# 1325106745519 Do not modify this line [28/Dec/2011:16:12:25 EST] [B1002]: An existing property file for Test2Test21 was not found, no stored properties will be loaded [28/Dec/2011:16:12:25 EST] ================================================================================ Open Message Queue 4.5.2 Oracle Version: 4.5.2 (Build 2-d) Compile: Thu Dec 8 17:30:48 PST 2011 Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ================================================================================ Java Runtime: 1.6.0_26 Sun Microsystems Inc. /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/jre [28/Dec/2011:16:12:25 EST] IMQ_HOME=/home/jsterr/glassfish3/mq [28/Dec/2011:16:12:25 EST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/jsterr/glassfish3/glassfish/nodes/devaejb19/Test2-1/imq [28/Dec/2011:16:12:25 EST] Linux amd64 (24 cpu) jsterr [28/Dec/2011:16:12:25 EST] Java Heap Size: max=932096k, current=494400k [28/Dec/2011:16:12:25 EST] Arguments: -port 23576 -name Test2Test21 -nobind -imqhome /home/jsterr/glassfish3/mq -varhome /home/jsterr/glassfish3/glassfish/nodes/devaejb19/Test2-1/imq -libhome /home/jsterr/glassfish3/mq/lib -startRmiRegistry -rmiRegistryPort 23676 -save -silent [28/Dec/2011:16:12:25 EST] JMSRA BrokerProps: imq.cluster.brokerlist=mq://devaejb19:27676/,mq://devaejb20:27676/, imq.cluster.masterbroker=mq://devaejb19:27676/, imq.cluster.dynamicChangeMasterBrokerEnabled=true, imq.service.activate=jmsdirect, imq.imqcmd.password=*****, imq.jmsra.managed=true, imq.cluster.nowaitForMasterBroker=true [28/Dec/2011:16:12:25 EST] Broker Properties: imq.service.activate=jmsdirect, imq.cluster.nowaitForMasterBroker=true, imq.cluster.brokerlist=mq://devaejb19:27676/,mq://devaejb20:27676/, imq.cluster.masterbroker=mq://devaejb19:27676/, imq.portmapper.port=23576, imq.jmsra.managed=true, imq.instancename=Test2Test21, imq.log.console.output=NONE, imq.imqcmd.password=*****, imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port=23676, imq.service.runtimeAdd=mqdirect2, imq.cluster.dynamicChangeMasterBrokerEnabled=true, imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start=true, imq.portmapper.bind=false [28/Dec/2011:16:12:25 EST] Embedded Broker [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data... [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/jsterr/glassfish3/glassfish/nodes/devaejb19/Test2-1/imq/instances/Test2Test21/ [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] WARNING Existing file: incompleteTxnStorehas older cookie version than current version. Current version = 1. Original file version = 0 [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] [B1041]: Cluster initialization successful. [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] new transaction log enabled [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] sync writes to disk = false [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] logNonTransactedMsgSend = false [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] logNonTransactedMsgAck = false [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] [B1392]: Opening transaction log with file mode rw, maximum size 10,485,760 bytes [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] [B1390]: Loading of transactions has been successfully completed [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is enabled [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] [B1144]: Creating Dead Message Queue [28/Dec/2011:16:12:26 EST] [B1158]: Administrator has created destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] [28/Dec/2011:16:12:27 EST] [B1239]: Using platform MBean server [28/Dec/2011:16:12:27 EST] RMI Registry started on port 23676 [28/Dec/2011:16:12:27 EST] JESMF classes not present - JESMF support will not be enabled. [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] JMX Connector Server jmxrmi started successfully with url service:jmx:rmi://devaejb19/jndi/rmi:// [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10 [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] [B1227]: Using file user repository for admin service connection authentication [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000 [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] [B1227]: Using file user repository for jms service connection authentication [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] [B1004]: Starting the mqdirect2 service using in-process connections with min threads 0 and max threads of 0 [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] [B1227]: Using file user repository for mqdirect2 service connection authentication [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] [B1004]: Starting the jmsdirect service using with min threads 0 and max threads of 0 [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] [B1227]: Using file user repository for jmsdirect service connection authentication [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] WARNING [B1262]: Restricted JMS service until communication with master broker is established. [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] [B1004]: Starting the cluster service using tcp [ ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1 [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] WARNING [B2105]: Attempting to initiate a cluster connection to mq:// failed: Connection refused [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] WARNING [B2105]: Attempting to initiate a cluster connection to mq:// failed: Connection refused [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] [B1228]: Cluster ping interval is 60 seconds [28/Dec/2011:16:12:28 EST] [B1039]: Broker "Test2Test21@" ready. [28/Dec/2011:16:13:28 EST] WARNING [B2180]: Still trying to connect to the master broker mq:// Client connections will have restricted JMS service until the master broker is ready. [28/Dec/2011:16:14:03 EST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:38036. Count: service=1 broker=1 [28/Dec/2011:16:14:03 EST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:38036 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=0 [28/Dec/2011:16:14:03 EST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:38036. Count: service=1 broker=1 [28/Dec/2011:16:14:03 EST] WARNING [B4286]: [Thread-jms[0]]Auto-creation of destination jExecutionQueue is not allowed because service jms is currently in restricted service mode: Persistent store has not been synchronized with master broker [broker3(mq://] [28/Dec/2011:16:14:03 EST] [B1349]: [MQ-mbwaiter]Wait 15[90] seconds for synchronization with master broker [28/Dec/2011:16:14:18 EST] [B1349]: [MQ-mbwaiter]Wait 15[90] seconds for synchronization with master broker [28/Dec/2011:16:14:33 EST] [B1349]: [MQ-mbwaiter]Wait 15[90] seconds for synchronization with master broker [28/Dec/2011:16:14:48 EST] [B1349]: [MQ-mbwaiter]Wait 15[90] seconds for synchronization with master broker [28/Dec/2011:16:15:18 EST] [B1349]: [MQ-mbwaiter]Wait 15[90] seconds for synchronization with master broker [28/Dec/2011:16:15:33 EST] [B1358]: Master broker waiter thread [MQ-mbwaiter] for JMS client request exits [28/Dec/2011:16:15:33 EST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:38036 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=0 [28/Dec/2011:16:15:48 EST] WARNING [B2105]: Attempting to initiate a cluster connection to mq:// failed: Connection refused [28/Dec/2011:16:15:48 EST] WARNING [B2105]: Attempting to initiate a cluster connection to mq:// failed: Connection refused [28/Dec/2011:16:16:28 EST] WARNING [B2180]: Still trying to connect to the master broker mq:// Client connections will have restricted JMS service until the master broker is ready.