[19/Feb/2011:13:27:31 PST] ------------------------------ Sending JMS Packet -[block = true,nio = false] IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] Dumping <<<<**** Packet: OBJECT_MESSAGE(5):208235577- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 179 Type: OBJECT_MESSAGE(5) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150851635 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 208235577 Property Offset: 132 Property Size: 47 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: Q consumerID: 575948653991302400 TransactionID: 0 Destination: temporary_destination://queue/ MessageID: 208235577- Properties: {JMQMessageType=73, JMQStatus=200} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:31 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: ACKNOWLEDGE(24):14- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 112 Type: ACKNOWLEDGE(24) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150851644 Source IP: Port: 36136 Sequence: 14 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 0 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: A consumerID: 11 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 14- Properties: null Message Body: 40 bytes [575948653991302400:208235577-] Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:31 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: ACKNOWLEDGE_REPLY(25):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 166 Type: ACKNOWLEDGE_REPLY(25) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 94 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 11 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {JMQReqID=14-, JMQStatus=200} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:31 PST] Finished writing packet [ACKNOWLEDGE_REPLY(25):208235578-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:32 PST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:32954 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count: service=0 broker=2 [19/Feb/2011:13:27:42 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: PING(54):211934242- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 72 Type: PING(54) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150862165 Source IP: Port: 32957 Sequence: 211934242 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 0 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 0 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 211934242- Properties: null Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[CONNECTED,???@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: HELLO(10):1- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 239 Type: HELLO(10) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868746 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 1 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 167 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: A consumerID: 1 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 1- Properties: {JMQProtocolLevel=450, JMQRBufferSize=100, JMQVersion=4.5, JMQHAClient=false, JMQUserAgent=Message Queue/4.5 (JMS; SunOS 5.10 x86), JMQReconnectable=false} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: HELLO_REPLY(11):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 435 Type: HELLO_REPLY(11) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 363 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 1 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {JMQBrokerSessionID=575948611544849408, JMQLicenseDesc= Sun Glassfish(tm) Message Queue / Open Message Queue 4.4, JMQHA=false, JMQLicense=unl, JMQBrokerList=mq://, JMQService=admin, JMQVersion=4.5, JMQConnectionID=575948653995622400, JMQProtocolLevel=450, JMQStatus=200, JMQReqID=1-} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] Finished writing packet [HELLO_REPLY(11):208235579-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST(38):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 257 Type: AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST(38) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 152 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 1 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {JMQReqID=1-, JMQSequence=1, JMQStatus=200, JMQAuthType=digest, JMQChallenge=true} Message Body: 33 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] Finished writing packet [AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST(38):208235580-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATION REQUESTED,???@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: AUTHENTICATE(12):2- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 144 Type: AUTHENTICATE(12) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868757 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 2 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 31 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: A consumerID: 2 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 2- Properties: {JMQAuthType=digest} Message Body: 41 bytes digest: username=admin, password=3387b70b8aa8fc6d3c5801aef5dc7d20 Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:32954. Count: service=2 broker=3 [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: AUTHENTICATE_REPLY(13):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 165 Type: AUTHENTICATE_REPLY(13) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 93 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 2 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {JMQReqID=2-, JMQStatus=200} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] Finished writing packet [AUTHENTICATE_REPLY(13):208235581-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: GET_LICENSE(76):3- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 72 Type: GET_LICENSE(76) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868760 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 3 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 0 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: A consumerID: 3 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 3- Properties: null Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: GET_LICENSE_REPLY(77):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 995 Type: