# 1296552401700 Do not modify this line [01/Feb/2011:14:56:41 IST] ================================================================================ Open Message Queue 4.5 Oracle Version: 4.5 (Build 27-a) Compile: Wed Jan 26 13:43:56 PST 2011 Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ================================================================================ Java Runtime: 1.6.0_23 Sun Microsystems Inc. C:\cygwin\space\varun\tools\jdk1.6.0_23\jre [01/Feb/2011:14:56:41 IST] IMQ_HOME=C:\cygwin\space\varun\glassfish3\mq [01/Feb/2011:14:56:41 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=C:\cygwin\space\varun\glassfish3\glassfish\nodes\agent2\instance101\imq [01/Feb/2011:14:56:41 IST] Windows Server 2008 6.0 amd64 ejp5364-vm2.india.sun.com (2 cpu) cyg_server [01/Feb/2011:14:56:41 IST] Java Heap Size: max=699072k, current=274752k [01/Feb/2011:14:56:41 IST] Arguments: -port 27676 -name stclusterinstance101 -nobind -imqhome C:\cygwin\space\varun\glassfish3\mq -varhome C:\cygwin\space\varun\glassfish3\glassfish\nodes\agent2\instance101\imq -libhome C:\cygwin\space\varun\glassfish3\mq\lib -startRmiRegistry -rmiRegistryPort 27776 -save -silent [01/Feb/2011:14:56:41 IST] JMSRA BrokerProps: imq.cluster.brokerlist=mq://ejp5364-vm2.india.sun.com:27676/,mq://ejp5364-vm4.india.sun.com:27676/,mq://ejp5364-vm3.india.sun.com:27676/, imq.cluster.masterbroker=mq://ejp5364-vm2.india.sun.com:27676/, imq.cluster.dynamicChangeMasterBrokerEnabled=true, imq.service.activate=jmsdirect, imq.imqcmd.password=*****, imq.jmsra.managed=true, imq.cluster.nowaitForMasterBroker=true [01/Feb/2011:14:56:41 IST] Broker Properties: imq.service.activate=jmsdirect, imq.cluster.nowaitForMasterBroker=true, imq.cluster.brokerlist=mq://ejp5364-vm2.india.sun.com:27676/,mq://ejp5364-vm4.india.sun.com:27676/,mq://ejp5364-vm3.india.sun.com:27676/, imq.cluster.masterbroker=mq://ejp5364-vm2.india.sun.com:27676/, imq.portmapper.port=27676, imq.jmsra.managed=true, imq.instancename=stclusterinstance101, imq.log.console.output=NONE, imq.imqcmd.password=*****, imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port=27776, imq.service.runtimeAdd=mqdirect2, imq.cluster.dynamicChangeMasterBrokerEnabled=true, imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start=true, imq.portmapper.bind=false [01/Feb/2011:14:56:41 IST] Embedded Broker [01/Feb/2011:14:56:41 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data... [01/Feb/2011:14:56:41 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: C:\cygwin\space\varun\glassfish3\glassfish\nodes\agent2\instance101\imq\instances\stclusterinstance101\ [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1041]: Cluster initialization successful. [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] new transaction log enabled [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] sync writes to disk = false [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] logNonTransactedMsgSend = false [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] logNonTransactedMsgAck = false [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1392]: Opening transaction log with file mode rw, maximum size 10,485,760 bytes [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1270]: Processing messages from transaction log file... [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is enabled [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1159]: Destination richAppTopic [Topic] has been destroyed [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination richAppTopic [Topic] with 0 messages [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination richAppTopic [Topic] complete [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1387]: Purged 0 messages from destination richAppTopic [Topic] [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] imq.persist.file.minimizeWrites=false [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1132]: Auto-creating destination richAppTopic [Topic] [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [165-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192145408 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [219-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192145409 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [356-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192165377 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [327-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893302273 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [245-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893302272 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [419-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192173568 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [389-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893314306 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [432-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192177408 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [458-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893314307 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [504-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192197376 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [523-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192201473 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [550-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192205569 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [589-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192205572 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [591-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192209410 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [637-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893350144 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [693-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192217344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [715-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192221441 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [756-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893362176 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [770-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192225537 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [799-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893366273 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [841-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192249344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [813-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893382145 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [879-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893390336 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [873-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192253440 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [899-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192257537 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [921-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192261378 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1015-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893406208 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [950-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192269569 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1032-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893418241 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [977-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192269570 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1059-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893418242 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [991-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192273408 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1145-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893430273 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [998-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192285441 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1095-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192285444 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1124-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192297473 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1199-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893438209 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1142-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192297474 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1204-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893446145 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1209-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192309505 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1251-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893446146 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1246-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192309506 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1272-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192317441 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1320-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893474304 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1333-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192341504 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1372-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192349440 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1396-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192349443 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1433-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893494272 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1426-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192357376 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1448-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192357379 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1481-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893502208 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1471-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192365569 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1492-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192365572 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1534-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192377344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1540-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893510144 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1585-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192381440 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1590-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192397569 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1596-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192397570 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1668-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893538304 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1649-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192401409 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1702-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192593408 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1720-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192597506 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1755-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893742336 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1782-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192609536 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1816-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893750272 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1837-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192613377 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1865-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192617474 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1884-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893758208 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1903-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192621570 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1940-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192629504 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1951-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192633344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [1986-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192637440 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2015-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192641536 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2057-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211893806336 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2087-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192861440 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2111-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192869376 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2128-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192869379 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2116-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894006272 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2169-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894018304 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2216-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894026240 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2196-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192889344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2211-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192889347 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2262-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894030336 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2228-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192889348 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2259-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192893442 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2309-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192897539 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2319-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192901377 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2382-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192905473 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2385-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894042368 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2414-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792192909568 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2447-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894234368 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2473-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193105408 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2506-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193109505 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2520-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894246144 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2594-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193117441 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2601-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894258176 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2588-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193117440 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2648-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193125376 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2684-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894266368 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2710-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193133568 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2711-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894270208 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2741-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894278144 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2748-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193141504 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2794-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894310144 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2811-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193181440 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2839-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193357568 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2858-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193357571 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2890-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894498304 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2900-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193365504 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2903-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193365505 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2973-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894510336 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [2981-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193373440 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3009-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193377538 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3040-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193381376 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3073-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193389568 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3078-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193389569 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3084-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193389574 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3108-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193389575 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3135-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193401345 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3134-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193401344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3159-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193405441 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3176-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193445376 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3199-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193485568 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3219-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894622208 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3248-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193489408 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3281-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193493504 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3301-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894630144 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3334-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193497344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3346-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193497345 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3356-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193501444 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3400-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193505537 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3421-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193505540 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3452-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894646272 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3450-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193509377 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3473-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193513473 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3492-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193513476 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3514-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894650369 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3518-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193517568 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3541-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193517571 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3560-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193741568 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3576-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193749504 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3613-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894886144 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3615-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894886145 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3678-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193753344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3700-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193757441 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3778-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894902272 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3721-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193761537 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3753-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193761538 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3882-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211894910208 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3887-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193773568 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3889-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193773569 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3905-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193773572 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3930-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792193777411 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3952-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194009344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3969-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895146240 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3986-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194013440 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4062-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895158272 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [3996-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194013441 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4034-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194025472 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4046-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194025475 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4091-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194029569 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4145-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194033408 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4151-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194033409 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4178-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194033412 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4210-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194037505 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4236-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194041344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4244-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194041345 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4266-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194041348 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4303-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194045443 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4327-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194289408 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4350-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895430144 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4390-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194293504 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4381-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194293505 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4427-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194297347 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4468-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194301442 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4472-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895438336 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4489-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194301443 