migration.
ejbTimer.NoRunning=There is no running server in the cluster to migrate the EJB Timers.
configuration.NewPageTitle=New Configuration
configuration.configFromLabel=Copy configuration from:
systemProps.systemProps=System Properties
systemProps.systemPropsInfo=Manage properties of configurations, and specify whether server configurations are dynamic or require server restart.
systemProps.dynamicReconfigLabel=Dynamic Reconfiguration:
systemProps.colInstanceName=Instance Variable Name
systemProps.colDefaultValue=Default Value
systemProps.ColCurrentValue=Current Value
systemProps.colInstanceValues=Instance Values
systemProps.instClustLabel=Clusters and/or Instances using this configuration:
instanceValues.PageTitle=Instance Values of {0}
instanceValues.TableTitle=Instance Property Values
instanceValues.colInstanceName=Instance Name
instanceValues.colClusterName=Cluster Name
instanceValues.colParameterVal=Parameter Value
logDetail.PageTitle=Log Entry Detail
logDetail.levelLabel=Log Level
logDetail.nvpLabel=Name-Value Pairs
logDetail.recordNumberLabel=Record Number
logDetail.messageIDLabel=Message ID
logDetail.messageLabel=Complete Message
logDetail.diagnosticCausesLabel=Diagnostic Causes
logDetail.diagnosticChecksLabel=Diagnostic Checks
alert.AuthenticationFailed=Authentication Failed
alert.ReenterUsernamePassword=Re-enter your username and password
alert.ConfigurationError=Configuration Error
alert.EnableSecureAdmin=Secure Admin must be enabled to access the DAS remotely.
## Recover Transactions
headings.recoverTransactions=Recover Transactions
recoverTransactions.recoverTransactionsInfo=If the selected server is running, recovery is performed by the same server. If the selected server is not running, the selected Destination Server performs the recovery.
recoverTransactions.destinationServer=Destination Server:
recoverTransactions.destinationServerHelp=The selected server performs the recovery.
recoverTransactions.transactionLogDir=Transactions Log Directory:
recoverTransactions.transactionLogDirHelp=Directory for storing transaction logs; should be accessible by the destination server.
transactionId.PageTitle=Transactions are in \"{0}\" state.
transactionIdListPageHelp=The transaction service enables freezing of the transaction subsystem to permit rollback of transactions and determination of which transactions are in process at the time of the freeze. To enable monitoring for the Transaction Service, click Configure Monitoring and make sure that Transaction Service is set to LOW or HIGH. To freeze the Transaction Service so that you can roll back transactions, click Freeze. To rollback a transaction, select the checkbox beside the transaction and click Rollback.
transactionId.empty=There are no active transactions.
transactionId.transactionTabText2=Monitor Transactions
transactionId.ElapsedTime=Elapsed Time (ms)
transactionId.ComponentName=Component Name
transactionId.ResourceNames=Resource Names
updateCenter.pageTitle=Update Center
updateCenter.pageTitleHelp=Use the Update Center to install and update additional technologies and frameworks such as Open ESB and jMaki. The Update Center is a local application that requires GlassFish Server. To start the Update Center, type the command that is listed in the Update Center Command field of this page. Refer to the Getting Started Guide for more information.
updateCenter.newUpdates=Number of New Updates:
updateCenter.newSoftware=Number of New Software Modules:
updateCenter.toolsLocation=Update Center Command:
updateCenter.wikiPage=Update Center Wiki Page:
updateCenter.commonTask.noNewUpdates=No New Components Available
updateCenter.commonTask.hasNewUpdates={0} New Update(s) Available
updateCenter.commonTask.hasNewModules={0} New Component(s) Available
deployment.failure=Deployment Failed.
deployment.warning=Deployment Warning.
updateCenter.commonTask.groupHeader=Update Center
updateCenter.commonTask.installed=Installed Components
updateCenter.commonTask.installed.toolTip=List of components installed on the server
updateCenter.commonTask.update=Available Updates
updateCenter.commonTask.update.toolTip=List of available updates
updateCenter.commonTask.addOn=Available AddOns
updateCenter.commonTask.addOn.toolTip=List of available AddOns
tree.updateCenter=Update Tool
uc.commonTaskgroup.UpdateCenter=Update Center
uc.commonTask.install=Installed Components
uc.commonTask.installToolTip=List of Installed Components
uc.commonTask.update=Available Updates
uc.commonTask.updateToolTip=List of Components Available for Update
uc.commonTask.addOn=Available Add-Ons
uc.commonTask.addOnToolTip=List of Available Components to Add On
webApp.appName=Application Name:
webApp.EditDDTab=Edit Descriptor
webApp.editDDPageTitle=Customize Deployment Descriptor
webApp.editDDPageTitleHelp=Customize the env-entries and context parameters for the deployed web application. Changes take effect only after the application is reloaded.
webApp.editEnvTableTitle=Environment Entry
webApp.envEntryValueCol=customized value
webApp.editParamTableTitle=Context Parameter
webApp.paramValueCol=customized value
webApp.descriptors=Deployment Descriptors
realm.colClassname=Class Name
msg.JS.ssl.errSecurityChecked=You must enter a Certificate Nickname to enable Security.
msg.JS.ssl.errClientChecked=You must enter a Certificate Nickname to enable Client Authentication.
msg.JS.ssl.errSslTlsCert=You must enter Certificate nickname as SSL3 and/or TLS is enabled.
msg.JS.ssl.errCiphersSelected=You must select SSL3 / TLS for saving Ciphers
iiop.editIiopTab=IIOP Listener
ssl.clientAuthLabel=Client Authentication:
ssl.clientAuthHelp=Requires the client to authenticate itself to the server.
ssl.certNicknameLabel=Certificate NickName:
ssl.certNicknameHelp=Takes a single value, identifies the server's keypair and certificate.
ssl.ciphersLabel=Cipher Suites:
ssl.ciphersHelp=If no cipher suite is added, ALL cipher suites are chosen.
ssl.commonCiphersLabel=Common Cipher Suites:
ssl.eccCiphersLabel=ECC Cipher Suites:
ssl.ephCiphersLabel=Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Cipher Suites:
ssl.otherCiphersLabel=40 bit and 56 bit Cipher Suites:
ssl.sslPageHelp=Configure SSL settings.
ssl.cipherssuites=Cipher Suites
ssl.availableCommonCiphersLabel=Available Common Cipher Suites:
ssl.selectedCommonCiphersLabel=Selected Common Cipher Suites:
ssl.availableEphCiphersLabel=Available Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Cipher Suites:
ssl.selectedEphCiphersLabel=Selected Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Cipher Suites:
ssl.availableOtherCiphersLabel=Available 40 bit and 56 bit Cipher Suites:
ssl.selectedOtherCiphersLabel=Selected 40 bit and 56 bit Cipher Suites:
ssl.availableEccCiphersLabel=Available ECC Cipher Suites:
ssl.selectedEccCiphersLabel=Selected ECC Cipher Suites:
ssl.keyStore=Key Store:
ssl.keyStoreHelp=Name of the keystore file (for example, keystore.jks)
ssl.TrustAlgorithm=Trust Algorithm:
ssl.TrustAlgorithmHelp=Name of the trust management algorithm (for example, PKIX) to use for certification path validation
ssl.trustMaxCert=Max Certificate Length:
ssl.trustMaxCertHelp=Maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates that can exist in a certification path (valid only if Trust Algorithm is PKIX)
ssl.trustStore=Trust Store:
ssl.trustStoreHelp=Name of the truststore file (for example, cacerts.jks)
msg.JS.resources.resName=Backslash is not allowed for
############ the following is not used in v3 or moved to other module.
