Text Source: Fieldset Legend Label Element Title Attribute

Form elements in Deploy Applications or Modules
LabelInput ElementComponent Type/RoleStatus
LogoutsubmitEnsure Label correctly describes field.
Help submitEnsure Label correctly describes field.
Form elements in Deploy Applications or Modules
LabelInput ElementComponent Type/RoleStatus
OK submitEnsure Label correctly describes field.
CancelsubmitEnsure Label correctly describes field.
Location: Packaged File to Be Uploaded to the Server radioERROR: Multiple Labels found: Location: Packaged File to Be Uploaded to the Server
fileERROR: Missing or Empty Label
Local Packaged File or Directory That Is Accessible from GlassFish Server radioEnsure Label correctly describes field.
textERROR: Missing or Empty Label
Browse Files...submitEnsure Label correctly describes field.
Browse Folders...submitEnsure Label correctly describes field.
Type: Required SELECTEnsure Label correctly describes field.
Available Targets: SELECTEnsure Label correctly describes field.
Add > submitEnsure Label correctly describes field.
Add All >> submitEnsure Label correctly describes field.
< RemovesubmitEnsure Label correctly describes field.
<< Remove AllsubmitEnsure Label correctly describes field.
SELECTERROR: Missing or Empty Label
OK submitWARNING: Duplicate Label
CancelsubmitWARNING: Duplicate Label