To Resynchronize Library Files

To ensure that library files are resynchronized correctly, you must ensure that each library file is placed in the correct directory for the type of file.

  1. Place each library file in the correct location for the type of library file as shown in the following table.

    Type of Library Files Location

    Common JAR archives and ZIP archives for all applications in a domain.


    Common Java class files for a domain for all applications in a domain.


    Application-specific libraries.


    Optional packages for all applications in a domain.


    Library files for all applications that are deployed to a specific cluster or standalone instance.


    Optional packages for all applications that are deployed to a specific cluster or standalone instance.



    The directory in which the domain's configuration is stored.


    For a standalone instance: the named configuration that the instance references.

    For a clustered instance: the named configuration that the cluster to which the instance belongs references.

  2. When you deploy an application that depends on these library files, use the --libraries option of the deploy subcommand to specify these dependencies.

    For library files in the domain-dir/lib/applib directory, only the JAR file name is required, for example:

    asadmin> deploy --libraries commons-coll.jar,X1.jar app.ear

    For other types of library file, the full path is required.

See Also


You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommands by typing the command asadmin help deploy at the command line.