#clusterTree=Cluster Profile Tree
#tree.standaloneInstances=Stand-Alone Instances
#tree.nodeAgents=Node Agents
#tree.loadBalancers=HTTP Load Balancers
#tree.managementRules=Management Rules
#tree.managementRules.tooltip=Management Rules
#tree.diagService=Diagnostic Service
#tree.diagService.tooltip=Diagnostic Service
#tree.webApps=Web Applications
#tree.ejbModules=EJB Modules
#tree.connectorModules=Connector Modules
#tree.appclientModules=Application Client Modules
#tree.webServices=Web Services
#tree.customMBeans=Custom MBeans
#tree.gms=Group Management Service
#tree.gms.tooltip=Management Service
#reged.PageTitle=Product Registration
#reged.PageTitleHelp=This GlassFish Server has been registered.
#reged.serviceTag=Service Tag:
#reged.regDate=Registration Date:
#reged.by=Registered by:
#reged.docTip=Documentation for GlassFish Server
#reged.forum=Get Community Support
#reged.deploymentStory=Learn about GlassFish Deployment
#commonTasks.task.addClusterSupport=Add Cluster Support
#commonTasks.task.addClusterSupport.infoText=Add cluster support to this domain.
#commonTasks.task.addClusterSupport.infoTitle=Add Cluster Support
#commonTasks.task.addClusterSupport.infoLinkText=More on Adding Cluster Support
#commonTasks.task.addClusterSupport.toolTip=Add cluster support to this domain.
#commonTask.task.createCluster=Create New Cluster
#commonTask.task.createCluster.infoText=Create a new cluster of application server instances. Clusters enable you to easily perform the same function across multiple server instances.
#commonTask.task.createCluster.infoTitle=Create New Cluster
#commonTask.task.createCluster.toolTip=Create New Cluster
#commonTask.task.createCluster.infoLinkText=More on Creating New Cluster
#commonTask.task.viewCluster=View Clusters
#commonTask.task.viewCluster.infoText=View Summary information about clusters created.
#commonTask.task.viewCluster.infoTitle=View Clusters
#commonTask.task.viewCluster.toolTip=View Clusters
#commonTask.task.viewCluster.infoLinkText=More on Clusters
#commonTask.task.viewWebServices=View Web Services
#commonTask.task.viewWebServices.infoText=View all the web services that are deployed to the server.
#commonTask.task.viewWebServices.infoTitle=View Web Services
#commonTask.task.viewWebServices.toolTip=View Web Services
#commonTask.task.viewWebServices.infoLinkText=More on Web Services
#commonTask.task.viewStandalone=View Stand-Alone Instances
#commonTask.task.viewStandalone.infoText=View Summary information about stand-alone instances created.
#commonTask.task.viewStandalone.infoTitle=View Stand-Alone Instances
#commonTask.task.viewStandalone.toolTip=View Stand-Alone Instances
#commonTask.task.viewStandalone.infoLinkText=More on Stand-Alone Instances
#commonTask.task.createStandaloneInstance=Create New Stand-Alone Instance
#commonTask.task.createStandaloneInstance.infoText=A stand-alone instance is not part of any cluster.
#commonTask.task.createStandaloneInstance.infoTitle=Create New Stand-Alone Instance
#commonTask.task.createStandaloneInstance.toolTip=Create New Stand-Alone Instance
#commonTask.task.createStandaloneInstance.infoLinkText=More on Creating New Stand-Alone Instance
#upgradeProfile.pageTitle=Add Cluster Support
#upgradeProfile.pageTitleHelp=You are about to add cluster support to this domain. Please note the following before continuing:
#upgradeProfile.text1=Configuration of the domain will be changed to support clusters. This includes addition of a few system properties and template configuration.
#upgradeProfile.text2=The server will support both clusters and standalone server instances.
#upgradeProfile.text3=You might want to modify the adminstration server's JVM settings, such as heap-size.
#upgradeProfile.text4=All applications currently deployed to the server will continue to work.
#upgradeProfile.text5=This change will take effect after restarting the server and, if applicable, the asadmin CLI.Back up the domain.xml file for this domain before proceeding, in case you want to roll back cluster support.
### Group Management Service
#gms.TitlePage=Edit Group Management Service
#gms.TitlePageHelp=Group Management Service (GMS) is an in-process service that provides cluster monitoring and group communication services.
#gms.fdMax=Protocol Maximum Trial:
#gms.fdMaxHelp=Maximum number of attempts to try before GMS confirms that a failure is suspected in the group.
#gms.fdTimeout=Protocole Timeout:
#gms.fdTimeoutHelp=Period of time between monitoring attempts to detect failure.
#gms.mergeMax=Maximum Interval:
#gms.mergeMaxHelp=Maximum amount of time to wait to collect sub-group information before performing a merge
#gms.mergeMin=Mimimum Interval:
#gms.mergeMinHelp=Minimum amount of time to wait to collect sub-group information before performing a merge.
#gms.pingTimeout=Ping Timeout:
#gms.pingTimeoutHelp=Amount of time that GMS waits for discovery of other members in this group.
#gms.vsTimeout=Verified Timeout:
#gms.vsTimeoutHelp=After this timeout a suspected failure is marked as verified
#applicationsMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring Applications
#resourcesMonitoring.PageTitle=Monitoring Resources
#moduleLogLevelPageHelp=Specify log levels for individual server modules. Corresponding loggers are shown in parenthesis. Use the Add Property button to set log levels for application loggers. The default log level in all cases is INFO. The available settings are:- FINEST: Maximum verbosity
- FINER: Moderate verbosity
- FINE: Minimal verbosity
- CONFIG: Messages related to server configuration
- INFO: Messages related to server configuration or server status, excluding errors
- WARNING: Warnings, including exceptions
- SEVERE: Events that interfere with normal program execution
#monitoringApplicationsPageHelp=View monitorable attributes for applications and components. Before monitoring data can be viewed, monitoring must be turned on for that application or component. Click Configure Monitoring to set monitoring options.