GET_LICENSE_REPLY(77) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 923 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 3 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {imq.enable_localdest=true, date_string=NONE, imq.enable_ha=true, imq.max_broker_conns=2147483647, imq.max_client_conns=2147483647, imq.license_type=unl, imq.enable_ssl=true, imq.enable_failover=true, imq.enable_no_ack=true, imq.enable_c_api=true, imq.enable_http=true, imq.enable_shared_sub=true, imq.enable_monitoring=true, JMQStatus=200, imq.enable_reconnect=true, imq.enable_sharedpool=true, imq.precedence=10000, imq.enable_cluster=true, JMQLicenseDesc= Sun Glassfish(tm) Message Queue / Open Message Queue 4.4, imq.max_active_cons=2147483647, imq.enable_audit_ccc=true, JMQLicense=unl, imq.enable_clientping=true, description= Sun Glassfish(tm) Message Queue / Open Message Queue 4.4, imq.max_backup_cons=2147483647, imq.license_version=4.4 FCS, imq.enable_dmq=true, imq.enable_msgbody_compression=true, imq.file_version=4} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] Finished writing packet [GET_LICENSE_REPLY(77):208235582-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: START(20):4- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 72 Type: START(20) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868764 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 4 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 0 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 0 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 4- Properties: null Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: CREATE_SESSION(68):5- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 98 Type: CREATE_SESSION(68) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868794 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 5 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 26 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: A consumerID: 4 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 5- Properties: {JMQAckMode=2} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: CREATE_SESSION_REPLY(69):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 121 Type: CREATE_SESSION_REPLY(69) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 49 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 4 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {JMQStatus=200, JMQSessionID=575948653995702784} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] Finished writing packet [CREATE_SESSION_REPLY(69):208235583-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: CREATE_DESTINATION(34):6- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 170 Type: CREATE_DESTINATION(34) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868807 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 6 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 98 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: A consumerID: 5 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 6- Properties: {JMQDestination=temporary_destination://queue/, JMQDestType=17} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: CREATE_DESTINATION_REPLY(35):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 308 Type: CREATE_DESTINATION_REPLY(35) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 236 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 5 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {JMQReqID=6-, JMQStatus=200, JMQValidateXMLSchema=false, JMQDestUID=temporary_destination://queue/, JMQReloadXMLSchemaOnFailure=false, JMQDestType=8369} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] Finished writing packet [CREATE_DESTINATION_REPLY(35):208235584-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: CREATE_DESTINATION(34):7- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 129 Type: CREATE_DESTINATION(34) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868812 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 7 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 57 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: A consumerID: 6 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 7- Properties: {JMQDestination=__JMQAdmin, JMQDestType=1} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: CREATE_DESTINATION_REPLY(35):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 267 Type: CREATE_DESTINATION_REPLY(35) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 195 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 6 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {JMQReqID=7-, JMQStatus=200, JMQValidateXMLSchema=false, JMQDestUID=__JMQAdmin, JMQReloadXMLSchemaOnFailure=false, JMQDestType=8353} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] Finished writing packet [CREATE_DESTINATION_REPLY(35):208235585-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: ADD_PRODUCER(18):8- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 153 Type: ADD_PRODUCER(18) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868813 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 8 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 81 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: A consumerID: 7 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 8- Properties: {JMQSessionID=575948653995702784, JMQDestType=1, JMQDestination=__JMQAdmin} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: ADD_PRODUCER_REPLY(19):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 259 Type: ADD_PRODUCER_REPLY(19) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 187 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 7 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {JMQReqID=8-, JMQSize=1000, JMQStatus=200, JMQDestinationID=Q:__JMQAdmin, JMQBytes=-1, JMQProducerID=575948653995707904} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] Finished writing packet [ADD_PRODUCER_REPLY(19):208235586-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: CREATE_DESTINATION(34):9- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 170 Type: CREATE_DESTINATION(34) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868822 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 9 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 