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4533-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194305540 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4561-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194309377 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4564-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895446272 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4580-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895450369 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4606-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194313473 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4610-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194313476 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4637-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895454208 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4655-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194317570 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4716-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895666176 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4701-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194529536 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4764-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194537472 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4760-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895674368 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4787-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194537475 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4804-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895678209 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4823-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194545408 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4844-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194545411 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4893-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194553344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4912-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194557441 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4969-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895694336 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4957-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194557444 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4961-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194557445 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [4990-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194561538 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5014-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194577408 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5023-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895718144 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5039-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194581505 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5077-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194785536 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5104-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194789376 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5127-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194789379 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5151-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194789380 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5190-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194793475 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5191-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194797569 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5216-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895934208 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5231-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194801409 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5264-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194801412 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5298-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895942144 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5288-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194805505 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5318-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895942147 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5370-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211895946242 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5346-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194809344 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5390-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792194813441 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5441-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792195045376 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5467-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792195045379 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5480-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211896186368 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5499-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792195049473 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5560-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792195057409 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5537-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211896194304 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5610-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211896202240 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5627-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792195069440 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5672-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792195073536 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5702-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211896210176 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5740-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792195081472 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5761-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792195085568 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5781-][consumer:1577436211599806208, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 1577436211896222208 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5768-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792195085569 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] WARNING could not find packet for replayed message ack [5804-][consumer:4534893791898761472, type=NONE]:[consumer:1577436211599806209, type=NONE] dest T:richAppTopic in transaction 4534893792195089408 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1390]: Loading of transactions has been successfully completed [01/Feb/2011:14:56:42 IST] [B1239]: Using platform MBean server [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] RMI Registry started on port 27776 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] JESMF classes not present - JESMF support will not be enabled. [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] JMX Connector Server jmxrmi started successfully with url service:jmx:rmi://ejp5364-vm2/jndi/rmi://ejp5364-vm2.india.sun.com:27776/ejp5364-vm2.india.sun.com/27676/jmxrmi [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1227]: Using file user repository for admin service connection authentication [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1227]: Using file user repository for jms service connection authentication [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1004]: Starting the mqdirect2 service using in-process connections with min threads 0 and max threads of 0 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1227]: Using file user repository for mqdirect2 service connection authentication [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jmsdirect service using with min threads 0 and max threads of 0 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1227]: Using file user repository for jmsdirect service connection authentication [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1069]: Running as master broker for the cluster. [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1383]: Received cluster configuration change records (0, 1296552403809) from mq:// [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1075]: Received persistent state change records from the master broker. Ready to accept client connections. [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1263]: Resume full JMS service [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1004]: Starting the cluster service using tcp [ ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1228]: Cluster ping interval is 60 seconds [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1039]: Broker "stclusterinstance101@ejp5364-vm2.india.sun.com:27676" ready. [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1179]: Activated broker Address = mq:// StartTime = 1296552400784 ProtocolVersion = 410 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:43 IST] [B1071]: Established cluster connection to broker mq://[ejp5364-vm3.india.sun.com/] [01/Feb/2011:14:56:44 IST] WARNING [B2105]: Attempting to initiate a cluster connection to mq:// failed: socket closed [01/Feb/2011:14:56:44 IST] [B1179]: Activated broker Address = mq:// StartTime = 1296552400786 ProtocolVersion = 410 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:44 IST] [B1071]: Established cluster connection to broker mq://[/] [01/Feb/2011:14:56:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=1 broker=1 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:44 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=0 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=1 broker=1 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=3 broker=3 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=3 broker=3 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=4 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:46 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=3 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:46 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=2 [01/Feb/2011:14:56:46 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=1 [01/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=2 broker=2 [01/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=3 broker=3 [01/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=4 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1285]: Reaper thread for committed transactions has started (limit 0, interval 900sec). [01/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:15:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:07:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:07:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:15:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:37:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:37:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:15:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:47:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:47:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:15:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:52:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:52:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:15:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:15:57:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:15:57:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:02:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:02:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:07:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:07:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:12:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:12:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:17:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:17:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:07:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:07:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:12:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:12:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:17:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:17:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:27:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:27:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:18:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:18:12:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:12:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:18:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:22:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [01/Feb/2011:18:27:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:27:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:35:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:35:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:18:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:39:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:39:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:18:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:43:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:43:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:48:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:48:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:18:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:54:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:54:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:18:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:18:58:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:18:58:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:04:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:04:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:11:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:11:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:13:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:13:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:18:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:18:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:26:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:26:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:28:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:28:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:34:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:34:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:38:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:38:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:43:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:43:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:47:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:47:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:53:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:53:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:19:57:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:19:57:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:04:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:04:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:08:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:08:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:12:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:12:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:19:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:19:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:23:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:23:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:27:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:27:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:33:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:33:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:39:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:39:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:43:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:43:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:48:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:48:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:54:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:54:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:20:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:20:58:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:20:58:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:02:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:02:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:08:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:08:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:13:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:13:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:21:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:21:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:23:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:23:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:28:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:28:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:34:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:34:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:38:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:38:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:42:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:42:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:52:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:52:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:52:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:52:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:21:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:21:58:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:21:58:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:03:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:03:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:07:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:07:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:14:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:14:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:21:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:21:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:23:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:23:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:28:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:28:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:32:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:32:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:39:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:39:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:43:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:43:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:49:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:49:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:55:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:55:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:22:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:22:58:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:22:58:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:03:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:03:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:09:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:09:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:13:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:13:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:17:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:17:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:23:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:23:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:29:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:29:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:34:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:34:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:38:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:38:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:44:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:44:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:47:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:47:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:56:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [01/Feb/2011:23:56:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [01/Feb/2011:23:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [01/Feb/2011:23:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:00:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:00:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:02:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:02:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:08:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:08:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:13:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:13:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:19:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:19:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:23:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:23:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:27:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:27:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:34:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:34:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:38:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:38:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:44:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:44:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:48:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:48:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:52:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:52:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:00:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:00:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:59:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:00:59:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:03:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:03:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:07:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:07:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:14:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:14:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:18:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:18:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:24:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:24:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:28:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:28:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:33:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:33:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:40:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:40:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:44:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:44:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:48:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:48:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:53:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:53:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:01:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:01:58:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:01:58:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:08:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:08:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:13:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:13:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:19:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:19:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:23:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:23:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:27:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:27:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:36:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:36:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:38:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:38:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:44:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:44:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:48:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:48:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:54:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:54:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:02:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:02:58:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:02:58:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:05:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:05:