#MonitoringPageHelp=Observe the runtime state of GlassFish Server components for which monitoring is enabled. To enable monitoring for a component, click Configure Monitoring.
#monitoringResourcesPageHelp=View monitorable attributes for pools such as the JDBC connection pool or a connector connection pool. Before monitoring data can be viewed, monitoring must be turned on. To turn on monitoring, select the Configure Monitoring link on this page.
#monitoringServicePageHelp=Enable or disable monitoring for individual server components or services. To enable monitoring for a component or service, select either LOW or HIGH for that component or service.
#monitoringServicePEPageHelp=To view monitoring information, click GlassFish Server in the tree, then click the Monitor tab.
#monitoringServiceEEPageHelp=To view monitoring information expand Stand-Alone Instances in the tree, select an instance, and then click the Monitor tab.
#monitoringServicePageHelpLink=Monitor tab.
#monitor.configureLink=Configure Monitoring
#monitoring.runtime.table.title=Runtime Statistics
#monitoring.apps.table.title=Application Statistics
#monitoring.resources.table.title=Resource Statistics
#monitoring.HeapSize=Heap Size
#monitoring.HighWater=High Water Mark
#monitoring.LowWater=Low Water Mark
#monitoring.Sample=Last Sample Time
#monitoring.Start=Start Time
#monitoring.UpperBound=Upper Bound
#monitoring.LowerBound=Lower Bound
#monitoring.StartTime=Start Time
#monitoring.LastSample=Last Sample Time
#monitoring.ActiveCount=Active Count
#monitoring.ActiveIds=Active IDs
#monitoring.CommittedCount=Committed Count
#monitoring.RolledbackCount=Rolledback Count
#monitoring.UpTime=Up Time
#monitoring.BytesReceived=Bytes Received
#monitoring.BytesSent=Bytes Sent
#monitoring.CurrentThreadCount=Thread Count
#monitoring.CurrentThreadsBusy=Threads Busy
#monitoring.ErrorCount=Error Count
#monitoring.MaxSpareThreads=Maximum Spare Threads
#monitoring.MaxThreads=Maximum Threads
#monitoring.MaxTime=Maximum Time
#monitoring.MinTime=Minimum Time
#monitoring.TotalTime=Total Time
#monitoring.MinSpareThreads=Minimum Spare Threads
#monitoring.ProcessingTime=Processing Time
#monitoring.RequestCount=Request Count
#monitoring.CreateCount=Create Count
#monitoring.PooledCount=Pooled Count
#monitoring.ReadyCount=Ready Count
#monitoring.RemoveCount=Remove Count
#headings.availabilityService=Availability Service
#availability.availabilityServiceInfo=Availability for the server instance
#availability.availabilityService=Availability Service:
#availability.availabilityServiceHelp=Enable instance-level availability service; use the Web/EJB/JMS tabs to override default HADB availability settings
#availability.storePoolName=Store Pool Name:
#availability.storePoolNameHelp=JNDI name for the JDBC resource of the high-availability database; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#availability.haStoreName=HA Store Name:
#availability.haStoreNameHelp=Name of the session store; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#availability.haAgentHosts=HA Agent Hosts:
#availability.haAgentHostsHelp=Comma-delimited list of server host names or IP addresses; names must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#availability.haAgentPort=HA Agent Port:
#availability.haAgentPortHelp=Port number where highly available store management agents can be contacted
#availability.haAgentPassword=HA Agent Password:
#availability.autoManage=Auto Manage Store:
#availability.autoManageHelp=Select to match the lifecycle of the highly available store with the lifecycle of the highly available cluster
#availability.storeHealthCheck=Store Health Check:
#availability.storeHealthCheckHelp=Select to enable periodic detection of store service availability
#availability.haStoreHealthCheck=HA Store Health Check:
#availability.haStoreHealthCheckHelp=Frequency at which store health is checked.
#availability.webContainerAvailability=Web Container Availability
#availability.webContainerAvailabilityInfo=Availability for the web container
#availability.persistenceType=Persistence Type:
#availability.persistenceTypeHelp=HTTP session persistence mechanism
#availability.persistenceFreq=Persistence Frequency:
#availability.persistenceFreqHelp=Frequency at which the HTTP session is stored
#availability.persistenceScope=Persistence Scope:
#availability.persistenceScopeHelp=Scope of HTTP session changes required for storage to occur
#availability.singleSignOn=Single-Sign-On State:
#availability.singleSignOnHelp=Controls whether the single sign-on state is available for failover
#availability.httpSessionStore=HTTP Session Store:
#availability.httpSessionStoreHelp=JNDI name for the JDBC resource of the high-availability database; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#availability.persistenceHealthCheck=Persistence Store Health Check:
#availability.ejbContainerAvailability=EJB Container Availability
#availability.ejbContainerAvailabilityInfo=Availability for the EJB container
#availability.haPersistenceType=HA Persistence Type:
#availability.haPersistenceTypeHelp=Session persistence and passivation mechanism for SFSBs with availability enabled
#availability.sfsbPersistenceType=SFSB Persistence Type:
#availability.sfsbPersistenceTypeHelp=Session persistence and passivation mechanism for SFSBs without availability enabled
#availability.sfsbStoreName=SFSB Store Pool Name:
#availability.sfsbStoreNameHelp=JNDI name for the JDBC resource of the high-availability database; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#availability.jmsAvailability=JMS Availability
#availability.jmsAvailabilityInfo=Availability for JMS
#availability.storePoolNameMQ=MQ Store Pool Name:
## JNDI Browser
#tree.jndiEntries=Jndi Entries Root ({0})
#jndiTree.ContentsPageTitle=Jndi Tree Browsing
#jndiTree.ContentsPageTitleHelp=View JNDI names. The resource object and its JNDI name are bound together.
#jndiTree.SelectNode=Select a node to display its class name.
#jndiTree.PageTitle=JNDI Tree Browsing
#loadBalancers.pageTitle=HTTP Load Balancers
#loadBalancers.pageTitleHelp=Manage or create load balancers.
#loadBalancer.needApply=apply changes needed
#loadBalancer.upToDate=up to date
#loadBalancers.TableTitle=HTTP Load Balancers
#loadBalancer.newPageTitle=New HTTP Load Balancer
#loadBalancer.newPageTitleHelp=Application server can automatically manage the software load balancer plugin for the Java Enterprise System Web Server. Provide the device details below to enable changes to be applied directly to the plugin.
#loadBalancer.editPageTitle=Load Balancer Device Settings
#loadBalancer.editPageTitleHelp=Application server can automatically manage the software load balancer plugin for the Java Enterprise System Web Server. Provide the device details below to enable changes to be applied directly to the plugin.
