Admincli Recovery Tests for XA TX with JDBC and JMS

Updated on Nov. 17, 2010 by

I. Test Case
II. Test Steps
III. Bug

I. Test Case

II. Test Steps
1) set up sqe-cluster of 2 instances on 1 machine
2) use conventional broker clusters (service HA)
--check 2 jms-service modes in separate runs, e.g.
2a) configs.config.sqe-cluster-config.jms-service.type=LOCAL
2b) configs.config.sqe-cluster-config.jms-service.type=EMBEDDED
3) setup jdbc and jms resource and deploy app (servlet, session bean and mdb).
--check cluster of instance and broker
--check broker 2, which has no txn.
4) app does xa transaction from a session bean with CMT
i.e. 2 PC to 2 databases and 1 message queue from one glassfish instance, e.g. instance2
--set FailureInducer.setWaitPoint(PREPARED)
--insert 3 rows to DB_A in table student
--insert 3 rows to DB_B in table student
--send 3 messages to Queue1,
--During WaitPoint, kill instance2,
   (Checked that the broker 2 has 3 PREPARED message before instance2 is killed.
   and that broker 2 is still alive after instance 2 is killed.)
5) do admincli Delegated Recovery
(After recovery, mdb receives messages from the Queue1 and inserts it to DB_A)
6) Verify the results from database.
6a) recovery works fine for jms LOCAL mode
verifyxa, DB_A: 3;  DB_B: 3;  MQ: 3|#]
6b) recovery misses jms messages for jms EMBEDDED mode
verifyxa, DB_A: 3;  DB_B: 3;  MQ: 0|#]
7) retsart the instance2
8) check broker2 for txn
e.g. from test output on hudson jobs.
8a)  The broker2 doesn't have any message for jms LOCAL mode.
[exec] Listing all the transactions on the broker specified by:
[exec] -------------------------
[exec] Host Primary Port
[exec] -------------------------
[exec] localhost 48686
[exec] There are no transactions to list.
8b)  The broker2 has 2 any message for jms EMBEDED mode.
[exec] Listing all the transactions on the broker specified by:
[exec] -------------------------
[exec] Host Primary Port
[exec] -------------------------
[exec] localhost 48686
[exec] Transactions that are owned by this broker
[exec] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[exec] Transaction ID State User name # Msgs/# Acks Creation time
[exec] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[exec] 4916290712193784832 PREPARED guest 3/0 11/17/10 9:36:39 AM

III. Bug
recover-transactions missed jms data on a cluster of embedded jms-service