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:08:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:08:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:12:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:12:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:18:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:18:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:23:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:23:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:28:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:28:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:32:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:32:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:39:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:39:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:43:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:43:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:48:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:48:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:52:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:52:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:03:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:03:58:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:03:58:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:05:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:05:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:09:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:09:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:13:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:13:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:17:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:17:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:24:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:24:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:28:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:28:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:32:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:32:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:39:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:39:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:44:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:44:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:48:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:48:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:53:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:53:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:03:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:03:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:08:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:08:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:14:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:14:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:18:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:18:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:22:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:22:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:30:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:30:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:32:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:32:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:42:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:42:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:43:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:43:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:48:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:48:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:54:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:54:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:05:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:05:58:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:05:58:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:02:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:02:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:09:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:09:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:13:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:13:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:18:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:18:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:24:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:24:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:28:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:28:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:32:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:32:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:39:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:39:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:42:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:42:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:49:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:49:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:55:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:55:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:06:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:06:59:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:06:59:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:03:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:03:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:08:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:08:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:14:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:14:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:18:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:18:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:23:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:23:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:28:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:28:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:32:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:32:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:39:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:39:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:43:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:43:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:49:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:49:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:53:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:53:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:07:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:07:59:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:07:59:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:06:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:06:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:08:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:08:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:14:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:14:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:18:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:18:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:22:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:22:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:29:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:29:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:33:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:33:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:37:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:37:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:43:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:43:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:48:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:48:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:53:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:53:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:08:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:08:58:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:08:58:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:03:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:03:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:07:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:07:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:14:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:14:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:18:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:18:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:22:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:22:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:30:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:30:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:33:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:33:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:39:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:39:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:43:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:43:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:48:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:48:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:54:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:54:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:09:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:09:58:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:09:58:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:02:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:02:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:08:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:08:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:13:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:13:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:19:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:19:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:25:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:25:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:27:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:27:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:33:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:33:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:37:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:37:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:44:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:44:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:48:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:48:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:53:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:53:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:10:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:10:58:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:10:58:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:02:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:02:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:09:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:09:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:13:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:13:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:17:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:17:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:22:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:22:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:31:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:31:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:34:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:34:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:38:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:38:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:43:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:43:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:54:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:54:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:11:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:11:58:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:11:58:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:02:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:02:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:09:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:09:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:13:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:13:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:17:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:17:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:29:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:29:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:33:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:33:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:40:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:40:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:44:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:44:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:48:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:48:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:53:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:53:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:12:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:12:57:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:12:57:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:04:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:04:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:08:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:08:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:13:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:13:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:18:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:18:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:23:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:23:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:28:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:28:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:33:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:33:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:38:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:38:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:44:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:44:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:48:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:48:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:53:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:53:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:13:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:13:58:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:13:58:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:04:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:04:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:10:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:10:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:15:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:15:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:18:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:18:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:22:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:22:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:28:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:28:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:32:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:32:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:38:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:38:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:44:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:44:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:47:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:47:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:56:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:56:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:14:58:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:14:58:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:03:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:03:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:07:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:07:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:14:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:14:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:18:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:18:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:22:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:22:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:27:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:27:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:34:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:34:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:38:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:38:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:44:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:44:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:50:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:50:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:52:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:52:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:15:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:15:59:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:15:59:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:03:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:03:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:08:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:08:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:14:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:14:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:19:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:19:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:23:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:23:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:28:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:28:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:34:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:34:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:40:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:40:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:44:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:44:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:49:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:49:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:53:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:53:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:16:57:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:16:57:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:04:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:04:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:08:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:08:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:13:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:13:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:18:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:18:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:27:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:27:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:33:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:33:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:39:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:39:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:43:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:43:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:49:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:49:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:54:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:54:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:17:58:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:17:58:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:02:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:02:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:09:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:09:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:14:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:14:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:18:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:18:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:23:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:23:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:27:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:27:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:33:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:33:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:37:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:37:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:44:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:44:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:54:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:54:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:18:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:18:58:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:18:58:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:04:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:04:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:07:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:07:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:14:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:14:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:18:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:18:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:24:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:24:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:28:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:28:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:33:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:33:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:39:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:39:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:43:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:43:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:54:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:54:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:19:58:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:19:58:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:05:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:05:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:09:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:09:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:13:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:13:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:17:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:17:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:23:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:23:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:27:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:27:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:33:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:33:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:39:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:39:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:46:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:46:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:48:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:48:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:54:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:54:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:20:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:20:57:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:20:57:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:03:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:03:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:08:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:08:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:14:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:14:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:18:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:18:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:22:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:22:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:28:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:28:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:32:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:32:