#loadBalancer.autoApply=Automatically Apply Changes:
#loadBalancer.autoApplyHelp=If enabled, immediately push changes to lb config to the physical load balancer
#loadBalancer.deviceHost=Device Host
#loadBalancer.deviceHostHelp=Host name or IP address for the device
#loadBalancer.devicePort=Device Admin Port
#loadBalancer.devicePortHelp=Device administration port number
#loadBalancer.proxyHost=Proxy Host
#loadBalancer.proxyHostHelp=Proxy host used for outbound HTTP
#loadBalancer.proxyPort=Proxy Port
#loadBalancer.proxyPortHelp=Proxy port used for outbound HTTP
#loadBalancer.enableAllInstances=All Instances
#loadBalancer.enableAllInstancesHelp=Load Balance all intances of the selected target(s)
#loadBalancer.enableAllApps=All Applications
#loadBalancer.enableAllAppsHelp=Load Balance all applications deployed to the selected target(s)
#loadBalancer.targetHelp=Selected targets must all be either cluster or standalone instances. A combination of both is not supported.
#loadBalancer.targetHelpRequired=Please select at least 1 target.
#loadBalancer.GeneralInfo=Device Information
#loadBalancer.Name=Load Balancer Name:
#loadBalancer.settingPageTitle=Edit Load Balancer Configuration Settings
#loadBalancer.respTimeOut=Response Timeout:
#loadBalancer.respTimeOutHelp=Peroid within which a server must return a response. 0 means server always considers as healthy.
#loadBalancer.reloadPoll=Reload Pool Interval:
#loadBalancer.reloadPollHelp=Max. period that change to config file takes before it is detected by the load balancer. 0 indicates reloading is disabled.
#loadBalancer.routing=HTTPS Routing:
#loadBalancer.routingHelp=Indicates how load balancer will route https requests. Default is to use (http)
#loadBalancer.routeCookie=Route Cookie:
#loadBalancer.monitoringHelp=Determines whether monitoring is switched on or not.
#loadBalancer.TargetsPageTitle=HTTP Load Balancer Targets
#loadBalancer.TargetsPageTitleHelp=One load balancer can send requests to multiple targets
#loadBalancer.instanceStatusColName=Instance LB Status
#loadBalancer.noInstance=No instance
#loadBalancer.numLBInstance={0} of {1} instance(s) Enabled
#loadBalancer.deployedApp=Applications LB Status
#loadBalancer.noDeployedApp=No Application Deployed
#loadBalancer.numLBEnabled={0} of {1} Application(s) Enabled
#loadBalancer.healthCheckerColName=Health Checker
#loadBalancer.statusColName=LB Enabled
#loadBalancer.timeoutColName=Disable Timeout (Mins)
#loadBalancer.editHealthCheckerLink=Edit Health Checker
#loadBalancer.manageTargetsPageTitle=Mangage Targets for Load Balancer
#loadBalancer.manageTargetsPageTitleHelp=Manage the targets included in this load balancer configuration. Selected targets must all be either cluster or standalone instances. A combination of both is not supported.
#loadBalancer.healthCheckerPageTitle=Edit Load Balancer Health Checker
#loadBalancer.TargetName=Target Name:
#loadBalancer.lbEnable=Load Balancer:
#loadBalancer.serverHelp=Flag that indicates if the server is available to serve end-users.
#loadBalancer.lbEnableHelp=If false, any and all load balancer using this server will consider this server as unavailable
#loadBalancer.disableTimeout=Disable Timeout
#loadBalancer.disableTimeoutHelp=The time it takes this server to reach a quiescent state after having been disabled
#loadBalancer.policy=Policy Algorithm:
#loadBalancer.Module=Policy Module:
#loadBalancer.ModuleHelp=Specifies the absolute path to the shared library implementing the user-defined policy. Shared library must be accessible from server.
#loadBalancer.healthSection=Health Checker Section
#loadBalancer.healthURLHelp=URL to ping so as to determine the health state of a listener. This must be a relative URL
#loadBalancer.healthIntervalHelp=Interval between health checks. 0 means health check is disabled.
#loadBalancer.healthTimeoutHelp=Maximum time, in seconds, that a server must respond to a health check request to be considered healthy.
#loadBalancer.exportPageTitle=Export Load Balancer Config
#loadBalancer.exportPageTitleHelp=Changes made to the load balancer setup or to targets it manages must be propogated to the load balancer before they take effect. Changes can be applied automatically if you set that option on the General tab. If not, you must click the Apply Changes Now button to apply changes when necessary. Alternatively, you can export the loadbalancer.xml file and manually copy the file to the load balancer.
#loadBalancer.lastApply=Last Changes Applied:
#loadBalancer.lastExport=Last Exported:
#loadBalancer.table.lbEnable=Load Balancer Enable
#loadBalancer.table.lbDisable=Load Balancer Disable
###Custom MBeans.
#customMBeans.TableTitle=Custom MBeans
#customMBeans.colMBeanName=MBean Name
#customMBeans.colImplClassName=Implementation Class Name
#customMBeans.step1PageTitle=Deploy Custom MBean (Step 1 of 2)
#customMBeans.step1PageHelp=Specify the location of the jar that contains the mbean implementation class. If the mbean class is already in GlassFish Server's classpath, you can select Skip without entering the jar location.
#customMBeans.step2PageTitle=Create Custom MBean (Step 2 of 2)
#customMBeans.step2PageHelp=Define addtional attributes for the Custom MBean.
#customMBeans.skipLabel=Skip. MBean class has been uploaded
#customMBeans.chooseJarLabel=Jar file to be uploaded to GlassFish Server
#customMBeans.chooseLocalJarLabel=Local Jar file that is accessible from GlassFish Server
#customMBeans.ImplClassNameLabel=Implementation Class Name:
#customMBeans.ImplClassNameHelp=Fully qualified name of the Java class implementing mbean interface; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#customMBeans.fileNameLabel=File Name:
#customMBeans.implClassNameLabel=Implementation Class Name:
#customMBeans.nameHelp=Name must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#customMBeans.objNameLabel=Object Name:
#customMBeans.objNameHelp=Name must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#customMBeans.editPageTitle=Edit Custom MBean
#customMBeans.targetsPageTitle=Custom MBean Targets
#customMBeans.targetsPageHelp=Define Custom MBean targets.
## Node Agents
#nodeAgent.PageTitle=Node Agents
#nodeAgent.PageTitleHelp=If a node agent already exists but does not appear here, start the node agent using the asadmin start-node-agent command on the node agent's host machine. After the node agent has executed once, it appears here. The Delete button deletes the node agent's configuration. To delete the node agent itself, use the asadmin delete-node-agent command on the node agent's host machine.