98 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: A consumerID: 8 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 9- Properties: {JMQDestination=temporary_destination://queue/, JMQDestType=17} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: CREATE_DESTINATION_REPLY(35):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 308 Type: CREATE_DESTINATION_REPLY(35) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 236 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 8 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {JMQReqID=9-, JMQStatus=200, JMQValidateXMLSchema=false, JMQDestUID=temporary_destination://queue/, JMQReloadXMLSchemaOnFailure=false, JMQDestType=8369} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] Finished writing packet [CREATE_DESTINATION_REPLY(35):208235587-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: ADD_CONSUMER(14):10- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 272 Type: ADD_CONSUMER(14) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868823 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 10 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 200 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: A consumerID: 9 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 10- Properties: {JMQShare=false, JMQNoLocal=false, JMQSessionID=575948653995702784, JMQAckMode=2, JMQDestination=temporary_destination://queue/, JMQReconnect=false, JMQSize=1000, JMQDestType=17} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: ADD_CONSUMER_REPLY(15):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 206 Type: ADD_CONSUMER_REPLY(15) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 134 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 9 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {JMQReqID=10-, JMQSize=1000, JMQConsumerID=575948653995710208, JMQStatus=200} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] Finished writing packet [ADD_CONSUMER_REPLY(15):208235588-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: OBJECT_MESSAGE(5):11- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 274 Type: OBJECT_MESSAGE(5) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868839 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 11 Property Offset: 244 Property Size: 30 Encryption: 0 Priority: 4 Flags: Q consumerID: 0 TransactionID: 0 ProducerID: 575948653995707904 Destination: __JMQAdmin DestinationClass: com.sun.messaging.BasicQueue MessageID: 11- ReplyTo: temporary_destination://queue/ ReplyToClass: com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.TemporaryQueueImpl Properties: {JMQMessageType=28} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending JMS Packet -[block = true,nio = false] IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] Dumping <<<<**** Packet: OBJECT_MESSAGE(5):208235589- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 209 Type: OBJECT_MESSAGE(5) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868840 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 208235589 Property Offset: 132 Property Size: 77 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: Q consumerID: 575948653995710208 TransactionID: 0 Destination: temporary_destination://queue/ MessageID: 208235589- Properties: {JMQStatus=200, JMQMessageType=29, JMQInstanceName=imqbroker} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: ACKNOWLEDGE(24):12- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 112 Type: ACKNOWLEDGE(24) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868843 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 12 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 0 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: A consumerID: 10 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 12- Properties: null Message Body: 40 bytes [575948653995710208:208235589-] Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Sending Control Packet -[block = true,nio = false] Dumping ------------------------------ <<<<**** Packet: ACKNOWLEDGE_REPLY(25):0- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 166 Type: ACKNOWLEDGE_REPLY(25) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 0 Source IP: Port: 32954 Sequence: 0 Property Offset: 72 Property Size: 94 Encryption: 0 Priority: 5 Flags: consumerID: 10 TransactionID: 0 MessageID: 0- Properties: {JMQReqID=12-, JMQStatus=200} Message Body: 0 bytes Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] Finished writing packet [ACKNOWLEDGE_REPLY(25):208235590-] [19/Feb/2011:13:27:48 PST] ------------------------------ Received incoming Packet - Dumping Connection: IMQConn[AUTHENTICATED,admin@,null] ------------------------------ >>>>**** Packet: OBJECT_MESSAGE(5):13- Magic/Version: 469754818/301 Size: 490 Type: OBJECT_MESSAGE(5) Expiration: 0 Timestamp: 1298150868861 Source IP: Port: 36140 Sequence: 13 Property Offset: 244 Property Size: 73 Encryption: 0 Priority: 4 Flags: Q consumerID: 0 TransactionID: 0 ProducerID: 575948653995707904 Destination: __JMQAdmin DestinationClass: com.sun.messaging.BasicQueue MessageID: 13- ReplyTo: temporary_destination://queue/ ReplyToClass: com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.TemporaryQueueImpl Properties: {JMQCommand=debug, JMQCommandArg=pkt, JMQMessageType=72} Message Body: 173 bytes {enable=false} Internal Buffers (useDirect=false): Fixed Header Buffer:java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=72 cap=72] ------------------------------ [19/Feb/2011:13:27:49 PST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:32954 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count: service=0 broker=2 [19/Feb/2011:15:43:41 PST] Data logged at file /home/akang/mathi.dump [19/Feb/2011:15:43:41 PST] WARNING [B2011]: Storing of JMS message from IMQConn[DESTROYED,admin@,null] failed: com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException: Unknown Destination:temporary_destination://queue/ [19/Feb/2011:17:32:33 PST] Data logged at file /home/akang/mathi.dump [19/Feb/2011:17:32:33 PST] WARNING [B2011]: Storing of JMS message from IMQConn[DESTROYED,admin@,null] failed: com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException: Unknown Destination:temporary_destination://queue/