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:37:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:37:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:44:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:44:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:47:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:47:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:54:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:54:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:21:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:21:59:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:21:59:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:03:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:03:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:07:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:07:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:14:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:14:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:18:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:18:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:22:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:22:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:29:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:29:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:33:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:33:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:38:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:38:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:43:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:43:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:49:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:49:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:53:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:53:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:22:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:22:58:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:22:58:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:03:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:03:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:09:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:09:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:16:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:16:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:18:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:18:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:24:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:24:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:28:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:28:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:32:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:32:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:39:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:39:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:42:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:42:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:48:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:48:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:52:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:52:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [02/Feb/2011:23:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [02/Feb/2011:23:58:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [02/Feb/2011:23:58:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:02:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:02:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:07:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:07:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:13:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:13:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:17:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:17:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:22:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:22:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:29:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:29:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:33:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:33:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:39:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:39:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:44:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:44:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:50:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:50:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:00:54:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:54:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:00:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:00:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:01:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:01:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:01:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:06:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:06:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:01:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [03/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=3 [03/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=4 broker=4 [03/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:13:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:13:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:01:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:17:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:17:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:01:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:24:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:24:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:01:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:29:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:29:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:01:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:33:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:33:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:01:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:38:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:38:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:01:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:42:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:42:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:01:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:49:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:49:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:01:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:53:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:53:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:01:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:01:59:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:01:59:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:03:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:03:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:08:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:08:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:12:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:12:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:18:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:18:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:24:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:24:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:29:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:29:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:33:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:33:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:43:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:43:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:50:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:50:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:52:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:52:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:02:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:02:59:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:02:59:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:03:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:03:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:07:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:07:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:14:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:14:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:20:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:20:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:24:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:24:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:28:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:28:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:34:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:34:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:41:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:41:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:43:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:43:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:56:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:56:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:03:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:03:58:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:03:58:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:05:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:05:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:09:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:09:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:13:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:13:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:17:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:17:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:23:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:23:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:27:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:27:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:32:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:32:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:39:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:39:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:45:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:45:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:47:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:47:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:52:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:52:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:04:58:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:04:58:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:03:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:03:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:10:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:10:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:13:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:13:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:18:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:18:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:24:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:24:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:29:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:29:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:33:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:33:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:40:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:40:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:43:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:43:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:51:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:51:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:53:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:53:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:05:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:05:57:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:05:57:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:03:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:03:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:08:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:08:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:13:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:13:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:18:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:18:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:24:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:24:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:30:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:30:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:33:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:33:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:37:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:37:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:46:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:46:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:50:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:50:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:52:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:52:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:06:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:06:58:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:06:58:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:03:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:03:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:09:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:09:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:13:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:13:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:17:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:17:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:23:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:23:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:28:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:28:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:34:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:34:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:38:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:38:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:44:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:44:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:49:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:49:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:54:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:54:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:07:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:07:58:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:07:58:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:03:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:03:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:09:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:09:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:13:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:13:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:17:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:17:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:24:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:24:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:28:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:28:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:32:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:32:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:38:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:38:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:42:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:42:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:48:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:48:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:54:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:54:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:08:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:08:59:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:08:59:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:03:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:03:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:07:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:07:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:14:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:14:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:20:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:20:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:24:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:24:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:28:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:28:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:32:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:32:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:37:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:37:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:44:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:44:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:48:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:48:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:53:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:53:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:09:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:09:57:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:09:57:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:02:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:02:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:08:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:08:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:13:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:13:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:18:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:18:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:26:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:26:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:28:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:28:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:32:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:32:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:38:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:38:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:45:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:45:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:51:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:51:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:53:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:53:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:10:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:10:59:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:10:59:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:03:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:03:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:07:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:07:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:13:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:13:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:18:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:18:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:23:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:23:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:28:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:28:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:32:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:32:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:39:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:39:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:43:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:43:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:47:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:47:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:53:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:53:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:11:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:11:57:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:11:57:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:04:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:04:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:08:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:08:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:13:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:13:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:17:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:17:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:23:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:23:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:28:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:28:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:34:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:34:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:38:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:38:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:42:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:42:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:49:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:49:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:53:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:53:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:12:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:12:57:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:12:57:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:04:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:04:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:08:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:08:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:12:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:12:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:18:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:18:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:22:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:22:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:28:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:28:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:34:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:34:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:38:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:38:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:43:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:43:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:49:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:49:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:53:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:53:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:13:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:13:58:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:13:58:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:02:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:02:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:09:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:09:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:13:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:13:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:19:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:19:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:22:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:22:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:28:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:28:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:33:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:33:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:38:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:38:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:45:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:45:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:47:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:47:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:54:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:54:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:14:58:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:14:58:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:03:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:03:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:13:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:13:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:17:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:17:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:24:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:24:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:28:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:28:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:32:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:32:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:37:49 