#nodeAgent.TableTitle=Node Agents
#nodeAgent.colHostName=Host Name
#nodeAgent.colStatus=Node Agent Status
#nodeAgent.colInstancesStopped=Instances Stopped
#nodeAgent.colInstancesRestart=Instances Requiring Restart
#nodeAgent.AuthRealmTab=Authorization Realm
#nodeAgent.LogSettingsTab=Logger Settings
#nodeAgent.LogLevelTab=Log Level
#headings.nodeAgentGeneral=General Information
#nodeAgent.generalInfo=Start or stop a node agent locally from the system where it resides. Use the asadmin start-node-agent and asadmin stop-node-agent commands. The node agent must be started before its instance(s) can be started.
#nodeAgent.nodeAgentNameLabel=Node Agent Name:
#nodeAgent.hostNameLabel=Host Name:
#nodeAgent.instancesLabel=Start Instances On Startup:
#nodeAgent.instConnectedHelp=The node agent has made the initial connection to the Administration Server.
#nodeAgent.instDisconnectedHelp=The node agent has NOT made the initial connection to the Administration Server. You may need to use the asadmin create-node-agent command on the host machine to create the node agent first.
#nodeAgent.colInstanceName=Instance Name
#nodeAgent.instanceTableTitle=Instances Controlled by This Node Agent
#nodeAgent.UnknownHost=Unknown Host
#nodeAgent.unknownState=Status Unknown
#nodeAgent.awaitingInitialSync=Waiting for rendezvous
#nodeAgent.notRunning=Not Running
#nodeAgent.EditRealmPageTitleHelp=Edit the authorization realm that controls authorization for users connecting to the node agent.
#nodeAgent.realmNameHelp=Repository where the server stores user and group information
#nodeAgent.classnameHelp=Class name for the realm you want to create; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#nodeAgent.EditJmxPageTitleHelp=Edit the JMX connection settings for the node agent.
#nodeAgent.acceptLabel=Accept all address:
#nodeAgent.acceptHelp=Determines whether a connection can be made on all values
#headings.nodeAgentNew=New Node Agent Placeholder
#nodeAgent.nodeAgentNewHelp=Create a new node agent configuration as a placeholder. After creating this configuration, you must create the actual node agent using the asadmin create-node-agent command on the host machine for the new node agent. The name specified here must exactly match the name given in the asadmin command.
#nodeAgent.nodeAgentCreated=Node Agent Placeholder Created Successfully
#nodeAgent.nodeAgentCreatedSummary={0} Created
#nodeAgent.nodeAgentCreatedDetail=To create the actual node agent, you must use the asadmin create-node-agent command on the host machine. The name specified here must exactly match the name given in the asadmin command. This node agent must be created and started before any of its instances can be started.
#inst.lbLabel=HTTP Load Balancer:
### Standalone instance
#standalone.PageTitle=Stand-Alone Server Instances
#standalone.TableTitle=Server Instances
#standalone.PageHelp=The instance named server cannot be started, stopped or deleted from here. The node agent of the instance must be running to start or stop it.
#standalone.NameHelp=Name can be up to 255 characters, must be unique, and contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#standalone.ConfigHelp=The 'default-config' can only be copied, not referenced.
#standalone.NewPageTitle=New Stand-Alone Server Instance
#standalone.CopyConfig=Make a copy of the selected Configuration
#standalone.ReferenceConfig=Reference the selected Configuration
#standalone.NodeAgent=Node Agent:
#standalone.NodeAgentStatus=Node Agent Status:
#standalone.GeneralPageHelp=To start or stop a server instance or to view its log file, its node agent must be running. Refer to the online help for more information.
### Management Rules
#headings.mgmtRules=Management Rules
#mgmtRules.mgmtRulesInfo=A self management rule performs an action automatically when an event occurs.
#mgmtRules.allRulesLabel=All Rules
#mgmtRules.allRulesHelp=Enable or disable ALL management rules
#mgmtRules.RuleStatus=Rule Status
#mgmtRules.EventType=Event Type
#edmgmtRules.EditManagementRule=Edit Management Rules
#edmgmtRules.EditManagementRuleInfo=Edit an existing management rule
#edmgmtRules.edNotificationPageTitle=Edit Notification Event
#edmgmtRules.edNotificationPageHelp=Edit an existing notification trigger event.
#edmgmtRules.edLifeCyclePageTitle=Edit LifeCycle Event
#edmgmtRules.edLifeCyclePageHelp=Define rules for GlassFish Server states (Start/Shutdown/Ready).
#edmgmtRules.edTracePageTitle=Edit Trace Event
#edmgmtRules.edTracePageHelp=Edit an existing Trace Event rule.
#edmgmtRules.edLogPageTitle=Edit Log Event
#edmgmtRules.edLogPageHelp=Edit an existing log trigger event.
#edmgmtRules.edTimerPageTitle=Edit Timer Event
#edmgmtRules.edTimerPageHelp=Edit an existing timer trigger event.
#edmgmtRules.edClusterPageTitle=Edit Cluster Rule
#edmgmtRules.edClusterPageHelp=Edit the cluster definition to which the management rules will apply.
#edmgmtRules.ruleInformationLabel=Rule Information
#edmgmtRules.ruleNameLabel=Rule Name:
#edmgmtRules.statusHelp=Enable this management rule
#edmgmtRules.ruleDescLabel=Rule Description:
#edmgmtRules.actionHelp=To add additional actions, deploy a custom MBean under Applications->Custom MBeans; if necessary, you can leave it blank and change it after deploying a new custom MBean
#edmgmtRules.eventTypeLabel=Event Type:
#edmgmtRules.recordEventLabel=Record Event:
#edmgmtRules.recordEventHelp=Specifies whether the occurrence of the event is logged
#edmgmtRules.logLevelLabel=Log Level:
#edmgmtRules.logLevelHelp=Specifies at what level to record the event occurance in server log file
#edmgmtRules.eventDescLabel=Event Description:
#edmgmtRules.observedMbeanLabel=Observed MBean:
#edmgmtRules.observedMbeanHelp=Enter MBean Object to be monitored
#edmgmtRules.observedAttrLabel=Observed Attribute:
#edmgmtRules.observedAttrHelp=Enter Attribute to be monitored
#edmgmtRules.monitorTypeLabel=Monitor Type:
#edmgmtRules.ThreshholdHelp=Enter a numeric value for low, and high Threshhold. If the statistic exceeds the high value or goes below the low value, the event is triggered.
