------------- WebConversation ------------ Cookies = JSESSIONID : c70ae65b2c56607cbb5df830072b JSESSIONIDVERSION : /clusterjsp:0 JREPLICA : instance103 JROUTE : ZRVx ------------- Request ------------ WebRequest [ url = GET request for (null) http://eas-v20-7.india.sun.com:8085/clusterjsp/HaJsp.jsp?dataName=B&dataValue=2 , headers = parameters = ] ------------- Response ------------ HttpWebResponse [url=http://eas-v20-7.india.sun.com:8085/clusterjsp/HaJsp.jsp?dataName=B&dataValue=2; headers= CONTENT-TYPE: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1 CONTENT-LENGTH: 1657 X-POWERED-BY: JSP/2.1 SERVER: Oracle-iPlanet-Web-Server/7.0 DATE: Tue, 07 Sep 2010 13:44:34 GMT DATE: Tue, 07 Sep 2010 13:44:34 GMT SET-COOKIE: JSESSIONIDVERSION=/clusterjsp:0; Path=/clusterjsp SET-COOKIE: JREPLICA=instance103; Path=/clusterjsp SET-COOKIE: JROUTE=ZRVx;path=/clusterjsp; ] Cluster - Ha JSP Sample

Cluster - HA JSP Sample

HttpSession Information:
Enter session attribute data:
Name of Session Attribute:
Value of Sesion Attribute:

Data retrieved from the HttpSession:

INSTRUCTIONS -------------Request/Response : END --------------