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:37:49 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:38:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:38:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:44:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:44:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:48:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:48:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:52:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:52:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:15:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:15:59:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:15:59:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:16:05:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:05:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:16:07:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:07:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:16:14:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:14:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:16:18:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:18:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:16:23:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:23:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:16:29:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:29:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:16:33:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:33:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:16:38:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:38:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:16:44:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:44:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:16:48:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:48:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:16:54:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:54:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:00:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:00:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:04:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:04:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:09:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:09:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:13:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:13:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:19:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:19:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:23:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:23:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:28:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:28:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:34:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:34:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:38:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:38:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:42:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:42:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:49:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:49:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:53:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:53:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:17:59:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:17:59:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:04:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:04:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:09:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:09:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:13:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:13:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:18:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:18:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:22:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:22:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:28:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:28:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:32:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:32:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:39:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:39:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:43:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:43:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:47:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:47:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:52:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:52:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:18:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:18:58:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:18:58:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:03:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:03:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:08:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:08:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:13:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:13:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:18:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:18:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:23:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:23:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:27:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:27:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:33:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:33:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:39:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:39:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:43:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:43:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:47:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:47:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:54:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:54:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:19:58:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:19:58:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:03:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:03:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:09:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:09:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:13:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:13:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:17:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:17:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:23:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:23:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:28:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:28:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:37:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:37:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:37:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:37:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:43:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:43:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:48:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:48:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:52:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:52:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:20:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:20:58:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:20:58:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:21:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:03:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:03:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:21:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:07:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:07:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:21:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [03/Feb/2011:21:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=3 [03/Feb/2011:21:17:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=4 broker=4 [03/Feb/2011:21:17:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:18:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:18:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:21:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:23:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:23:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:21:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:29:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:29:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:33:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:33:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:21:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:37:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:37:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:21:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:44:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:44:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:21:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:53:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:53:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:21:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:21:57:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:21:57:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:04:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:04:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:08:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:08:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:14:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:14:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:18:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:18:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:23:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:23:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:28:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:28:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:36:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:36:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:38:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:38:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:43:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:43:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:47:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:47:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:54:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:54:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:22:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:22:58:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:22:58:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:03:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:03:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:08:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:08:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:13:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:13:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:18:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:18:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:24:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:24:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:28:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:28:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:34:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:34:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:38:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:38:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:42:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:42:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:48:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:48:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:54:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:54:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [03/Feb/2011:23:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [03/Feb/2011:23:59:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [03/Feb/2011:23:59:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:03:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:03:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:09:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:09:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:13:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:13:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:20:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:20:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:24:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:24:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:28:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:28:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:32:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:32:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:38:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:38:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:43:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:43:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:47:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:47:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:54:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:54:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:00:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:00:57:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:00:57:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:02:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:02:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:08:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:08:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:12:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:12:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:17:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:17:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:24:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:24:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:31:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:31:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:33:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:33:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:38:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:38:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:43:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:43:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:48:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:48:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:55:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:55:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:01:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:01:57:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:01:57:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:04:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:04:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:08:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:08:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:13:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:13:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:19:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:19:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:23:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:23:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:27:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:27:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:34:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:34:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:38:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:38:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:44:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:44:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:49:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:49:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:53:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:53:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:02:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:02:58:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:02:58:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:03:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:03:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:09:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:09:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:13:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:13:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:20:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:20:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:23:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:23:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:27:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:27:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:34:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:34:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:38:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:38:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:42:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:42:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:50:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:50:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:53:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:53:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:03:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:03:59:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:03:59:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:03:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:03:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:13:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:13:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:18:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:18:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:24:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:24:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:28:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:28:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:33:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:33:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:39:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:39:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:43:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:43:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:48:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:48:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:52:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:52:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:04:58:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:04:58:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:03:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:03:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:07:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:07:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:12:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:12:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:18:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:18:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:24:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:24:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:29:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:29:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:35:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:35:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:39:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:39:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:44:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:44:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:48:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:48:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:54:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:54:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:05:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:05:58:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:05:58:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:03:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:03:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:07:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:07:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:15:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:15:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:17:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:17:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:23:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:23:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:28:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:28:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:34:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:34:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:38:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:38:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:43:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:43:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:48:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:48:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:54:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:54:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:06:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:06:59:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:06:59:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:03:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:03:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:08:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:08:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:14:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:14:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:18:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:18:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:22:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:22:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:30:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:30:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:34:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:34:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:41:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:41:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:43:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:43:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:48:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:48:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:53:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:53:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:07:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:07:58:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:07:58:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:02:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:02:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:09:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:09:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:13:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:13:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:24:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:24:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:30:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:30:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:32:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:32:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:38:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:38:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:43:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:43:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:47:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:47:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