#edmgmtRules.valueHelp=Event is triggered whenever the value of the string equals or differs from the value specified
#edmgmtRules.granularityLabel=Granularity Period:
#edmgmtRules.diffModeLabel=Difference Mode:
#edmgmtRules.diffModeHelp=Difference mode flag value common to all observed MBeans
#edmgmtRules.numTypeLabel=Number Type:
#edmgmtRules.initThresholdLabel=Init Threshold:
#edmgmtRules.initThresholdHelp=If the statistic exceeds the high value, the event is triggered.
#edmgmtRules.offsetHelp=Retrigger this event at Threshold + Offset
#edmgmtRules.modulusHelp=Modulus value common to all observed MBeans
#edmgmtRules.sourceMbeanLabel=Source Mbean:
#edmgmtRules.selCustMbeanLabel=Select a custom MBean
#edmgmtRules.enterObjNameLabel=Enter an Object Name
#edmgmtRules.notifTypeLabel=Notification Type:
#edmgmtRules.dateStringLabel=Date String:
#edmgmtRules.dateStringHelp=Date format for Date String; if not specified, default is MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss
#edmgmtRules.patternHelp=Value is interpreted according to Pattern value
#edmgmtRules.periodHelp=Timer notification period in milliseconds
#edmgmtRules.noOccurencesLabel=Number of Occurrence:
#edmgmtRules.noOccurencesHelp=Total number of times timer notification will be emitted
#edmgmtRules.messageHelp=Detailed timer notification message
#edmgmtRules.loggerHelp=Select one or more module logs to view, select * for any logger, Control-click to multiple-select
#edmgmtRules.serverNameLabel=Server Name:
#edmgmtRules.serverNameHelp=Name of the server to which this event belongs. * indicates any server.
#mgmtRules.NewManagementRule=New Management Rule
#mgmtRules.step1PageTitle=New Management Rule (Step 1 of 2)
#mgmtRules.step1PageHelp=A management rule is an automated action that occurs based on an event. Select an event below that will invoke this rule. The rule is invoked if the selected event occurs.
#mgmtRules.step2PageTitle=New Management Rule (Step 2 of 2)
#mgmtRules.step2PageHelp=Define a new {0} trigger event.
#mgmtRules.ruleNameHelp=Name must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen, or dot characters
#mgmtRules.statusHelp=Enable this management rule
#mgmtRules.step2PageHelp_trace=Define a new Trace Event rule.
#mgmtRules.step2PageHelp_lifecycle=Specify GlassFish Server states (Start/Shutdown/Ready).
#mgmtRules.step2PageHelp_cluster=Define the cluster to which the management rules will apply.
#msg.JS.rules.observedRequired=Enter a value for the Observed Object field
#msg.JS.rules.attrRequired=Enter a value for the Observed Attribute field
#msg.JS.rules.periodNumRequired=Enter a numeric value for the Granularity Period field
#msg.JS.rules.typeRequired=Select a Monitor Type
#msg.JS.rules.initThreshRequired=Enter a value for the Initial Threshold
#msg.JS.rules.initThreshNumRequired=Enter a numeric value for the Initial Threshold field
#msg.JS.rules.offsetNumRequired=Enter a numeric value for the Offset field
#msg.JS.rules.modulusNumRequired=Enter a numeric value for the Modulus field
#msg.JS.rules.threshRequired=Enter a value for the Low Threshold or High Threshold field
#msg.JS.rules.lowThreshNumRequired=Enter a numeric value for the Low Threshold field
#msg.JS.rules.highThreshNumRequired=Enter a numeric value for the High Threshold field.
#msg.JS.rules.strValueReqiured=Enter a value for the String Value field
#msg.JS.rules.custMBeanRequired=No Class Name available, enter an Object Name
#msg.JS.rules.objNameRequired=Enter a value for the Object Name
#msg.JS.rules.dateStringRequired=Enter a value for the Date String field
#standaloneResources.pageTitleHelp=Enable, disable, or create a new resource type to associate with the instance
#clusterResources.pageTitleHelp=All instances in a cluster have the same set of resources, resulting in the same JNDI namespace.
#standaloneApplications.pageTitleHelp=Enable, disable, and remove selected applications associated with the instance. Removing the application will only remove the application from this server instance, the application will not be undeployed.
#clusterApplications.pageTitleHelp=Enable, disable, and remove selected applications associated with the cluster. Removing the application will only remove the application from this cluster, application will not be undeployed.
### Log Analyzer
#logAnalyzer.pageTitle=Log Statistics Monitoring
#logAnalyzer.pageTitleHelp=Observe recent log statistics for this instance. Server must be running to see any statistics. Go to "Logger Setting" page to change the number of hours that statistic should be retained.
#logAnalyzer.noData=Data is available only when this server instance is running. Please start the server first.
#logAnalyzer.lastRefreshed=Last Refreshed:
#logAnalyzer.tableTitle=Errors and Warnings
#logAnalyzer.showLoggers=Show Log Modules
#logAnalyzer.showLoggers.tooltip=Show the loggers that generate the messages.
#logAnalyzer.endSampleTime=End Sample Time
#logAnalyzer.severeCount=Severe Messages
#logAnalyzer.warningCount=Warning Messages
#logAnalyzerLoggers.pageTitle=Log Statistics Error Origins
#logAnalyzerLoggers.pageTitleHelp=Shows distributions of Warning and Severe Messages for specific hour categorized by individual loggers.
#logAnalyzerLoggers.tableTitle=Loggers Generating Warning and Severe Message
#logAnalyzerLoggers.ending=Severes and Warnings Detail -- Hour ending
#logAnalyzerLoggers.back.button=Back to Log Statistics
#logAnalyzer.timestampTooltip=Start up Log Viewer to view the logs generated during this hour
#logAnalyzer.severeLinkTooltip=Startup up Log Viewer to view the severe messages generated during this hour
#logAnalyzer.warningLinkTooltip=Startup up Log Viewer to view the warning messages generated during this hour
#logAnalyzer.chart.legend.severe=# of Severe Messages
#logAnalyzer.chart.legend.warning=# of Warning Messages
#logAnalyzer.chart.yLabel=# of Messages
#logAnalyzer.chart.title=Log Statistics: {0} to {1}
#logAnalyzerLoggers.numMessages=# of Messages
#logAnalyzerLoggers.noSevereChart=No Severe Messages to Chart
#logAnalyzerLoggers.noWarningChart=No Warning Messages to Chart
#logAnalyzerLoggers.chart.severe.MapTitle=Loggers generating Severe Messages
#logAnalyzerLoggers.chart.severe.yTitle=# of Severe Messages
#logAnalyzerLoggers.chart.warning.MapTitle=Loggers generating Warning Messages
#logAnalyzerLoggers.chart.warning.yTitle=# of Warning Messages
#logAnalyzer.beginSampleTime=Begin Sample Time
### Cluster
#button.migrateEjbTimer=Migrate EJB Timers ...
#button.stopCluster=Stop Cluster
#button.startCluster=Start Cluster
#cluster.GeneralTitle=General Information
#cluster.GeneralTitleHelp=To start or stop any server instance, its node agent must be running. Refer to the online help for more information.
#cluster.ApplicationsTitleHelp=All instances in a cluster have the same set of deployed applications; for example, a Java EE application EAR file, a Web module WAR file, or an EJB JAR file.
#cluster.instancesTableTitle=Server Instances
#cluster.InstancesTitle=Clustered Server Instances
#cluster.InstancesTitleHelp=Before a server instance can be started or stopped, its node agent must be running. Refer to the online help for more information.
#cluster.ResourcesTitleHelp=All instances in a cluster have the same set of resources, resulting in the same JNDI namespace.
#cluster.PageTitleHelp=Before a server instance can be started or stopped, its node agent must be running. If no node agent exists, create one before creating or starting a cluster. Create node agents on the Node Agents page. Refer to the online help for more information.
#cluster.ColInstancesStopped=Instances Stopped
#cluster.ColInstancesRestart=Instances Requiring Restart
#cluster.NewPageTitle=New Cluster
#cluster.NewPageHelp=Choose the default-config configuration and click Make a copy of the selected Configuration to create a standalone cluster. Choose another configuration and click Reference the selected Configuration to reference that configuration.
#cluster.NewTableTitle=Server Instances to be Created
#cluster.ColNodeAgent=Node Agent
#cluster.ColInstanceName=Instance Name
#cluster.HeartbeatHelp=Start GMS service as a lifecycle module in each server in the cluster
#cluster.HeartbeatPort=Heartbeat Port:
#cluster.HeartbeatPortHelp=Communication port GMS uses to listen for group events
#cluster.HeartbeatAddress=Heartbeat Address:
#cluster.HeartbeatAddressHelp=Address (only multicast supported) at which GMS will listen for group events
#cluster.numStopped=Instance(s) Stopped
#cluster.numRunning=Instance(s) Running
#cluster.NewClusteredInstance=New Clustered Server Instance
#cluster.startLB=Enable Load Balancing
#### Web Services
#addRegistry.PageTitle=Add Registry
#addRegistry.PageHelp=Add a reference to an existing Web Service registry.
#addRegistry.JndiNameHelp=Name you will use to refer to this registry; can be up to 255 characters, must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#addRegistry.RegistryType=Registry Type
#addRegistry.RegistryTypeHelp=Technology used by the registry you are adding
#addRegistry.PublishUrl=Publish URL
#addRegistry.PublishUrlHelp=The registry's address for publishing web services. For example,
#addRegistry.UserNameHelp=User ID for the account you have with this registry; can be up to 255 characters, must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#addRegistry.PasswordHelp=Password for the account you have with this registry
#addRegistry.QueryUrl=Query URL
#addRegistry.QueryUrlHelp=Registry's address for locating web services; for example,
#webServiceGeneral.DeploymentDescriptors=Deployment Descriptors:
#webServiceGeneral.ImplementationClassName=Implementation Class Name:
#webServiceGeneral.ImplementationType=Implementation Type:
#webServiceGeneral.MappingFile=Mapping File:
#webServiceGeneral.ModuleName=Module Name:
#webServiceGeneral.PageTitle=Web Service - {0}
#webServiceGeneral.PageHelp=The Test button is unavailable for a web service if it is a secure web service or if the web service is disabled.
#webServiceGeneral.EndpointAddressURI=Endpoint Address URI:
#webServiceGeneral.DeployedTargets=Deployed Targets
#webServiceGeneral.AddRule=Add Rule
#webServiceGeneral.ViewWSDL=View WSDL
#webServicesGeneral.PageHelp=Web Services are deployed and undeployed in the Applications (click to open) area.
#webServicePublish.empty=Please use the Registry Page first to create a registry JNDI name, or click the Publish button above to publish this web service to registry server.
#webServicePublish.PageTitle=Publish Web Service
#webServiceMessages.empty=No messages.
#webServiceMessages.PageTitle={0} - Messages
#webServiceMessages.SelectServer=Show messages for server instance:
#webServiceMessages.TableTitle=Recent Messages
#webServiceMessages.callFlow=call flow
#webServiceMessageDetail.ApplicationName=Application Name:
#webServiceMessageDetail.ContentType=Content Type
#webServiceMessageDetail.EndpointName=Endpoint Name:
#webServiceMessageDetail.TimeStamp=Time Stamp:
#webServiceMessageDetail.ResponseTime=Response Time:
#webServiceMessageDetail.ClientHost=Client Host:
#webServiceMessageDetail.FaultCode=Fault Code:
#webServiceMessageDetail.FaultActor=Fault Actor:
#webServiceMessageDetail.FaultString=Fault String:
#webServiceMessageDetail.HTTPHeaders=HTTP/HTTPS Headers:
#webServiceMessageDetail.PageTitle=Message Detail
#webServiceMessageDetail.SizeLabel=Size (b):
#webServiceMessageDetail.SOAPAction=SOAP Action
#webServiceMessageDetail.TransportType=Transport Type:
#webServiceMessageDetail.ViewRequestButton=View Request XML
#webServiceMessageDetail.ViewResponseButton=View Response XML
#webServiceMonitor.clearData=Clear Data
#webServiceMonitorConfig.MonitoringLevel=Monitoring Level:
#webServiceMonitorConfig.MonitoringLevelHelp=LOW - Collects statistics for the service.
HIGH - Collects statistics and message trace details for the service.
#webServiceMonitorConfig.MessageHistory=Message History Size:
#webServiceMonitorConfig.MessageHistoryHelp=Number of messages to keep in history
#webServiceMonitorConfig.PageTitle={0} - Monitoring Configuration
#webServiceMonitorConfig.ResetDataHelp=Immediately resets all statistics so that count data returns to 0 and running averages are restarted
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.PageTitle={0} - Monitoring Statistics
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.selectServer=Show data for server instance:
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.empty=No monitoring statistics to show for this web service.
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.lastRespTime=Response Time (last request):
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.avgRespTime=Average Response Time:
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.maxRespTime=Max Response Time:
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.minRespTime=Min Response Time:
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.ReqPerSecond=Request Per Second:
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.Faults=Total Fault Request Count:
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.AuthSuccess=Authentication Successes
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.AuthFailure=Authentication Failures
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.totalSuccess=Total Success Request Count:
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.lastCollected=Data collected since: {0}
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.dataCollected=Data Collected Since:
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.dataCleared=Statistics Data cleared
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.reqPerSec={0} Requests/Second
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.ms={0} ms
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.lastRefresh=Last Refreshed:
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.realtimeGraphButton=Real Time Statistics
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.needConfig=No Statistic is available for this web service. Please ensure that the application/module is enabled and use the Configuration tab to configure monitoring for this web service.