:54:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:54:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:08:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:08:58:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:08:58:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:04:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:04:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:09:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:09:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:13:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:13:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:17:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:17:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:26:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:26:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:28:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:28:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:32:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:32:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:38:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:38:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:43:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:43:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:47:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:47:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:53:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:53:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:09:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:09:57:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:09:57:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:03:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:03:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:08:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:08:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:14:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:14:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:18:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:18:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:24:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:24:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:28:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:28:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:33:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:33:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:38:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:38:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:44:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:44:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:48:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:48:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:53:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:53:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:10:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:10:57:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:10:57:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:06:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:06:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:08:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:08:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:12:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:12:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:21:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:21:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:23:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:23:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:27:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:27:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:36:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:36:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:39:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:39:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:47:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:47:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:49:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:49:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:53:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:53:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:11:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:11:57:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:11:57:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:04:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:04:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:08:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:08:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:17:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:17:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:19:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:19:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:22:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:22:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:27:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:27:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:34:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:34:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:40:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:40:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:42:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:42:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:48:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:48:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:53:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:53:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:12:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:12:57:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:12:57:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:04:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:04:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:08:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:08:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:16:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:16:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:18:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:18:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:22:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:22:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:29:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:29:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:33:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:33:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:38:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:38:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:43:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:43:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:47:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:47:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:53:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:53:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:13:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:13:58:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:13:58:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:04:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:04:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:08:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:08:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:12:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:12:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:19:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:19:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:23:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:23:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:27:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:27:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:34:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:34:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:38:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:38:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:42:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:42:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:50:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:50:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:57:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:57:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:14:59:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:14:59:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:03:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:03:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:08:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:08:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:14:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:14:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:18:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:18:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:22:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:22:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:29:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:29:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:33:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:33:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:38:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:38:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:44:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:44:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:48:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:48:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:52:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:52:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:15:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:15:58:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:15:58:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:03:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:03:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:07:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:07:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:14:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:14:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:18:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:18:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:25:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:25:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:29:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:29:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:33:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:33:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:41:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:41:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:45:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:45:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:49:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:49:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:55:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:55:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:16:57:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:16:57:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:03:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:03:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:08:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:08:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:14:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:14:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:18:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:18:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:22:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:22:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:28:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:28:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:32:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:32:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:39:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:39:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:43:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:43:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:48:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:48:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:52:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:52:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:17:57:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:17:57:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:04:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:04:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:10:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:10:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:13:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:13:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:18:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:18:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:22:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:22:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:29:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:29:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:33:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:33:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:38:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:38:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:44:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:44:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:48:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:48:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:52:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:52:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:18:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:18:59:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:18:59:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:03:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:03:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:09:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:09:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:12:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:12:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:19:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:19:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:23:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:23:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:28:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:28:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:32:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:32:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:38:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:38:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:43:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:43:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:53:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:53:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:19:58:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:19:58:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:05:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:05:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:13:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:13:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:19:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:19:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:24:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:24:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:28:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:28:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:34:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:34:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:38:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:38:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:42:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:42:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:49:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:49:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:52:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:52:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:20:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:20:59:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:20:59:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:03:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:03:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:09:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:09:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:13:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:13:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:17:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:17:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:23:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:23:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:27:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:27:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:34:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:34:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:38:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:38:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:43:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:43:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:48:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:48:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:53:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:53:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:21:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:21:57:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:21:57:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:04:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:04:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:08:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:08:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:13:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:13:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:19:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:19:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:23:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:23:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:27:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:27:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:32:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:32:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:39:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:39:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:44:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:44:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:48:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:48:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:53:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:53:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:22:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:22:58:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:22:58:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:02:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:02:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:09:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:09:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:12:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:12:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:23:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:23:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:30:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:30:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:33:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:33:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:37:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:37:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:43:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:43:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:48:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:48:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:54:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:54:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [04/Feb/2011:23:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [04/Feb/2011:23:58:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [04/Feb/2011:23:58:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:03:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:03:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:12:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:12:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:18:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:18:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:23:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:23:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:31:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:31:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:33:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:33:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:39:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:39:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:45:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:45:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:47:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:47:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:53:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:53:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:00:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:00:57:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:00:57:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:04:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:04:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:08:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:08:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:13:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:13:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:18:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:18:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:22:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:22:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:28:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:28:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:33:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:33:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:37:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:37:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:43:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:43:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:47:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:47:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:54:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:54:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:01:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:01:59:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:01:59:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:02:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:02:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:09:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:09:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:13:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:13:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:19:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:19:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:23:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:23:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:29:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:29:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:33:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:33:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:38:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:38:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:44:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:44:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:48:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:48:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:54:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:54:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:02:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:02:58:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:02:58:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:03:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