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.clearDataHelp=Resets all statistics for the selected server
#webServiceMonitorStatistics.noMonitoring=No monitoring statistics to show for this web service. Go to the Config tab to turn on monitoring and ensure the application is enabled.
#webServicePublish.RegistriesPublishedTo=Registries Published To
#webServicePublish.RegistriesPublishedToHelp=Note: To add and remove registries, go to the
#webServicePublish.RegistriesPublishedToHelpLink=Registry page.
#webServicePublish.CategoriesHelp=Type the categories (comma separated) in which this web service belongs; use the category names as defined by the registry you are using
#webServicePublish.DescriptionHelp=A description of this web service that will be useful for end users
#webServicePublish.LoadBalancerHost=Load Balancer Host
#webServicePublish.LoadBalancerPort=Load Balancer Port
#webServicePublish.LoadBalancerSSLPort=Load Balancer SSL Port
#webServicePublish.OrganizationHelp=Required for publishing to a UDDI registry
#webServicePublish.TimePublished=Time Published
#webServicePublishToRegistry.PageTitle=Publish Web Service - {0}
#webServicePublishToRegistry.PageHelp=Publish the web service to a registry. If the registry you want to publish to is not listed, first add it to the Registry page.
#webServicePublishToRegistry.PublishNowButton=Publish Now
#webServicesRegistry.PageTitle=Web Services Registries
#webServicesRegistry.RegistriesTable.empty=No registries found. Click "Add..." above to add a registry.
#webServicesRegistry.PageHelp=Publish web services to the following registries.
#webServiceTestLinks.PageTitle=Web Service Test Links
#webServiceTestLinks.PageHelp=If the server or listener is not running, the link may not work. In such case, check the status of the server instance. After launching the web service test form, use the browser Back button to return to this screen.
#webServiceTransformation.PageTitle=Transformation Rules - {0}
#webServiceTransformation.PageHelp=Transformation rules are applied to the service in the order in which they are added.
#webServiceTransformation.Table=Transformation Rules
#webServiceTransformation.empty=There are no transformation rules for this web service. Click "Add..." above to apply a transformation rule to this web service.
#webServiceTransformation.RuleFile=Rule File
#webServiceTransformation.FileToUploadError=Please select an XSLT rule file.
#webServiceTransformationAdd.PageTitle=Add Transformation Rule
#webServiceTransformationAdd.PageHelp=Add a transformation rule to this web service.
#webServiceTransformationAdd.RuleNameHelp=Name you will use for this transformation rule; can be up to 255 characters, must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
#webServiceTransformationAdd.FileToUploadLabel=File to Upload:
#webServiceTransformationAdd.FileToUploadHelp=XSLT file containing the rule logic
#webServiceTransformationAdd.ApplyToLabel=Apply to
#webServiceTransformationAdd.addRuleSuccessful=Transformation rule added successfully.
##Diagnostics Page
#diag.DiagnosticsInfo=Reports configuration details, monitoring , HADB information, logging details, process specific information, and and other information for application server instances. Useful for diagnosing application server problems such as exceptions, performance bottlenecks, and other unexpected results.
#diag.checkSumLabel=Compute Checksum:
#diag.verifyConfLabel=Verify Configuration:
#diag.instLogLabel=Capture Install Log:
#diag.sysInfoLabel=Capture System Infomation:
#diag.appDeplLabel=Capture Application Deployment Descriptor:
#diag.logLevelLabel=Log Level:
#diag.logEntriesLabel=Log Entries:
#customMBeans.title=Custom MBeans
#customMBeans.titleHelp=This table shows custom MBeans that has been deployed to the server.
## Diagnostics
#button.GenerateReport=Generate Report
#diagReport.PageTitle=Generate Diagnostic Report
#diagReport.rb.GenerateReportForLabel=Generate Report For:
#diagReport.rbOption.EntireDomain=Entire domain
#diagReport.BugIDs=Bug IDs:
#diagReport.BugIDsHelp=Comma separated
#diagReport.LogStartDate=Server Log Start Date:
#diagReport.LogEndDate=Server Log End Date:
#diagReport.ConfidentialProps=Confidential Properties
#diagReport.ConfidentialPropsEmpty=No confidential properties
#diagReport.ConfidentialPropsHelp=Confidential data appears in the generated report as listed in the Confidential Properties table. To mask properties, use the create-password-alias and set commands.
#diagReport.ConfirmMsg=Confidential data will appear in the generated report as they are listed in the Confidential Properties table. Click OK to continue report generation. To mask properties, click Cancel and use the CLI create-password-alias and set commands.
#diagReport.ConfirmationPageTitle=Diagnostic Report Generated Successfully
#diagReport.ReportLocationLabel=Report Location:
## Monitor tab
#monitor.CallFlow=Call Flow
#j2eeApp.editPageTitle=Enterprise Application
#j2eeApp.editPageTitleHelp=Modify an existing enterprise application.
#j2eeApp.descriptorPageTitle=Module Descriptors
#j2eeApp.descriptorPageTitleHelp=View module descriptors for the enterprise application.
#j2eeApp.targetPageTitle=Enterprise Application Targets
#j2eeApp.targetPageTitleHelp=Manage the targets (clusters and standalone server instances) on which the application is available.
#ejbModule.editPageTitle=EJB Module
#ejbModule.editPageTitleHelp=Modify an existing EJB module.
#ejbModule.descriptorPageTitle=Module Descriptors
#ejbModule.descriptorPageTitleHelp=View module descriptors for the EJB module.
#ejbModule.targetPageTitle=EJB Module Targets
#connectorModule.editPageTitle=Connector Module
#connectorModule.editPageTitleHelp=Modify an existing connector module.
#connectorModule.descriptorPageTitle=Module Descriptors
#connectorModule.descriptorPageTitleHelp=View module descriptors for the connector module.
#connectorModule.targetPageTitle=Connector Module Targets
#connectorModule.RegistryType=Registry Type:
#connectorModule.ThreadPoolID=Thread Pool ID:
#connectorModule.ThreadPoolIDHelp=Thread pool ID for connector module (resource adapter)
#appclientModule.editPageTitle=Application Client Module
#appclientModule.editPageTitleHelp=Modify an existing application client Module.
#appclientModule.descriptorPageTitle=Module Descriptors
#appclientModule.descriptorPageTitleHelp=View module descriptors for the application client module.
#appclientModule.targetPageTitle=Application Client Module Targets
#appClientLinksPageHelp=If the server or listener is not running, links may not work. In such case, check the status of the server instance.
#appClientLinks.PageTitle=Application Client Launch Page
#appClientLinks.argHelp=Arguments to append to the URL for launching the application; for example, arg=first&arg=second