:03:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:08:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:08:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:12:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:12:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:18:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:18:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:23:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:23:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:27:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:27:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:33:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:33:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:37:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:37:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:44:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:44:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:48:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:48:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:54:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:54:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:03:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:03:58:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:03:58:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:03:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:03:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:09:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:09:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:16:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:16:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:18:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:18:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:23:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:23:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:27:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:27:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:34:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:34:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:39:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:39:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:43:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:43:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:47:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:47:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:55:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:55:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:04:58:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:04:58:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:05:03:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:03:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:05:07:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:07:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:05:12:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:12:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:05:19:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:19:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:05:24:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:24:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:05:29:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:29:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:05:34:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:34:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:05:37:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:37:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:05:43:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:43:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:05:47:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:47:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:05:54:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:54:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:05:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:05:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:00:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:00:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:02:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:02:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:09:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:09:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:13:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:13:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:18:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:18:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:24:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:24:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:28:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:28:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:32:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:32:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:38:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:38:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:44:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:44:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:48:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:48:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:54:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:54:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:06:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:06:58:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:06:58:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:07:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:03:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:03:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:07:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:07:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [05/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=3 [05/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=4 broker=4 [05/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:17:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:17:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:07:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:23:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:23:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:07:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:30:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:30:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:07:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:34:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:34:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:07:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:38:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:38:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:07:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:43:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:43:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:07:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:47:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:47:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:07:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:53:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:53:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:07:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:07:58:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:07:58:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:07:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:07:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:09:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:09:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:12:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:12:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:21:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:21:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:23:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:23:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:27:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:27:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:33:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:33:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:38:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:38:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:43:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:43:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:49:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:49:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:53:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:53:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:08:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:08:57:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:08:57:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:09:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:04:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:04:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:09:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:09:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:09:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:09:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:13:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:13:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:09:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:18:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:18:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:09:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:23:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:23:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:09:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:29:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:29:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:09:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:33:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:33:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:09:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=3 [05/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=3 [05/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=4 broker=4 [05/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:42:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:42:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:09:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:47:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:47:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:53:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:53:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:09:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:09:57:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:09:57:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:02:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:02:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:09:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:09:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:13:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:13:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:18:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:18:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:24:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:24:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:28:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:28:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:32:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:32:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:38:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:38:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:42:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:42:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:48:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:48:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:56:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:56:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:10:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:10:58:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:10:58:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:11:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:04:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:04:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:11:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:08:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:08:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:11:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [05/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=3 [05/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=4 broker=4 [05/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:18:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:18:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:11:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:22:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:22:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:11:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:29:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:29:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:11:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:33:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:33:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:11:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:37:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:37:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:11:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:43:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:43:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:11:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:48:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:48:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:11:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:52:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:52:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:11:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:11:58:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:11:58:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:03:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:03:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:09:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:09:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:13:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:13:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:19:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:19:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:23:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:23:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:28:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:28:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:36:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:36:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:39:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:39:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:44:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:44:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:48:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:48:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:52:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:52:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:12:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:12:58:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:12:58:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:04:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:04:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:08:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:08:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:12:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:12:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:18:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:18:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:22:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:22:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:29:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:29:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:33:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:33:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:37:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:37:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:43:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:43:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:49:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:49:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:53:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:53:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:13:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:13:59:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:13:59:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:03:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:03:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:07:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:07:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:15:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:15:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:17:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:17:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:23:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:23:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:28:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:28:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:34:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:34:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:38:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:38:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:43:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:43:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:47:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:47:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:53:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:53:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:14:57:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:14:57:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:03:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:03:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:07:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:07:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:13:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:13:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:17:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:17:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:23:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:23:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:28:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:28:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:32:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:32:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:39:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:39:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:43:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:43:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:47:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:47:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:52:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:52:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:15:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:15:59:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:15:59:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:03:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:03:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:11:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:11:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:13:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:13:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:18:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:18:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:27:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:27:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:29:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:29:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:34:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:34:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:40:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:40:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:45:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:45:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:47:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:47:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:54:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:54:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:16:59:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:16:59:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:03:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:03:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:08:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:08:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:13:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:13:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:20:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:20:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:23:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:23:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:27:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:27:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:34:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:34:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:42:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:42:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:42:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:42:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:48:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:48:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:54:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:54:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:17:58:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:17:58:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:02:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:02:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:08:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:08:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:12:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:12:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:19:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:19:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:23:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:23:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:27:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:27:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:33:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:33:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:38:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:38:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:44:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:44:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:49:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:49:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:53:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:18:53:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:18:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:18:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:00:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:00:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:03:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:03:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:09:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:09:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:13:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:13:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:19:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:19:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:23:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:23:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:28:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:28:14 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:32:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:32:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:32:55 IST] ERROR [B3100]: Unexpected Broker Internal Error : [TransactionLogManager: Checkpoint runnerFailed to synchronize persistence store for transaction log checkpoint]: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator.next(Hashtable.java:1031) at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.file.BaseTransactionManager.writePreparedTransactionsToPreparedTxnStoreOnCheckpoint(BaseTransactionManager.java:244) at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.file.TransactionLogManager.doCheckpoint(TransactionLogManager.java:828) at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.file.CheckpointManager.run(CheckpointManager.java:74) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) [05/Feb/2011:19:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:38:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:38:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:44:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:44:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:51:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:51:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:53:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:53:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:19:57:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:20:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:03:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:03:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:20:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:07:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:07:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:20:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:12:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:12:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:20:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [05/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=3 [05/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=4 broker=4 [05/Feb/2011:20:22:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:22:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:22:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:20:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:28:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:28:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:20:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:34:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:34:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:20:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:38:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:38:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:20:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:43:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:43:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:20:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:50:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:50:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:20:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:52:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:52:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:20:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:20:59:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:20:59:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:21:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:21:02:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:02:49 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:21:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:21:08:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:08:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:21:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:21:12:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:12:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:21:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:21:18:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:18:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:21:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:21:23:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:23:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:21:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=4 [05/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=3 [05/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=4 broker=4 [05/Feb/2011:21:32:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=5 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:21:34:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:34:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:21:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:21:41:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:41:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:21:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:21:43:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:43:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:21:49:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:49:31 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:21:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:21:53:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:53:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:21:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:21:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:00:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:00:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:03:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:03:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:08:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:08:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:12:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:12:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:19:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:19:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:23:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:23:20 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:27:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:27:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:32:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:32:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:38:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:38:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:44:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:44:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:50:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:50:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:52:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:52:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:22:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:22:59:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:22:59:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:03:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:03:36 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:07:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:14:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:14:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:19:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:19:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:23:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:23:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:30:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:30:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:34:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:34:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:38:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:38:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:42:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:42:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:48:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:48:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:54:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:54:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [05/Feb/2011:23:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [05/Feb/2011:23:58:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [05/Feb/2011:23:58:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:02:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:02:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:09:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:09:27 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:13:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:13:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:18:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:18:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:24:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:24:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:27:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:27:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:33:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:33:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:40:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:40:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:42:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:42:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:48:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:48:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:55:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:55:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:00:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:00:59:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:00:59:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:03:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:03:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:08:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:08:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:13:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:13:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:18:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:18:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:23:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:23:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:28:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:28:04 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:34:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:34:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:37:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:37:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:44:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:44:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:47:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:47:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:54:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:54:24 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:01:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:01:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:57:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:01:57:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:02:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:02:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:08:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:08:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:12:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:19:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:19:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:23:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:23:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:29:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:29:02 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:33:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:33:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:37:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:37:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:44:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:44:30 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:48:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:48:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:52:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:52:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:02:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:02:58:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:02:58:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:02:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:02:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:08:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:08:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:13:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:13:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:18:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:18:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:23:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:23:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:29:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:29:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:33:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:33:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:38:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:38:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:44:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:44:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:50:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:50:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:52:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:52:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:03:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:03:59:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:03:59:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:03:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:03:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:09:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:09:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:13:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:13:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:18:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:18:44 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:23:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:23:10 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:27:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:27:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:32:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:32:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:37:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:37:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:44:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:44:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:48:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:48:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:54:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:54:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:04:58:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:04:58:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:02:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:02:41 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:09:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:09:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:17:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:17:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:18:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:18:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:24:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:24:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:28:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:28:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:35:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:35:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:38:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:38:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:46:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:46:12 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:48:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:48:33 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:05:54:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:54:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:05:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:05:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:01:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:01:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:03:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:03:45 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:08:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:08:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:13:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:13:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:18:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:18:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:22:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:22:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:29:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:29:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:33:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:33:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:41:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:41:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:43:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:43:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:47:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:47:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:54:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:54:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:06:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:06:58:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:06:58:58 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:05:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:05:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:07:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:07:50 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:14:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:14:21 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:20:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:20:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:22:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:22:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:28:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:28:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:33:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:33:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:39:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:39:59 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:44:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:44:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:50:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:50:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:52:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:52:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:07:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:07:58:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:07:58:13 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:04:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:04:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:08:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:08:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:13:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:13:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:21:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:21:01 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:23:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:23:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:29:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:29:37 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:34:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:34:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:42:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:42:34 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:42:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:49:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:49:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:52:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:52:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:08:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:08:57:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:08:57:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:03:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:03:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:08:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:08:03 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:12:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:12:43 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:17:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:17:40 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:23:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:23:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:27:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:27:46 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:33:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:33:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:38:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:38:07 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:44:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:44:28 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:47:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:47:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:52:39 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:09:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:09:58:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:09:58:35 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:04:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:04:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:11:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:11:11 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:13:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:13:17 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:17:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:17:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:22:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:23:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:23:38 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:27:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:28:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:28:09 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:32:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:34:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:34:00 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:37:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:38:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:38:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:42:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:43:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:43:32 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:47:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:47:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:47:52 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:52:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:53:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:53:48 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:10:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:57:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:10:57:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:10:57:53 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:11:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:11:02:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:11:04:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:11:04:19 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:11:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:11:07:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:11:09:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:11:09:15 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:11:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:11:12:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5 [06/Feb/2011:11:12:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=6 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:11:12:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: guest@>jms:61092. Count: service=7 broker=7 [06/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=6 [06/Feb/2011:11:17:39 IST] [B1066]: Closing: guest@>jms:61092 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5